I think Medicare will pay 80% of your surgery bill. That’s why people sometimes go for supplemental insurance coverage, which I understand can range from around $120.00 per month to around $175.00 per month. It depends on your own personal needs.
I wonder what ol’ Doc Dave Woodard charged for his varied medical services at his practice in Collinsport? In addition to treating Roger Collins for the injuries Roger sustained in his car crash (“Thank you,‘very much,’ Master David Collins.”) and performing CBC tests for Maggie Evans’ truly puzzling illness, Doc Woodard also delivered babies and performed surgery at the Collinsport Hospital (in removing at least 30 police bullets from poor Willie Loomis’ back).
I think both KLS and the late Christopher Pennock had hip replacement surgery performed. I wonder what inevitable infirmities Barnabas Collins experienced as he neared age 275? It’s too bad we all haven’t attained eternal youth like Quentin “Dorian Gray” Collins has!
Bob “The Gray Panther” Bartender
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