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Regarding Collinsport Coiffures
« on: March 21, 2022, 02:56:22 PM »
Hey, gang,

One aspect of “Dark Shadows” which has not been previously discussed was the various hair styles worn by the DS characters.

During the very first episode of DS, we saw Vicky Winters, wearing that very long hairdo, which she wore pretty much for the next two years. Of course, we also got our first look at Maggie Evans, resplendent as a tough-talking blond, For reasons never explained, Maggie quickly changed her hair color to brunette and sometimes, reddish brown.

Mrs. Stoddard always wore her dark hair in a very high and elegant manner, except at night, when she sometimes let her hair down. Carolyn Stoddard debuted on DS with a gloriously brilliant blond hair style, that was so popular in the 1960s with such other beautiful, young women as Jean Seberg, Carol Lynley and Sandra Dee. Later on in the show, Carolyn’s blond hair did not seem as shining. ((Although, maybe the color was just off on my television set?)

When we first saw the esteemed Dr. Julia Hoffman, she was sporting, to be quite frank, a sort of unkempt, “blach” hair style. And, then, during the time when Barnabas was trying to drive her around the bend (if I remember correctly) she suddenly shows up at Collinwood with this short, tapered hair style. I tell you, she almost looked like a completely different woman, with that very attractive and flattering look. (You think that Barnabas would have come to his senses and take a romantic interest in Julia, but, I digress.)

Probably the greatest hair “metamorphosis”on DS occurred, when Sabrina Stuart, Chris Jennings’ former fiancée and sister of the always-mellow Ned Stuart, showed up in Collinsport in an almost catatonic state and as gray as Mrs. Santa Claus and former First Lady Barbara Bush. After Carolyn magnanimously realized that she was the “third wheel” in the romantic trio of Chris, Sabrina and herself, she very graciously took Sabrina to a hair salon, where Sabrina regained her previous glorious brunette hair color. That trip to the hair stylist certainly restored Chris’ attraction to Sabrina.

Yet, all of these hair color and hair style changes on DS, got me to thinking that it was too bad that we never got to see any of the DS ladies, actually going to the local Collinsport hair salon (or as they were previously called, “ beauty parlors”) for their coiffures. Just think of all the juicy gossip the ladies could have exchanged as they got their hair done at “Mr. Kenneth’s of Collinsport” or at “Hannah Stokes House of Beauty”? ( By the way, didn’t Hannah Stokes have an especially “flamboyant” hair style herself?)

And, let’s not forget the handsome men of Collinsport. Where did they go in town to get their hair cut? Was there a “Luigi of Palermo” barber shop in town? Maybe there was a folksy American barber in Collinsport like Floyd the barber in Mayberry, NC? Perhaps Sheriff George Patterson’s younger brother, Cliff, was that homegrown Collinsport barber? (I hope Cliff did NOT inherit his older brother’s unfortunate male pattern baldness.)

It would have been great to see Barnabas get an “after-hours” (when else?) hair cut at either Luigi’s or Cliff’s local barber shop. Maybe Luigi or Cliff might tactfully suggest to Barnabas that he was a bit too old for the Buster Brown “bangs” look? They’d possibly suggest to Mr. B. that he’d look much more handsome with either a pompadour or a crew cut like baseball player Pete Rose or astronaut Gordon Cooper.

And, speaking of pompadours, just how demanding do you think Leviathan acolyte Bruno Hess was when he strolled into the local barber shop to get his magnificent head of hair cut? Heck, I could see the “slightly” narcissistic Bruno demanding both as manicure and a pedicure from the astonished barbers. “We don’ta do men’s fingernails and toenails back in Sicily or here!” Luigi would likely protest.  No doubt, Cliff would also inform Bruno that he didn’t do nails either and that Bruno might want to go to either “Mr. Kenneth’s” or Hannah’s establishments to get his nails done.

And, with Roger continuing to lose his hair, perhaps Luigi and Cliff eventually charged the balding Roger, only half-price for a hair cut? I would have liked to have seen Luigi or Cliff try to engage Roger in light conversation about Red Sox baseball or attractive women or local and national politics as barbers all over America are wont to do. (Somehow, I don’t think that Roger was an especially good tipper.)

Alas, we never got to see Willie Loomis get a hair cut or see little Davey Collins get his very first hair cut in Collinsport. All these truly memorable tonsorial DS moments would have been very appealing and even heart-warming to see, I venture to say.

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Re: Regarding Collinsport Coiffures
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2022, 04:34:41 PM »
Yet, all of these hair color and hair style changes on DS, got me to thinking that it was too bad that we never got to see any of the DS ladies, actually going to the local Collinsport hair salon (or as they were previously called, “ beauty parlors”) for their coiffures.. .. “Hannah Stokes House of Beauty”? ( By the way, didn’t Hannah Stokes have an especially “flamboyant” hair style herself?)

Given her overexcitable personality, I can just imagine what Hannah's salon would have been like! What a shame 1970PT didn't give her that as a side project. I mean, she could have done Tarot readings while the customers were under the dryer.  [easter_cheesy]

They’d possibly suggest to Mr. B. that he’d look much more handsome with either a pompadour or a crew cut like baseball player Pete Rose or astronaut Gordon Cooper.

Pompadour    Crew cut    That would have been more horrifying than anything Barn had done during his 1967 storyline!  [easter_evil]

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Re: Regarding Collinsport Coiffures
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2022, 05:01:07 PM »
Actually we DID discuss “distinctive” hair styles here. I’m getting so old, that I forgot I wrote a DSF thread, entitled, “Bad Hair Day at Bruno’s Cottage” when Hannah Stokes paid a visit to Bruno’s cottage during 1970 PT.

It was like Bruno’s Prominent Pompadour versus Hannah’s Humongous Hairdo.  [easter_shocked]

I’m surprised that collision of colossal hair did NOT cause a San Andreas-like earthquake in Collinsport, Maine!  [easter_cheesy]

Yeah, Barnabas would look lousy with either a pompadour or an Eddie Haskell crew cut. Since Bramwell sported a groovy, Robert Redford-like hair style in 1840 PT, how about if Barnabas, after returning from 1840, surprised everyone at Collinwood with an Adam Durnitz-Counting Crows Afro?  [Happy Bunny]

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Re: Regarding Collinsport Coiffures
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2022, 05:28:39 PM »
Actually, I looked it up and it's titled -

Bad Hair Day At Bruno's Bungalow!

- and it's quite funny.  [easter_grin]  However, it doesn't matter if you'd posted something before, especially when it was way back in 2003. It's always fun to revist topics, particularly when they were first discussed that long ago...

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Re: Regarding Collinsport Coiffures
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2022, 06:17:35 PM »
2003, you say? Wow, “time marches on” as Quentin I was fond of saying.

Actually, didn’t many of the DSF cousins start posting on the older DS site around 1999 or so? I remember that because that was when I made my First Holy Communion.  [easter_rolleyes]

Hey, I wonder if we can all make it to 2050, the Dark Shadows Forums’ presumptive Golden Anniversary?  [easter_huh] [Bunny Painter]

Bob, the superannuated bartender.

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Re: Regarding Collinsport Coiffures
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2022, 09:38:59 PM »
Let us not forget the hairdo of Cassandra Collins, perhaps suitable for a suburban matron on a more traditional soap but the style, certainly in its early appearances, made Lara look like a knock off of Joan Collins. Assuming that the character wasn't meant be wearing a wig or dying it with some Nice and Easy, maybe it was an early indication that Cassandra/Angelique was overtaking her powers. [Bunny Animated] [Bunny Animated] [Bunny Animated]
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Re: Regarding Collinsport Coiffures
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2022, 10:13:55 PM »
Uncle Roger,

Yes, that was an especially awful “look” Angelique/Cassandra was “achieving” with that terrible wig/dye job.

When the avenging ghost of Rev.Trask confronted Angie/Cass, I remember he said something to her like, “Angelique! The Devil has blackened your hair, but you cannot deceive me!” And, then the “righteous” reverend proceeded to exorcise Angelique with her tied to that tree, notwithstanding the almost Herculean efforts of that pesky fly!  [Catching Egg]

I wonder where Mrs. Johnson got her done? Somehow, I think that “Mr. Kenneth” or Hanna Stokes would be way too expensive for the frugally-minded Sarah Johnson. Maybe the good men at the Collinsport Fire Department, offered hair cuts at a cut-rate price? I could just see Mrs. Johnson, haggling with Fireman Gus over the unheard price of .75 cents for a hair cut.  [easter_angry]

And, just who cut Adam’s hair? Did Eve walk (or more likely, slink) into Hanna’s House of Beauty for a complete make-over? And, wouldn’t all the ladies in Hanna’s salon, absolutely drop their jaws in amazement as Collinsport’s “answer” to Messalina came sashaying into the joint?  [Happy Bunny]  [easter_shocked]

And, don’t get me started on how warlock Nicholas Blair cared for his “unique” coiffure!  [easter_huh]


PS As a proud New Jerseyan and an equally proud alumnus, I say: “Let’s go, Saint Peter’s University Peacocks!”  [Bunny Eggs]

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Re: Regarding Collinsport Coiffures
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2022, 07:13:04 PM »
I might be slightly off topic, but sort of related:  Even though I was in High School when 90210 was airing  . . .
It wasn’t until I started watching the original Dark Shadows that I thought side burns like Quentin’s might be cool to have.  I really couldn’t grow much for fuzzy side burns back then though.
Barnabas: Your hair smells like mint today.
Julia: Yeah, I gargled today.
Barnabas: Huh???!!!!

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Re: Regarding Collinsport Coiffures
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2022, 08:29:19 PM »
I suppose that we can say that styles were different in parallel time but would Bruno's mile high pompadour be regarded as remotely cool in 1970?  [easter_huh] [easter_huh] [easter_huh]
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Re: Regarding Collinsport Coiffures
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2022, 09:05:58 PM »
Yes, Quentin did have cool sideburns; he reminded me of the great Herb Alpert of the Tijuana Brass. Incidentally, Mr. Alpert will be touring the US this summer, along with his incredibly talented wife, Lani Hall, formerly the lead singer for Sergio Mendes and Brazil 66.

I’ve been fortunate enough to have seen Ms. Hall perform twice. She has the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. Mr. Alpert is now 87-years-old. He is absolutely amazing. I know our cousin, Ben, is also a big fan of both TJB and Sergio Mendes. I hope to see Mr. Alpert and Ms. Hall this summer at The Count Basie Theatre in beautiful Red Bank, NJ.

As to Bruno’s prodigious pompadour, I think the 1970 PT Bruno Hess had a more impressive hair style than the real time Leviathan Bruno Hess. The thing I most remember about real time Bruno, was that snazzy shearling coat he always wore while he was kow-towing to Jeb Hawkes. Bruno kind of looked like a darker Marlboro Man in that distinctive coat.

Didn’t Aristide have a relatively short hair cut? Aristide seemed to be more of feckless fop, much more concerned with his “GQ Magazine” attire. And, Lazlo wore his hair longest of all, if I recall correctly.

I’ll bet that warlock Judah Zachary was absolutely delighted that he took over Gerard Stiles’ body. Judah went from being like the chrome-domed Colonel Klink to the bushy-haired US Senator Teddy Kennedy.

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Re: Regarding Collinsport Coiffures
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2022, 08:48:50 PM »
One of today’s (04/20/22) DS photographs is episode 975 from the Leviathan story line. The evil Bruno Hess is speaking with Chris Jennings and Chris seems almost transfixed by Bruno’s absolutely mammoth and prodigious pompadour. It looks as if Chris is saying to himself, “My God! Bruno looks just like ‘Ancient Aliens’ host Giorgio Tsoukalos with that humongous head of hair!”  [easter_shocked] [easter_shocked]

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Re: Regarding Collinsport Coiffures
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2022, 01:50:55 PM »
Actually, didn’t many of the DSF cousins start posting on the older DS site around 1999 or so? I remember that because that was when I made my First Holy Communion.  [easter_rolleyes]
Bob the Bartender, I am amazed to learn that you are a mere youngster here ... I just always assumed given your knowledge of the era that you were one of those of us who ran home from school to catch DS* during the late 1960s - early 1970s! Some of your references are over my head for that time period ... (and some of the others I have to do some thinking about . . .
* In my Central Time zone, it was only possible to catch the last five minutes or so of DS during the school year. As I recall, the bell rang at 3:15 and after running through the park and a couple more blocks and getting to our TV, it was 3:25 p.m.
P.S. It's funny, I just saw something somewhere (maybe it was an internet news page) about Herb Alpert, and I remember my mother having a record of his, "Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass" . . . I think there was a lovely dark young woman in a short skirt looking languid on the album cover. I'm not familiar with Lani Hall but will check on YouTube.
"Collinwood is not a healthy place to be." -- Collinsport sheriff, 1995

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Re: Regarding Collinsport Coiffures
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2022, 04:57:33 PM »
Actually, didn’t many of the DSF cousins start posting on the older DS site around 1999 or so? I remember that because that was when I made my First Holy Communion.  [easter_rolleyes]
Bob the Bartender, I am amazed to learn that you are a mere youngster here ... I just always assumed given your knowledge of the era that you were one of those of us who ran home from school to catch DS* during the late 1960s - early 1970s! Some of your references are over my head for that time period ... (and some of the others I have to do some thinking about . . .
* In my Central Time zone, it was only possible to catch the last five minutes or so of DS during the school

year. As I recall, the bell rang at 3:15 and after running through the park and a couple more blocks and getting
to our TV, it was 3:25 p.m.

P.S. It's funny, I just saw something somewhere (maybe it was an internet news page) about Herb Alpert, and I
remember my mother having a record of his, "Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass" . . . I think there was a lovely
dark young woman in a short skirt looking languid on the album cover. I'm not familiar with Lani Hall but will check on YouTube.


I was kidding about receiving First Holy Communion while DS was on the air. Although, I vividly remember the day all of my fellow first grade students were assembled to receive the Body and Blood of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, for the first time, the girls were all dressed in white with their veils on one side of the church and we boys were sitting in our traditional blue suits (like Barnabas often wore on the show) on the other side of the church.

Okay, just before time to actually receive Communion, this kid, I’ll call him “Martin Gormley,” is sitting right next to me. He nudges me in the side and sticks out his tongue, with a wad of Bubble-Top chewing gum on his tongue. I was shocked! Here he is about to receive Holy Communion for the very first time and he’s enjoying some bubblegum. He’s going to burn in Hell! I’m thinking. Or, even worse, he’s going to get the “stuffing” beat out of him if Sister Cordes or Sister Patricia Maureen catch him committing a Mortal Sin like that before receiving Holy Communion. Fortunately, “Martin” did not get caught and is still with us all these many years later.

Actually, I too, was one of those grade school/high school kids, who always endeavored to make it back home before DS came on at 4:00 PM on Channel 7 here in the greater NYC area. Thankfully, I rarely missed seeing Barnabas and the rest of the gang on DS during those halcyon years.

I think I recall that TJB album with the attractive, dark-haired woman on the cover. I don’t think that was Lani Hall; she performed with the great Sergio Mendes and Brazil 66 during the 1960s. Yes, you can catch several of her performances on You Tube with both Sergio Mendes and later with her extremely talented husband, Mr. Herb Alpert.

You know, it would have been cool if bartender Bob Rooney had put some Herb Alpert and Sergio Mendes records on the jukebox at the Blue Whale. As much as I like “Meet Me at the Blue Whale,” it would have been enjoyable to have heard some other songs on that jukebox as Barnabas, Dr. Hoffman, Maggie Evans and Joe Haskell and Carolyn Stoddard and the “immortal” Buzz Hackett were all socializing and enjoying a few drinks at that venerable. Collinsport institution.

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Re: Regarding Collinsport Coiffures
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2022, 01:57:41 AM »
Bob the Bartender wrote:

"You know, it would have been cool if bartender Bob Rooney had put some Herb Alpert and Sergio Mendes records on the jukebox at the Blue Whale. As much as I like “Meet Me at the Blue Whale,” it would have been enjoyable to have heard some other songs on that jukebox as Barnabas, Dr. Hoffman, Maggie Evans and Joe Haskell and Carolyn Stoddard and the “immortal” Buzz Hackett were all socializing and enjoying a few drinks at that venerable. Collinsport institution."

I agree, they definitely needed more variety on that jukebox. Didn't we hear "A Man and a Woman" playing quietly in the background one time, though?

That Herb Alpert album cover I remember was surprisingly easy to find and brings back memories.

"Collinwood is not a healthy place to be." -- Collinsport sheriff, 1995

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Re: Regarding Collinsport Coiffures
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2022, 11:16:59 PM »

Yes, I do recall the theme from “A Man and a Woman” being played on the Blue Whale jukebox during a DS episode. It would have been cool if ol’ Bob Rooney had some of the songs from the film, “Easy Rider” on the Blue Whale jukebox. I can just see Buzz Hackett, grooving to the sound of Steppenwolf’s John Kay, singing and playing guitar on “Born to be Wild” or to the sound of “Don’t Bogart that Joint” by the long-forgotten group, Fraternity of Man.

I don’t believe we ever saw Angelique or “Cassandra,” chilling out in the Blue Whale. If she did hang out there, I would have liked to have heard Santana’s great hit, “Black Magic Woman,” playing in the background. I think that song’s lyrics particularly apply to the former Mrs. Barnabas and Roger Collins:

Got a black magic woman, Got a black magic woman,
I’ve got a black magic woman, got me so blind I can’t see,
That she’s a black magic woman,
She’s trying to make a devil out of me.

The only other time I can recall hearing music on the show, which was NOT composed by Robert Cobert, was when Dr. Hoffman was diligently working alone on the preparations to bring Eve to life in the basement of the Old House; Julia had a portable radio on and the song “Harbor Lights” was being played on the radio. This was just moments before the recently-resurrected Tom Jennings appeared and gave the good Dr. Hoffman a vampiric “hickey.”

Although, it might have been great fun to see Elizabeth Stoddard and her brother, Roger Collins, singing the duet, “What Do the Simple Folk Do?” which Julie Andrews and Richard Burton sang in “Camelot” on Broadway many years ago.  [easter_cheesy] [easter_grin]