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Messages - Bob_the_Bartender

Caption This! - 1995-Gerard and Daphne-Summer of '70 / Re: Episode #1085
« on: August 31, 2016, 12:44:21 AM »
"Quentin, would you mind terribly if I used the 'facilities' before you do?"  [ghost_blink]

"provide us with this week's winning Powerball numbers?" [ghost_nowink]

Uncle Roger,

Christopher Pennock DOES look like the late, great Jack Palance as John Yeager.  At one of the DS Festivals, Marie Wallace told Christopher that she thought he looked like Charlie Chaplin in that John Yeager get-up! [ghost_grin]


Caption This! - 1995-Gerard and Daphne-Summer of '70 / Re: Episode #1085
« on: August 28, 2016, 07:25:45 PM »
Uncle Roger,

Do you think that Donna Friedlander may have been a descendant of those frisky Harridge sisters? [ghost_rolleyes]


Caption This! - 1995-Gerard and Daphne-Summer of '70 / Re: Episode #1085
« on: August 28, 2016, 06:56:24 PM »
Looking at an entry in her diary from 1967, when Julia first arrived at Collinwood, Julia wonders if she may have just "slightly" overstayed her welcome as a house guest in the great house now in 1970!!!!   [ghost_huh] [ghost_rolleyes]

Calendar Events / Announcements '16 II / Re: Sad...missing cousins
« on: August 28, 2016, 06:36:33 PM »
Hey, Patti,

Heck, Quentin couldn't even handle having a Romanian (?) gypsy bride/wife in 1897!  And, let's not even get into Carl Collins' disastrous (as it turned out) romantic relationship with a British/cockney singer/medium!  [ghost_shocked]  [ghost_grin]


Caption This! - 1995-Gerard and Daphne-Summer of '70 / Re: Episode #1084
« on: August 26, 2016, 02:45:46 AM »
David doing his best impression of the irrepressible John "Bluto" Blutarsky in the scene from "Animal House," where "Bluto" ogles all the girls in the sorority house. [ghost_wub] 

Uncle Roger,

I wonder if Prof. Stokes would be surprised to see Al Pacino and Kitty Wynn show up right then and there at Collinwood?  [ghost_cool]


Caption This! - 1995-Gerard and Daphne-Summer of '70 / Re: Episode #1081
« on: August 25, 2016, 05:59:57 PM »
"It's known in the acting profession as Up-Staging, my dear." [ghost_rolleyes] [ghost_cool]

Caption This! - 1995-Gerard and Daphne-Summer of '70 / Re: Episode #1074
« on: August 25, 2016, 05:55:51 PM »
"Well, you're an improvement over Buzz Hackett, for what that's worth!"  [ghost_azn]

Caption This! - 1995-Gerard and Daphne-Summer of '70 / Re: Episode #1084
« on: August 24, 2016, 08:45:17 PM »
[pointing-up]  Perfect!!  [toothy12]  [cheers]  It must have been a particularly dramatic ep because just look at those faces! But then, to Julia and Sebastian The Munsters was probably more of a documentary than a comedy!!  [b003]


It's too bad that Carolyn did not put a tv set in Adam's room in the West Wing of Collinwood.  No doubt, Adam would have enjoyed watching the Munster family every week.  And, just think how Adam could relate to a "normal " American family like Herman, Lilly, Grandpa (a/k/a Dracula), Marilyn and little Eddie Munster.  [ghost_wub]

Although, I suspect that Nicholas Blair would think that the Munster family would be a "bad" influence on the
big guy! [ghost_grin]


Current Talk '16 II / Re: Dark Shadows: The Beginning Collection 1
« on: August 24, 2016, 06:01:49 PM »

If and when US astronauts make that long (six months?) flight to Mars, maybe they should take along the complete Dark Shadows DVD Collection to help them pass the time on their long journey?


PS If our astronauts DO meet actual Martians up there on the Red Planet, maybe they can turn the Martians on to the adventures of Barnabas, Willie, Julia, Maggie, etc.? [ghost_wink] [ghost_grin]

Caption This! - 1970 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1041
« on: August 24, 2016, 05:49:54 PM »
Good one, Uncle Roger!  [ghost_grin]

By the way, did you ever notice that the members of the PT 1970 Collinsport Police Department never seem to wear official police uniforms?

Heck, they all seem to be guys, attired in plain clothes!  Shouldn't there at least be an ordinary police officer, like Murray-the-Cop or Barney Fife on the police force? [ghost_huh] [ghost_grin]

Caption This! - 1995-Gerard and Daphne-Summer of '70 / Re: Episode #1084
« on: August 24, 2016, 05:39:22 PM »
Sebastian wonders if his Barney Rubble cave man outfit will be a big hit at the annual Collinwood Halloween party?  [ghost_smiley]

Caption This! - 1995-Gerard and Daphne-Summer of '70 / Re: Episode #1084
« on: August 24, 2016, 02:10:31 AM »
"Oh, Prof. Stokes, hi!  I was just showing Hallie my complete collection of Boston Red Sox baseball cards, including one autographed by the great Carl Yastrzemski himself!"  [ghost_nowink] [ghost_rolleyes]