From what I studied and read about TV history, because of its obvious adult humor (meaning it was funny to adults because of various references in the series), Rocky and Bullwinkle was very popular among college students in the early '60's. Of course, like many kids back then, I watched it because it was a cartoon, but so much of it went right over my head, even though my parents would laugh if they were also watching it.
As for 77 Sunset Strip and other early '60's shows, although I didn't watch them (my parents did), but I always remember the themes from the opening credits. Other shows included Hawaiian Eye, Perry Mason. Route 66, The Untouchables, and don't forget the lighter fare such as Leave It to Beaver and The Donna Reed Show. Those melodies - and many of the lyrics if there were any - have stuck to me to this day and I can still hum or sing them.