If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Friday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Friday's quote:
Ep #205 (1967) - Liz - 'Well, you MUST have done something to make her nervous.'
From "#0204/0205: Robservations 10/15/01: Willie Goes Too Far"
They go into the drawing room, where Liz tells Willie she'll make it brief and to the point--"Leave my daughter alone!" I didn't do anything to your daughter! says Willie. Then why did she have to threaten you with a gun? Asks Liz. She got nervous, smiles Willie--she's a very nervous girl. You must have done something to make he nervous, says Liz. All I did was touch her, but only to admire her hair, says Willie--nothing wrong with admiring her hair. I'm not going to argue with you, says Liz sternly, I'll tell you what I told Jason--leave my daughter alone or I'll call the police and have you put in jail--do you understand me? I hear you, he says. It's no idle threat, says Liz, I'll go through with it--leave Carolyn alone! She turns and leaves. Jason closes the doors and faces Willie, furious.
The Robservations references the quote perfectly. (Well, except for the typo of "he" instead of "her.")
And it's always fun to see James Hall's Willie in a capture -
- and as much as I love John Karlen and can't even imagine anyone else portraying some of Willie's moments, I can't help but wonder what Willie would have been like if Hall had remained with the show...
Also, I've never really understood why women simply wore the jackets to their outfits thrown over their shoulders rather than wearing them outright. But it's something that was frequently seen back in the '60s...