If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Wednesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Wednesday's quote:
Ep #296 (1967) - Julia - 'You MUST understand that you MUSTN'T do anything to harm Maggie Evans. She can't hurt you.'
From "#0295/0296: Robservations 12/21/01: Julia Protects Her Vampire!"
She'll do anything to make this experiment happen, short of taking a life, and Maggie, memory gone, can't hurt him. Julia coolly pushes a cigarette in a holder, then lights it in Barnabas' candelabra.
Again, this ep falls into the period where the Robservations aren't all that detailed and the quote is barely referenced. But there are several "must" lines during just this small section so once again I'm not going to go into detail explaining the circumstances surrounding the quote as I normally would. And honestly, the quote pretty much speaks for itself...
And this is the fourth quote from this ep. The first (Barnabas - 'Tomorrow night, you MUST die'), was back on June 28th, the second (Julia - 'I know what I'm doing and you MUST trust me. And no harm MUST come to Maggie Evans') was back on July 14, and the third (Julia - 'You MUST cooperate with me. You have no choice') was back on August 26th.