Author Topic: #0015/0016: Robservations 05/29/01: Dead Man's Curve  (Read 8435 times)

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#0015/0016: Robservations 05/29/01: Dead Man's Curve
« on: May 28, 2001, 04:47:06 PM »
Episode #15 - Vicki tells us she has made friends with one small, terribly troubled boy. (At least she thinks so.)

Roger enters the drawing room, where David sits in the dark. Roger turns on some lamps and searches on top of the furniture for something. He spots his son and asks him why he was sitting in the dark. David doesn't reply. I don't know why I should ask you to explain anything to me, says Roger, resigned--have you seen my car keys? No, says David. Are you sure? asks Roger, searching through couch cushions. Yes, replies David. You still want to send me away, don't you? asks David. All I want right now, says Roger, is to find my car keys. Well, you're not going to, I won't let you do it, says David defiantly. Roger shakes his head and continues his key search. David runs upstairs and gazes down from the landing.

Vicki joins Roger in the drawing room where Roger still searches for his keys. Vicki asks if he could do something for her--actually, for his son--I know you don't approve of my being here, but I really think I can help David. Do you? asks Roger. I think he's beginning to trust me, she says, to believe I want to be his friend. I see, says Roger sarcastically--do you think you can trust him? If you'll give me a chance, she says. Oh, you're referring to the little discussion we had several hours ago, he says. You said you wanted me to leave, she reminds him, because of Burke Devlin. If Devlin creates troubles, it's going to affect everyone in this house, says Roger--you, me, David, my sister--all of us--and I just wanted to spare you the pain--that's the only reason I suggested you leave. But I want to stay, very much, she says. But you're a bright, attractive girl, says Roger, there must be dozens of ways for you to earn a living beside being buried in this house--I suppose the decision is up to you--and my sister, he says, since she hired you. Liz enters the room and asks when he's leaving. As soon as I can find my car keys, he says. I think they're in your car, says Vicki. How do you know? he asks. I was in the garage looking for time tables, says Vicki, I'm sure I saw them in there. That's a relief, says Roger. Will you do that shopping for me? she asks--some magazines for David?--I'd like to pay for them. I'm afraid I don't have the time, he says. Please, it won't take long, begs Vicki. (Imagine, she had to plead for him to do this for his own kid.) If you're going to go on staying in this house, I think you're very foolish, opines Roger, but take my advice, you can't buy friendship from David--he has none to give, not to you or any of us. (cold!) Liz tells Roger's that's ridiculous. As you wish, says Roger to his sister--and to Vicki, he adds, just give him enough time, he'll destroy you. (awful!) Don't leave without seeing me, instructs Liz--I want to talk to you. I'll look in before I go, he says, and heads upstairs. When I was in the garage, Vicki tells Liz, I saw Burke Devlin. Oh? asks Liz, what was he doing? Looking at Mr. Collins' car, says Vicki--he said he wanted to buy one just like it. How long was he there? asks Liz. Vicki doesn't know. Thank you for telling me, says Liz. Vicki gives Liz a long look before leaving the room.

Roger comes downstairs, coat in hand. He steps into the drawing room and faces Liz--you said you wanted to talk to me, what is it? Do you really think you ought to go? asks Liz. We've gone over this already! rants Roger. And we'll go over it again, insists Liz. Until he leaves town, says Roger, we can't ignore it, there's nothing wrong in talking to him! Are you sure of that? she asks. When Burke first came to town, says Roger, I was sure he was out to destroy me--when he came to the house tonight, I was sure he was going to threaten me, but he's done none of these things--it's disquieting, I must admit. Yes, I know, agrees Liz. But still it's worth exploring, says Roger. Liz starts to object. I know what you're going to say, Roger says, that maybe it's all a pose, that Burke's smiling face is a mask, that maybe he's hiding a couple of daggers behind his back is certainly a possibility. Then I think you should stay away from him, says Liz.
You really amaze me, he tells her, I mean it--for the last couple of days, you've said I was worrying about Burke too much. Until he came to this house, says Liz, I saw no reason to panic--I thought he'd be angry and I was prepared to deal with it. I'm going to deal with it in my own way, he says. Roger, she says, face facts, he went on trial, he went to prison for five years, he blames it all on you, do you honestly believe that any man, particularly Burke, would be as forgiving as he pretends to be now? What do you want me to do? Roger asks, stay here? I want you to be careful, she says, at least be as suspicious of him as you are of your own son. (Good one, Liz!)

Up in Vicki's room, David asks Vicki if his father is going to buy him the magazines--she said she'd ask him. Your father is very busy, says Vicki reluctantly. I thought he wouldn't, says David. It's not that he doesn't want to, says Vicki, he just has an appointment in town, and very little time. Even if he had five hours, says David sadly, he wouldn't buy me anything. (I am sad for this boy.) That's not true, says Vicki. Who's he going to see, anyway? asks David. Someone I don't think you know, says Vicki. He wants to send me away, did you know that? David asks her. You know that isn't true, says Vicki. I suppose he told you he wouldn't, says David. Vicki says he didn't have to tell her--she knows there's no reason to send David away--and now that she's here to take care of him... I'm not going to let him do it, says David determinedly. That's ridiculous, insists Vicki, I'm sure that your father has no intention of sending you anywhere. Maybe that's what he told you, says David, but he lied--he lies about everything. David! chastises Vicki. Yes he does, the boy says, he's a very terrible man--and I hate him--and I hope he dies! David leaves her room.

David lies in bed, looking depressed. Vicki comes to see him, asking if she can come in. If you want to, he says. Are you going to lecture me? he asks. No, she says. Not even after what I said about my father? he asks. Vicki says nope. I meant it, I do hate him, says David. And you hope he dies, adds Vicki. Yes, says David. Why? asks Vicki. I told you, he wants to send me away, says David. What makes you think that? asks Vicki. Because he hates me, says David. You used to think I hated you, Vicki reminds him. Didn't you? he asks. How could I, I didn't know you, she says--you think everyone hates you, don't you? They do, he says--except for my mother--and Aunt Elizabeth, maybe. What about me? asks Vicki--I think you're a pretty nice boy. That's a lie, he says. Vicki looks downcast. Why do you say that? she asks. Because I'm not nice, and you know it, he says--I'm not nice at all. What are you? she asks, picking up his robot toy. H climbs out of bed and takes the toy away from her, warning her that she'll break it. He puts it down in another place. Come here, she says. He does. Sit down, she invites. He does, at the desk, and she sits across from him. In the foundling home where I was brought up, she says, there was a little girl, about nine or 10 years old--she was very lonely, she had no friends to play with--and you know why she was so unhappy?--because she thought no one liked her--but the funny thing is, every time a new girl would come and try to make friends with her, she'd chase her away--and pretty soon, she was right--nobody did like her--and then you know what happened? I suppose a fairy godmother came along, guesses David, and made her into a beautiful princess and everybody loved her. It wasn't that easy, says Vicki, but a man did come and talk to her for a long, long time, many times, and soon she learned a secret--she learned that the one who really didn't like her was herself. That's stupid, says David. But true, says Vicki--you see, she thought she was so mean and rotten, and such a bad person, she couldn't see how anybody could like her--so she chased them away and made enemies out of them because she thought that's how they'd act anyway. What's that got to do with me? asks David. Nothing, says Vicki, reaching out to take his hand, which, to her disappointment, he snatches away, it's just a story. It's a stupid story, he says--you know what that girl should have done?--gotten all those people and lined them up against the wall and then pow, pow, pow!--he pulls the trigger on his toy gun, a chilling smile on his face. Why? asks Vicki. Because you just told me how mean they were to her! says David. But she didn't give them a chance, says Vicki--you can't solve problems by chasing them away--or wishing they were dead. I don't know what you're talking about, insists David. You said that your father hates you, says Vicki--I don't believe it. What do you know about it? asks David. I know that you used to think I hated you, she says--give people a chance, don't push them away. He said he wanted to push me away, says David. Your father's been very upset lately, says Vicki, he has a great deal on his mind, I'm sure he said a lot of things he didn't mean--people do that when they're upset--even you. What did I say? David asks her. You said you wished he was dead--you didn't mean that, did you?--David, give him a chance--that's what we all want.
David turns away from her. I'll give him a chance, he says, his voice filled with rage.

Drawing room - What business deal did Burke say he wanted to discuss with you? asks Liz. He didn't say, says Roger, but suppose I go into town and find out? He starts to leave. Roger, she says. It's getting late, he protests. Listen to him, says Liz, don't offer any information--let him do the talking. Anything else? asks Roger. I wish you weren't going, says Liz. Have your ghosts been talking to you? asks Roger, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder--let them rest, dear. Liz looks extremely unhappy as Roger leaves the drawing room. David waits for his father in the foyer. What do you want? asks Roger. Are you taking your car into town tonight? the boy asks. Yes, says Roger. Do you have to? asks David.
(Second thoughts about what he's done?) What's wrong with you? Roger asks. Did you mean what you said? queries David. I'm in a hurry! says Roger impatiently. You said you wanted to send me away, the boy reminds him, did you mean it? Go to bed, orders Roger, and leaves the house. David goes up a few steps and leans against the railing, looking lost.

Liz prowls the drawing room, rubbing her hands together, disturbed. Vicki enters and asks if she's seen David. I think he went upstairs, says Liz. The phone rings and Liz asks Vicki to answer it. Vicki does so. She calls Liz to the phone, it's Mr. Devlin. Liz takes the phone and tells Burke that he's just getting into the car--yes, he knows he's to meet him at the Blue Whale--she's sure he'll be along in a few minutes--goodbye. Liz hangs up and Vicki asks her if anything is wrong. No, says Liz. Vicki says she's going up to see David. Liz stops her and asks if she'd mind sitting with her a few minutes. Of course not, says Vicki, and they sit down across from each other. This house is strange, says Liz, sometimes it talks to you. David says there are ghosts here, says Vicki. Perhaps there are, admits Liz--what's the matter with David, he seems to tense tonight? I know, says Vicki--David seems convinced his father hates him and wants to send him away.
Maybe he's right, says Liz. But surely Mr. Collins can't hate his own son! protests Vicki. Hate is a strong word, says Liz, let's say my brother isn't terribly fond of David--the reasons don't matter to you and I'm not sure I understand all of them myself.

Roger gets into his car and takes off in the Mustang, which has one noisy engine. We see David gazing out the window at the departing car. "He's going to die, Mother," says David aloud, "he's going to die."
Roger speeds along in his car, but when he comes to a curve in the road, he puts his foot on the brake to slow up and finds he can't stop. The car swerves and crashes!

The phone rings in Collinwood's foyer, but David just stares at it. Liz exits the kitchen, asking him why he didn't answer it. WHAT? asks Liz, horrified--where did it happen--is he all right?--I see--thank you. She hangs up. Vicki exits the kitchen and asks what happened. Roger's been in a car accident, says Liz, his car went off the road. Is he badly hurt? asks Vicki, concerned. They don't know says Liz--I knew it!--I knew he shouldn't have gone there, he could have been killed, he could have been killed.
David, standing next to the clock, appears stoic.

NOTES: The little brat tried to murder his own father! He comes across as psychotic, and I think Vicki is soon going to realize she's bitten off more than she can chew with this kid. He seriously needs a shrink, not a sweet governess. Although some say love can conquer all.

The scene with Roger and Liz, high with tension, about whether or not he should go to see Burke, seemed dragged out to me. I guess after the too-fast pace of the episodes we've been watching all this time, these meander at a pace that drives me crazy, filled with similar dialogue that doesn't seem to go anywhere sometimes, or is repetitive.

For much of this episode, Liz frets about Roger going to meet Burke while Vicki thinks she's making headway with David. She's not. Sounds like Liz is psychic, but I've already heard her say there are ghosts at Collinwood and deny it, too.

It was pretty cool being in the car with Roger when the brakes failed; combined with the black and white film, it was almost like watching an old movie, and really creepy.

Episode #16 - Collinwood - Vicki looks out the drawing room window, opens it. gazes outside and listens to the ocean hitting the shore. The phone rings and she gives a start, then goes to answer. She tells the caller "she" is upstairs with David right now and offers to get her--oh, yes, she says, smiling, is there anyplace she can reach you?--yes, I'll tell her--goodbye--Liz comes in and Vicki reports to her that Mr. Malloy wanted her to know Roger is going to be all right. It's been a nightmare, says Liz. It could have been much worse, points out Vicki--just a few bruises and a cut on his forehead--that's pretty lucky considering the kind of accident it was. I'm not sure it was an accident, says Liz solemnly.

You really don't think it was an accident? asks Vicki. All I know is, says Liz, in a faraway tone, a man came to town, a man my brother thought had reason to hate him, a few days later, this happened--what else did Mr. Malloy have to say? He said the brakes definitely did fail on the car, says Vicki. He was sure of it? asks Liz Yes, says Vicki, he also said that after he took Mr. Collins to the doctor, he wanted to talk to you some more. Dr. Reeves? asks Liz. Yes, says Vicki. Liz wanders to the fireplace, pacing, and Vicki tells her there's nothing they can do but wait. Seems I've been doing that all my life, says Liz. But your brother wasn't seriously hurt, says Vicki. Not this time, says Liz, but what about tomorrow or the next day? Do you really think Mr. Devlin had something to do with it? asks Vicki. Liz says she thinks it strange that Devlin came to the house for the first time in 10 years and invited Roger to some bar, knowing Roger would be driving down the hill. I know, but...says Vicki. You yourself said you saw him in the garage, looking at Roger's car, says Liz. Yes, agrees Vicki, it's so hard to believe he'd deliberately try to kill Mr. Collins. When someone has lived with anger, bitterness and hate, they're capable of anything, says Liz.
But Carolyn said he seemed so friendly, says Vicki. Carolyn is a child, says Liz, she sometimes only sees what she wants to see--yes, Devlin was friendly, on the surface, he smiled and laughed and said the past was gone and forgotten--then he asked Roger to meet him at the Blue Whale. Liz answers the phone. It's Roger. Thank heavens, she says, are you all right?--I've been so terribly worried (but not enough to go herself to get him; she sent Malloy)--what did the doctor say?--oh, good--how did it happen?--yes, I know the car went off the road, but how?--all right--we'll talk about it later. She hangs up. He's all right, says Liz--Roger has driven his car down the hill from this house hundreds of times, hundreds, and nothing has ever happened before--not until Burke Devlin invited him to drive into town to meet him.

Blue Whale - Burke plays one of Colbert's swinging tunes on the juke. Like my selection? he asks Carolyn. Love it, she says. Joe appears annoyed and uncomfortable. We aim to please, says Burke, especially when it only costs a quarter. He sits back down and asks them to call each other by their first names. Just grand, says Carolyn. Joe doesn't even respond, and finally says he wonders how they started out to see a movie and ended up here at the Blue Whale. Never try to figure out a woman, advises Burke.
it's a waste of time. Carolyn beams at him. Joe asks her to dance--it's a pretty good number, but she says she just wants to sit here and talk. You're wasting your time, says Burke, when a woman wants to talk, you've had it. I don't remember asking you, Mr. Devlin, says Joe, annoyed. Burke, corrects Devlin, we agreed on that, remember? Joe asks about his appointment. Burke says it's with her uncle, right here, but he seems to be a little late--right now, he really can't say he's sorry. And Carolyn beams at him some more, and he returns the smile. (Is he coming on to her?)

The bartender delivers another round of drinks to the table. Burke tells him to leave all the drinks there, Joe just went to make a phone call. Burke pops a cigarette into his mouth and says it sounds like the jukebox needs another quarter. Please don't, says Carolyn. I thought you liked that beat, says Burke. Sometimes, says Carolyn. What do you like? asks Burke. (hmmmm) Does it really matter? asks Carolyn. You like Joe Haskell, for one, says Burke. He's OK, agrees Carolyn. He's more than that, says Burke, he's a nice kid--hard-working, ambitious, feet planted on the ground--a real solid citizen. Who will probably spend the rest of his life right here in Collinsport, says Carolyn, bored. Is that so bad? he asks. Would you have stayed? she inquires. Burke tells her he didn't have a choice--he had to leave. Why? she asks. Ask your uncle, he says, taking a puff on his cig--he'll tell you. Why can't you? she asks. Maybe I want you to ask him--ever thought of that? asks Burke. OK, says Carolyn with a huge smile, maybe I will. What happened to him? wonders Burke. Maybe he changed his mind, says Carolyn. I phoned the house, he says, your mother said he already left. Maybe he went to the hotel, says Carolyn. I checked there, too, says Burke looking at his watch. You're tired of sitting with me, pouts Carolyn. Not true, says Burke, but if I were, there are no chains tying me to this chair. That's it exactly! she says excitedly--the difference between you and other people I know--you live the way you want, no chains, no rules, you know what you want out of life, and do something about it. So does Joe, says Burke--he wants to own his own fishing boat, and he's working for that--he wants to marry you and he's working for that, too. Sure he is, agrees Carolyn, but I bet if you wanted someone, you'd go to the house, hit her over the head and drag her out. (Consult Bramwell on that one.) Burke grins. Is that what you want? he asks--to be dragged out of Collinwood? I don't know, she admits ruefully, that's just the trouble--I don't know what I want. She sips her drink. I just checked the movie house in Logansport, Joe tells Carolyn--we just have time to make the last show. If I ask you to hit me over the head and drag me out of Collinwood, she says, what would you do? Joe surveys her seriously and says he'd say she was nuts. You still have that quarter, Carolyn asks Burke, not having heard from Joe what she wants to hear. Coming right up, says Burke, and goes to the jukebox. What was that all about? asks Joe. You wouldn't understand, she says. He gives her a disapproving look, and she says she doesn't feel like a movie tonight. What is it with you and that character? demands Joe. Nothing, she says, he's waiting for my Uncle Roger--I thought it would be nice if we waited with him. Burke leans against the jukebox, smoking, staring at Carolyn and Joe.

On the phone, Liz tells Matthew she knows it's late, but it's important--she'll be waiting in the kitchen. Liz walks through the plant-filled kitchen, clearly unhappy. Vicki comes in. Did you know that Matthew was almost killed in that very same spot where Roger's car went off? Liz asks her. Vicki says she knows, he told her--it was the brakes then, too, wasn't it? It was 17 years ago, says Liz, almost a year after he started to work here--the one thing that he was especially careful about ever since is that the brakes function on every car that belongs to this house. Maybe he was careless this time, suggests Vicki. That's what I intend to find out, vows Liz--how is David? Asleep, says Vicki--at least his eyes were closed when I went in. Poor child, laments Liz, probably the worst thing I could have done was have Roger bring him here--to grow up in this house. Would you like some tea? asks Vicki. This is no place for young people, continues Liz, old and decaying, and smells of death. Carolyn seems to have managed, says Vicki. Do you think so? asks Liz anxiously--do you really think so? she's a wonderful girl, says Vicki. I've been so worried about her, says Liz, and not this Devlin business--I'm a strong woman, but if anything happened to Carolyn, I think I'd die (said with heart-wrenching intensity). I'm sure she'll be just fine, says Vicki. She must, she has to be, insists Liz.

Vicki arranges cups on a tray. Matthew rushes in, asking for Liz--she said she wanted to see him. He's really agitated, and asks Vicki if she knows why Mrs. Stoddard wanted to see him. I think she ought to tell you that, says Vicki. Has anything happened? he asks--is she all right? Fine, she just had a headache and went up to get some pills, says Vicki. Liz comes in. He apologizes for taking so long, but he'd went to bed. When was the last time you checked my brother's car? asks Liz. What's that, ma'am? he asks. My brother's car, she says impatiently, you've been seeing to it that it's properly serviced, haven't you? Has he been complainin', ma'am? asks Matthew. Just answer my question, demands Liz. Beggin' your pardon--if Mr. Collins don't like the way I attend his car, why don't he come to me instead of bothering you? asks Morgan.
You don't like my brother very much, do you? asks Liz. No, ma'am, says Morgan. Do you dislike him enough to harm him? Liz asks. Only if he was causing trouble for you, says Matthew--maybe you might want to throw me out of here, but I wouldn't care if it was Miss Winters, or your brother or who it was--if they start...what do you mean, harmed? Mr. Collins' car went off the road, says Liz, by the same place yours did--less than an hour ago--the brakes failed. Was he hurt? asks Matthew. Not badly, says Liz. But you're thinkin' that I...begins Matthew. I'm not thinking anything, insists Liz--I just want to know how well you took care of that car. Who said it was the brakes? asks Matthew. That's the report I got, says Vicki. Were they sure? he asks her. Reasonably sure, she says. When were they last checked? Liz asks again. He turns to her and says he's telling her the truth--he doesn't like her brother much, but he doesn't want her thinking he tampered with her brakes, because he didn't. What makes you say someone tampered with them? asks Liz. The garage checked those brakes only two days ago, says Matthew. Then they were working two days ago? asks Liz. Perfectly, says Matthew, and if those brakes failed so soon, it was because someone was foolin' around with them.

Joe dances across from Carolyn, showing little enthusiasm. They're arguing. Carolyn turns away from Joe and gives Burke a smile. I just don't think you're being fair, that's all, says Joe. I'm having a good time! protests Carolyn, can't you let it go at that? She asks Burke to dance, and he's all set to do so, but when a fast song comes on, he insists he's too old for that. Come on, I'll show you how, she says, dancing provocatively right in front of him. The last time you gave a demonstration, Joe punched your partner in the eye, Burke reminds her. You aren't afraid of Joe, are you? Carolyn asks, still wiggling--he thinks you might throw a punch at him, Joe tells Carolyn. I just might, Haskell says pointedly. Carolyn stops dancing and says she thinks he means that. Are we getting out of this place or not? asks Joe. Are you gonna stay? Carolyn asks Burke. I asked YOU, not him, says Joe. You don't have to be so rude about it, says Carolyn. Take it easy, says Burke, rising from his chair, don't you two start throwing punches at each other--as a matter of fact, I'm tired of waiting for Roger, so I'm just going to pack up and move on, OK? Carolyn agrees to go to that movie with Joe, and asks Burke what he's going to do. I don't know, walk around town, probably go back to the hotel, says Burke. Why don't you come to the movie with us? she asks, grinning. Carolyn, for Pete's sake! objects Joe. It's early, isn't it? asks Carolyn--why should Burke have to go back to his hotel room and spend the whole evening there by himself when he can come to the movie? If you're that worried about him, says Joe angrily, why don't you go up there with him and keep him company? (ooooh, racy!) Carolyn stares at him and says maybe that's just what she will do. Lots of luck, says Joe, grabbing his coat and leaving the bar. Sometimes he makes me so mad, complains Carolyn. Get your coat, orders Burke. Did you hear the way he talked to me? asks Carolyn peevishly. Burke drops money on the table and says yes he did--put your coat on--let's go--we're going to go try and find Joe. I have no intention of finding him, protests Carolyn. We're going to try and find him, insists Burke, helping her on with her coat. And if we can't--then what? asks Carolyn. We'll solve that problem when we get to it, says Burke, and they, too, leave the bar as the dancers dance on.

Liz answers the phone at Collinwood--it's reporters, and she says she can't talk to them now--there isn't very much to tell. Matthew joins her and she sends him into the drawing room, she'll be right in. Perhaps it would be better if I talk to you tomorrow. Matthew finds Vicki in the drawing room. She asks him if he's seen the car. Ye-ah, he says--the whole side of the car is caved in--it's a miracle he didn't get killed. Were there a lot of people there? asks Liz. There was the photographer from the local paper and Jim Harvey from the Constable's office, says Matthew, making out a report. Did you have a chance to look at the car? asks Liz. Not close, says Matthew, that photographer started asking me questions, and I figured if I went and looked and saw something, it would be none of his business. They're going to make it their business, says Liz, another reporter just called me--I told him the truth, that I had nothing to tell him--I don't want any of this told to reporters or anyone else until I have a chance to talk to Mr. Collins. What about the police? asks Vicki. We'll see, says Liz, all we have are suspicions, probably nothing we can prove. Matthew asks who she thinks did it. That doesn't matter now, says Liz. Well, says Matthew, if he started into town... I said it didn't matter! cries Liz--I'm sorry, but this is our affair and I want to keep it that way, at least for now. Matthew notes it's cold in here and offers to get firewood Liz thanks him. A fly lands on Vicki's bosom (Ima Fly on the job)!. Liz asks her if they should have their tea. I think if you had been in that car, says Vicki, Matthew would have gone right to Burke's hotel room and strangled him. The phone rings; Liz asks Vicki to answer. It's a reporter, says Vicki. Tell him I can't talk to anybody now, says Liz--tell him to call back tomorrow. Vicki does so, apologizing to the persistent reporter. She hangs up and tells Liz she never thought an automobile accident would be such important news. We're important news, our family, says Liz--do you know what movie Carolyn was going to?--I'd like to get in touch with her before she hears about this. I don't think she was going to a movie, says Vicki. Joe said something, begins Liz. Vicki tells her she changed her mind, said she wanted to go someplace else--I think she went to the Blue Whale--that's where she told Joe she wanted to go.
But they both promised they'd never go there again, frets Liz--did she know Burke Devlin was going there? I suppose so, tattles Vicki, nodding. Is that why she wanted to go? asks Liz. I don't know, says Vicki, but I don't think it's anything to worry about. It's a great deal to worry about! says Liz--did she or did she not go to the Blue Whale because Burke Devlin was there? Vicki doesn't reply right away, then says yes, I suppose she did. Why didn't you tell me this sooner? Demands Liz, furious. Because I didn't think it was that important! says Vicki. You don't know Carolyn, not really, says Liz, she's reaching out for something--I told you I was very worried about her, and for good reason--don't you understand, she's reaching out for something even SHE doesn't understand--she could be hurt very easily! Why should Burke Devlin want to hurt her? asks Vicki. Why should he want to wreck my brother's car? asks Liz--the only difference between the two of them is that a car can be repaired.

You're sure about that? asks Liz on the phone--thank you very much. She paces the drawing room, nervous, fearful. Vicki comes in holding a broken cup--she was washing it and it broke. It can be replaced, says Liz, taking it from her--I just called the bar--Carolyn left half an hour ago. She's probably on her way home, says Vicki. I doubt that, says Liz--she left with Burke Devlin. She hands Vicki back the broken cup and gazes at the clock in the foyer, which chimes as Liz walks slowly, wearily upstairs.

NOTES: Poor Vicki us only trying to do the right thing, but she doesn't understand the family dynamics here, so she hasn't a clue. Carolyn has gone off with Burke, pissed off Joe (perhaps deliberately) and seems intent on a destructive course no matter what anyone says. She treated poor Joe shabbily, and I can't blame him if he dumps her pretty soon. Joe and Carolyn don't want the same things; he's ready to settle down, but she isn't, at least not with him. Poor guy, and he's such a sweetheart, too.

Matthew adores Liz, and he WOULD probably kill anyone who harmed her or gave her a hard time. He claims he didn't do anything to Roger's car and I believe him.

Interesting that reporters are interested in the Collins family--once Barnabas comes on the scene, while the law pays frequent visits, we never hear about reporters investigating the goings-on at Collinwood, an oversight, for sure. Wouldn't a rich, powerful family always be beset by reporters?

What exactly is Burke doing here? What's his angle? He seemed to allow Carolyn to piss Joe off, but insisted, after he left in a huff, that they go find him.

It appears the accident is David's doing, but he didn't succeed in killing his father. We wonder, is he happy or sad at the outcome?

Have a great week!

Love, Robin

Offline VictoriaWintersCollins

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Re: #0015/0016: Robservations 05/29/01: Dead Man's Curve
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2010, 02:21:47 AM »
Am I the only one who thinks David looks like evil little Billy Mummy?

From that infamous Twilight Zone episode, where he turned some poor guy into a Jack-in-the-Box.

"You're a Bad Man...You're a VERY VERY BAD Man!"

Ummmm Victoria, please change your dress.

The OP is right,  it is horrible and I'm tired of seeing it.

So episode #16 was  actually taped on July 4th 1966,  liked the holiday greeting from the announcer.

Oh man, Vicki is still wearing that unfortunate dress.

Joe is  cute, but  what kind of dance was that at the Blue Whale?

Were his shoes too small, bad case of Athlete's foot maybe?   [confused_ani]


Poor guy, Carolyn isn't even trying to hide her crush on Devlin.

Looks like wittle David tried to kill daddy, by tampering with the brakes.

Wishing Roger to the cornfield would've been much easier.
My name is Victoria Winters, my journey is just beginning.

A journey that I hope will open the doors of life to me and link my  past with my future.  A journey that will bring me to a strange and dark place.  To the edge of the sea, high atop Widow's Hill, to a place called Collingwood.