If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Thursday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Thursday's quote:
Ep #274 (1967) - Barnabas - 'That room MUST NOT be vacant long.'
From "#0273/0274: Robservations 12/06/01: Jason Gets Careless"
Oh, no, frets Willie, Barnabas, insisting that he "must live in a prescribed manner," is off to the races again, all set to turn another young woman (and he knows it's Vicki) into his Josette.
This Robservations is during the period where they really lack complete detail. In fact, it begins with the part I've shared, which is actually after the quote is delivered in the ep. So, explaining the circumstances in which the quote comes up, the pertinent part of the ep begins with a shot of Barnabas going down the stairs in the foyer of the Old House, walking into the drawing room, and stopping where Willie is lighting the candelabrum. Willie remarks that Barnabas has been up "there" a long time. Barnabas replies that he wasn't aware of time. Willie then watches him as he walks over to look out a window. Barnabas waxes on about how if only night could become eternal, the blackness would be with them always. And it is after that when Barnabas turns and moves somewhat toward Willie and delivers the quote, looking upward. Willie walks over and actually asks if there isn't some other way and that's when Barnabas replies there isn't and actually says, "I exist in a prescribed manner," not that he "must live in a prescribed manner"...
And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Barnabas - 'I MUST make my plans. I've already selected the next Josette') was back on April 10th.