If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Wednesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Wednesday's quote:
Ep #310 (1967) - Barnabas - 'It's dark now. Come, we MUST go out.'
From "#0309/0310: Robservations 01/10/02: Sad Big Brother"
Barnabas insists to Willie that Sarah wouldn't betray him, and wants to go to Sarah's grave to see if she can sense his need for him, and thus appear to him.
Another one of the Robservations with very little detail and another that doesn't even reference the quote. But the circumstances surrounding the quote begin with Willie turning in Barnabas' direction and remarking that he hasn't said anything for a long time. Barnabas then does indeed insist that Sarah wouldn't betray him she couldn't. And after pausing, Barnabas delivers the quote as he walks toward Willie, who is still lighting the candelabra. Willie asks with surprise, "Out? Where?" Barnabas says to search for her, to find her. Willie wonders if Barnabas might know where she is? Barnabas replies her knows a logical place to find her. And after Willie asks where, Barnabas says her final resting place, her grave. Willie then says, "The Collins Tomb," with a touch of fright, to which Barnabas replies, "Yes." As Willie helps Barnabas put on his cape, he points out that they've looked there before but she wasn't there. Barnabas hopes, "Perhaps tonight she will sense my need for her and come to me."
Had I known about this quote, it might have been a part of "31 Days Of Come, I Must Be Going - Stay, I Must Be Leaving" - but obviously it didn't come up in a search...
And I'm sensing a theme for this day in the slideshow. In 2020's installment Barnabas was talking with Willie while Willie worked in the drawing room and was wearing a print shirt -
- and the scene for this quote it quite similar -
- so, if we do a third round of 'must" quotes, I'm thinking we should continue the trend...