Author Topic: ShadowGram Update #156-- JFrid Video Presentation / Halloween-In-Hollywood, more  (Read 523 times)

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NOTE: I attempted to post this to the group Tuesday night, but Yahoo seemed to be "down". I'm trying to send this post again now.

ShadowGram Online Dark Shadows News Updates List
Marcy Robin's Cyberspace "Dark Shadows" News Update List
An Internet Publication of SHADOWGRAM

Number 156. August 22, 2006.


Hello, Dark Shadows Fan,

ShadowGram (SG), The Official Newsletter & News Source for Dark Shadows (DS), announces the following breaking news.

**** ShadowGram Premiere Announcement:


Jonathan (Barnabas, Bramwell) has created a special 40th Anniversary Video that will be screened at the DS Festival this weekend. The video was conceived by Jonathan and his webmaster Mark Lawrence over the last couple of weeks, and was recorded only a few days ago.

Jonathan describes this special video project as follows:

"Guess Who's Still Around? And The Miracle of the Digital Camera

"Jonathan Frid sends greetings to all of you at the 40th celebration of Dark Shadows. Get a look at how this `living-dead' guy of ours is getting along. It seems he's discovered a new medium for drama...the sound, look, and amazing clarity caught by, of all things, his own digital camera.

"Upon seeing this technology for the first time, it was a revelation of how I think I actually look these days. I was more convinced by that than any reflection of mine¢â‚¬¦well, I was going to say¢â‚¬¦ in a mirror¢â‚¬¦ha ha ha".

The actual reading will be a selection from The Wooing of Lady Anne¢â‚¬¦ second of four episodes from Jonathan Frid's Evil Incarnate¢â‚¬¦from William Shakespeare's King Richard III."

Plans call for the video to be available on his official website after the Fest. Website:

Jonathan's dramatic reading is one of many selections he included in his various one-man Readers Theatre shows. He developed and performed these programs at auditoriums, theaters, libraries, universities, and other venues across the US and around Toronto, starting in the mid-1980s. His last engagement was in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada, in late 2003.

Jonathan uses only the power of the written words, his own vocal talents, and his interpretive body language to create characters, settings, and moods. The dramatic and humorous selections range from Shakespeare through Edgar Allen Poe, Stephen King, Eve Merriam, and other authors, all laced together by his own perceptive observations and commentary. As a trained and experienced Shakespearean actor, he has a keen interest in the playwright's works.


The 40th Anniversary Celebration is this Update is this weekend, Friday-Sunday, August 25-27, at the New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge, 333 Adams St., Brooklyn, NY 11201. 718-246-7000.

Memberships can be purchased at the door at the following rates:

$25 for all 3 days (Children 6-12 are half price).
$15 per day (Children 6-12 are half price).

These are the same rates that were available to advance memberships. (Advance membership reservations via postal-mail reached the cut-off date a few days ago.)

Hours of operation:
Fri., Aug. 25: Registration opens at 4pm. Convention hours: 6pm - 12 Midnight.
Sat., Aug. 26: Convention hours: 11am - 12 midnight.
Sun., Aug. 27: Convention hours: 11am - 6pm.
Banquet With the Stars Dinner: 7pm - 10pm.
This is the traditional closing event for the Fest, with DS guests randomly seated at the tables with the fans, special video screenings, and door prizes. Some tickets will be available at the door.

Additionally, the convention needs a few more volunteers to help in various capacities. Those who can serve 4+ hours are invited to a private party with DS stars. To volunteer, please * immediately * contact Volunteer Coordinator Nina Johnson at: :

For a complete schedule of Fest events, go to Fest details also were announced in recent SG Online Updates to this List.


Just confirmed is a special West Coast event with the DS stars to be held on Thurs., Oct. 26, at the beautifully-restored historic Vista Theatre in the Los Feliz area of Hollywood, CA.

The evening will include autograph signings, memorabilia sale and auction, plus surprise screenings. More details will be announced soon on this ShadowGram Updates News List, in the upcoming SG #109 print issue, and at

--- FAN SHARING: All fans attending the Brooklyn Fest and the Halloween-in-Hollywood Party are invited and encouraged to please send their reports and photos, plus media publicity, interviews, and articles, to ShadowGram at SG's postal- or e- mail addresses below. These will be shared with SG readers - including the DS cast and crew and fans worldwide - in the published SG newsletters. A complimentary Contributor's Copy SG print issue is given in thanks for major contributions.

This SG Online DS News Updates List will update all this news and print issue SG #109 will have the latest complete developments, photos, reports, and additional information.

Thank you.

Marcy Robin

ShadowGram Editor / Publisher
Marcy Robin, P.O. Box 1766, Temple City, CA 91780-7766