MB and Anne,
You’re not going to be hit up in Massachusetts and Binghamton, NY, respectively, are you? I certainly hope not. I saw a report from Buffalo this morning on “The Today Show” and it looked miserable already and on only Nov. 17! We’re not going to be hit in the tri-state area either, thankfully.
I imagine the winter storms in Collinsport, in Hancock County, Maine must have been awful. M.J. Reid, a wonderful DS writer, once wrote a terrific story concerning a blizzard hitting Collinsport, with all of the DS regulars being snowed in at either Collinwood or the Old House. Of course, the heavy snow did not prevent the resident supernatural locals from causing trouble for everyone.
It would have been neat to have seen winter scenes on the original DS series. I would have liked to have seen Maggie and Joe and Carolyn and Buzz Hackett all tobogganing down the hill adjacent to the Eagle Hill Cemetery. (Maybe the eternally young-at-heart Eagle Hill Cemetery caretaker might even join the young people as they slid down the hill?)
Or maybe we might see Barnabas and Julia enjoying a horse-drawn sleigh ride with the able Willie Loomis taking the reins with Christmas songs playing like in that traditional, festive Miller Beer commercial with the mellifluous Gene Barry narrating the commercial spot?
Somehow, although, I don’t think the ever cost-conscious Dan Curtis would want to shell out for such colorful Yuletide scenes on DS, I think the only thing DC might shell-out out for, would be a quick scene of the venerable Matthew Morgan (a/k/a “The ‘Jolly’ Old Saint Nick of Collinwood”) shoveling the snow in front of the entrance to Collinwood. Bah Humbug!
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