If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Thursday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Thursday's quote:
Ep #378 (1795) - Jeremiah- 'And now you've detained me long enough. The storm is worse-- I MUST be off.'
From "#0378/0379: Robservations 03/01/02: Get Married NOW!"
Jeremiah, having proclaimed his decision to leave no matter what, turns around to face Joshua. There is a black and white cat sitting there, but Joshua is gone!
Another instance where there is little detail in the Robservations. So, the way the quote comes up is that Jeremiah tells Joshua that he has kept him long enough, that he horse is waiting. Joshua questions if Jeremiah is more concerned for his horse than his brother. Jeremiah replies that he has listened to Joshua. But Joshua wants to speak about Millicent. To that Jeremiah bids his brother goodbye and starts to leave. But Joshua tells Jeremiah to wait a minute. Jeremiah stops. And as he goes over to Jeremiah, Joshua persists that it might be Jeremiah's last chance with Millicent. Jeremiah remains silent, causing an angered Joshua to wonder if Jeremiah cares so little for the rest of them, how much does he care for himself? Not very much at the moment is Jeremiah's reply. Joshua switches to pointing out that Jeremiah has invested time and money at the Yard, what should happen if something happens to him? Jeremiah somewhat sarcastically insists nothing will happen to Joshua. Joshua laughs and observes that at his age he cannot share Jeremiah's assurance. Moving away, Joahua asks where the the family will be able to reach him. Jeremiah says he will send an address. "When, this may be an emergency." "This
is an emergency," insists Jeremiah and as he moves back to the window he adds that he thinks even Joshua could understand that. Keeping his back to Joshua, Jeremiah explains it's a personal emergency and that is all he can tell him. He realizes Joshua won't understand because with his iron will Joshua never loses control, but he does, he has. And after that is when Jeremiah delivers the quote. And hearing a screeching sound, Jeremiah then turns to look where Joshua stood, but all that is there is a cat lying on the table...
This is the second quote from this ep. The first (Josette - 'Oh I did not COME to discuss that. It's Jeremiah I wish to talk to you about. He MUST NOT GO') was back on January 24th.