(ADMIN NOTE: Robin accidentally posted Eps #186/187 again instead of Eps #188/189 - so for the time being here are summaries for Eps #188/189 that were originally posted on AOL in 1995)
Subj: Wednesday 8/9/95 update 95-08-09 19:14:36 EDT
From: AlaneMegna
Dark Shadows update. August 9, 1995
Episode 188
Roger, Vicki and Burke discuss whether David is in any immediate danger. Roger says he's going to march on down to the cottage and kick Laura off the property. Vicki says that could set Laura off so she really hurts David, but Roger wants to act while he's good and angry.
Vicki wants to keep an eye on David.
Laura isn't exactly broken up when Roger tells her about Guthrie's death. Before Roger can kick her out, Laura says she's decided to leave - without David. She'll take the bus to Boston tomorrow and won't say good-bye to David.
Roger is surprised she's not bitter.
Burke is making plans with Vicki to take David on the fishing trip. Roger comes back and tells them about Laura. Vicki and Burke are skeptical, and Burke goes to confront her.
Laura is packing as Burke knocks at the cottage door. He lets himself in. He tells her he'll be leading the cheers when she leaves - IF she leaves! He demands the real reason why she's going. She says she can't take the pressure anymore. Burke says he doesn't want to judge her - but he has no choice but to condemn her. She turns on the tears, and he says it's been a long time since he saw her cry. She says she's leaving because she doesn't want to hurt David. He gives her his farewell - criticizing her for making the past so terrible - and leaves.
Laura looks into the fire and sees the image of David in his bed.
Vicki checks on David and then locks him in.
Roger is pacing in the Drawing Room. Burke tells him and Vicki that he's fairly confident Laura's leaving tomorrow. Vicki is unconvinced. Roger says he'll watch Laura get on the bus.
Vicki begs Burke to still take David on the fishing trip.
Laura appears in David's room. He tells her he wants to be with her. She explains that will happen tomorrow night. He tells her about his fishing trip to the lodge with Burke. She says there will be plenty of fish where she's going - so David says he'll go with her instead. She tells him Roger is planning to send him to boarding school, so he must make his getaway. She'll be waiting for him at an old fishing shack at 11:30 p.m. tomorrow.
She then disappears before Vicki comes back into the room.
Episode 189
It's morning, and David awakens to see Vicki. He tells her she doesn't need to stay with him because he's not afraid. She says that now morning's broken, she's not afraid either. Vicki starts on David's lessons when Mrs. Johnson comes in and breaks the new that Laura has gone away.
David tries to act sad.
Burke comes into the coffee shop and tells Maggie he saw Laura leave on the Hartford bus. Joe enters and says he has a feeling something's not right. He urges Burke to keep a close watch on David.
Maggie tells Joe her father slept well after hearing Laura was leaving.
Joe has a sudden revelation about something.
David tells Burke he'll pass on the fishing trip. But then, Burke assures him they'll be back by the evening
- he wants Vicki to then go out on a date with him. Vicki tells him to look out for the boy even though Burke's convinced everything is OK.
That evening, Mrs. J. tells David that she wants him to get ready for bed. David claims he has to study - then tries to slip out.
He goes back to the books, then tells her he's starving. He asks for a glass of milk, she says they can go down together after he's finished with his studies.
At the Blue Whale, Vicki is telling Burke yet ANOTHER of her orphanage stories. Joe comes in and says they miscalculated the date that the previous Laura and David died in the fire - today actually is the anniversary date. Vicki frantically calls Mrs. J. to check,
and that gives David the opportunity to slip out!