If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Tuesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Tuesday's quote:
Ep #365 (1967) - Barnabas - 'Ghosts MUST have a great supply of raincoats and umbrellas.'
From "#0365/0366: Robservations 02/21/02 - - Welcome to 1795, Vicki!"
]Study, Collinwood - Barnabas tells Liz he doesn't want this seance conducted. She's surprised he feels this way, considering his passion for the past. I respect my ancestors' privacy, says Barnabas. Liz informs him that Julia saw Sarah. I don't think Miss Hoffman is the most stable of women, says Barnabas. (cold!)Julia wouldn't lie, objects Liz, and the seance might tell us what we have to deal with, and finds Barnabas' objections to this action shocking. He offers an apology--he thought he was being rational. Roger and Julia join them, and Roger invites Barnabas to the seance. He refuses--I'm a cynic, he says. I was, too, at first, admits Roger. He and Liz leave to find candles for the seance.
This Robservations is pretty well detailed but it doesn't reference the quote at all. So, what happens in the portion of the scene surrounding the quote is that after Roger and Julia have joined Barnabas and Liz and Roger has asked Barnabas if he'd care to join them, Liz mentions that Barnabas doesn't approve. Though Barnabas explains that it's not a matter of approval, it's just that he's a cynic. And after Roger explains that he was, too, at first, he points out, "But then, you know, something very impressive can happen." Appearing to become more positive, Barnabas says that for all their sakes he hopes that something does happen, but if it does, it... And he unfortunately starts to mangle his words a bit before he gets the quote out. Roger says that bothers him too, the realistic aspects of it, which reminds him they'll need some candles and he hates to wake Mrs. Johnson. To that, Julia offers that she thinks she knows where they are. But Liz says she'll get them, and Roger says he'll go with her. And as Liz leaves, Roger asks if they will please excuse them. He leaves...
And I do have to mention that I absolutely love how Julia watches Barnabas with fascination as -
- he tries to explain himself.
And this is the fourth quote from this ep. The first (Carolyn - 'Do you want to stop it, Barnabas? MUST you stop it') was back on April 30th, the second (Liz - 'But you MUST say more') was back on May 3rd, and the third (Julia - 'Our hands MUST touch so that we form an unbroken circle') was back on June 18th. (We were on a roll there - how did we ever manage to skip July and wait until August to use a fourth one?!