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Topics - michael c

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Current Talk '04 II / nibble,nibble little mouse-y...
« on: November 27, 2004, 06:05:29 AM »
...who's that living in my house-y???

am i having set-dyslexia or is nicholas blair's house also dr.lang's house which was also a major set in 1795(i think naomi's master-bedroom)and i could almost swear was tony peterson's pre-1795 office set as well?
am i imagining things ???

Current Talk '04 II / one fountain/two proposals
« on: November 14, 2004, 05:18:37 AM »
i just watched the episode where jeff proposes marriage to vicki...and something about it seemed familiar.moonlight,the terrace,the soft rippling of the fountain(i think even the music).why?it was in this very location that burke had proposed to her barely a year we all know of course that burke's "missing" by this time(don't want to "spoil" anything)...but what about vic?does she recognize the signifigance of any of this?what did she do with the engagement ring burke had given her?

and in a related "performance",alexandra was so good in the burke story.but i noticed that in this scene she was way less "into it".i think her dissatisfaction with her role was starting to show by this time.the scene plays rather "flat"(plus jeff was just so yucky). ::)

Current Talk '04 II / adam(the big louse)
« on: November 06, 2004, 10:33:45 PM »
i'm still struggling to get through the(seemingly interminal)adam story.the moment when i never have to look at this idiotic character again cannot some soon enough!however...

during the show's original run was this a popular character/story?and what about robert rodan?he's one of the very few actors who never plays another character.does anyone know why he was never brought back after the adam story(mercifully)ends? :P

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / what's diana up to tonight?
« on: November 01, 2004, 01:28:30 AM »
any of us who bought diana millay's silly book "the power of halloween" know that she considers it to be a most important how is she celebrating tonight?is she serving any of the yummy recipies found in the book?the vegetables stir-fried in apple juice("great taste")?or how about the chicken coated in orange marmalade and lipton's onion soup mix?i wonder how she's celebrating? ::) ::) ::)

Current Talk '04 II / elizabeth in 1968
« on: October 31, 2004, 10:31:08 PM »
during the 1968 episodes it seems as if the writers sort of lost interest in liz.she's not given a very good story.she falls under cassandra's spell and thinks of nothing but death.then she gets packed off to wyndcliff and disappears from the story for weeks at a time.she could have duked it out with cassandra way more than she did.why the loss of interest?
did the writers decide that the teen demographic they were going after by this point would be unimpressed by an actress of ms.bennett's "status" and thus relegate her to the back burner?alot of the original characters suffer a loss of screen time during this period but liz seems to be the most affected.why?

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / "thirteen guests"
« on: October 30, 2004, 05:42:00 PM »
at one point when i logged on last night i think that there were 13 "guests" viewing the board(and about 8 members).i wonder what got the curiosity going.usually there only a 2 or 3 halloween a factor?it just seemed like alot.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / robservations???
« on: October 28, 2004, 12:42:26 AM »
for the life of me i cannot navigate the "robservations".i want to read them but can't figure out where they start and far as i can tell they start storywise at the end of that correct?am i doing something wrong? ???

Current Talk '04 II / nobody carries a handbag
« on: October 24, 2004, 05:06:23 AM »
as i watch lately i noticed that none of the women on the show regularly carry a handbag.why???except for julia's mammoth pocketbook the girls just jut about sans-bag.they get into cars,race from place-to-place,they can get from the old house to collinwood in four seconds flat.but all without a bag.keys?money?lipstick?these girls just risk it!
i wonder if a "decision" was made?did the producers decide that the bag was a "prop" that could easily be dispenced with.that this item might require a moment of "reality".a woman wouldn't leave without her bag would she???

i wonder why the handbag was done away with??? ::)

Current Talk '04 II / " odd girl,vicki"
« on: October 16, 2004, 12:59:21 AM »
after vicki returns from 1795 her memories of it are confused but she does believe that she was indeed there.everyone else thinks that's impossible but she perseveres.during brandy and a fireside chat with nicholas roger informs him that vicki is an "odd girl" with a "bizzare and vivid imagination".she "behaves strangely" and indulges in "the most curious of fantasies".
of course "we" know her beliefs to be true but roger does not.wouldn't that make her a mentally disturbed young woman in his view?and why would he allow her to care for his child? ::) ::) ::)

Current Talk '04 II / when do you "watch"?
« on: October 09, 2004, 04:08:47 AM »
does anyone have any d.s. "viewing rituals"?
i like to watch it during the weekend.i get one or two (vid)volumes a month and watch the whole thing like it's a movie.even if the mail delivers it on monday i'll "save it" for a little treat over the weekend.during the week i'm too busy to really "take-it-all-in" and enjoy it. :P

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / "desperate housewives"
« on: October 05, 2004, 01:22:28 AM »
not really d.s.-ish but did anyone catch "desperate housewives" last night?it was a hoot!anyone looking for a good "soap" should check it's on sunday at 9:00pm on abc.
appologies for the not-d.s-ish-ness :P.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / browser cache
« on: October 02, 2004, 10:34:59 PM »
here's a question for computer dummies like me.the site frequently suggests "clearing one's browser cache" as it does with the halloween graphics.what does that mean?i know this will sound dumb but i have no idea. ???

Current Talk '04 II / maggie's pad
« on: September 26, 2004, 03:43:12 AM »
tonight i watched the episode where vicki was taking sanctuary at the evan's cottage...i don't want to "spoil" anything so let's just say she was hiding from you-know-who who was trying to make her have the you-know-what.during all this drama there is a scene in which vicki and maggie sit on the bed and discuss their dreams and boyfriends and whatnot and the whole thing had a girlish,slumber party feel to it.

so what if things worked out differently???what if vicki permanantly moved into maggie's house and "commuted" over to collinwood to care for david?what if maggie and vicki set up a kicky "girl's only" clubhouse?it had that feel.i can see them sprucing-up the place with avacado plants and toss pillows and beanbag chairs.carolyn could "drop-in" to hang with her mini-skirted sisters.they like julia and elizabeth,but really,they are like so "squaresville". ::) ::) ::)

...the things that one thinks about. :-*

Current Talk '04 II / vampire curse?...remove scarf.
« on: September 18, 2004, 04:29:15 AM »
what's up with carolyn after [spoiler]dr. lang "cures" barnabas of the vampire curse?after serving him for months and regularly serving him her blood,[/spoiler]she stands before a mirror and breathily "wonders" why she always wears scarves to (a duly stunned) a fetching eggplant felted-wool 3/4 sleeve brass-butttoned short dress(that worked perfectly with her icy-blonde hair) carolyn hastily abandons the stiff,zombie-like attitude she adopted for the previous story and resumes the girlish,fibbergibbet-disposition of her earlier persona by the simple removal of a chiffon scarf...thus,the entire incident is forgotten entirely. ::)

Current Talk '04 II / the montage?
« on: September 15, 2004, 05:25:51 AM »
why is jeff clark/peter bradford/whomever in today's february 1969 montage?hadn't he "disappeared back in time" by this point or is this another r.d.character? i didn't think that there was another one until 1897. ???

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