If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Tuesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Tuesday's quote:
Ep #874 (1897) - Lady Kitty - 'I don't care who we are, or what we are, we MUST be happy. We MUST.'
From "Robservations 4/2/03 - #874-875 - Beth's Realization; Beth's Mistake"
"The day that I become Josette duPres, forget Kitty Soames, something terrible will happen, I know it," says Kitty You can't know it, he says. I know everything Josette knew, she says--there was no picture in London, was there, Barnabas--you did not fall in love with a portrait. No, he admits, I fell in love with a woman. A woman who lived 100 years ago, she reminds him--how can I accept that? "I want you to accept that," he says gently. We focus in close-up on Josette's portrait; the music plays. "Yes," says Kitty, back under the spell, "yes, you are my love--but alive!" Oh, Josette, he murmurs."You've changed--able to live during the day, but alive!" she exults, then reverts back to being Kitty--"The man that I met, the man Kitty Soames met the first night at Collinwood--I met you in the forest and you started all this!" By living! he says. "By the chance that I came here!" she cries. "I would have found you," he counters. Becoming Josette again, she says dreamily, "Yes, yes, you would have found me!" Kitty: "OH, WHAT AM I SAYING, I CAN'T BEAR IT!" She covers her face and tries to flee, but he grabs her, not letting her go. I must leave Collinwood! sobs Kitty, now! That won't stop it, he insists, detaining her--"You'll come back to me!" Please, she begs, but he refuses to release her. He holds her close, his hand on her hair, calming her down. She leans against him, once more Josette. "At last," she says, "I do remember what it was like, being in your arms--I don't care who we are, or what we are, we must be happy, we must." They kiss.
The Robservations references the quote perfectly...
And Kitty doesn't actually say "I must leave Collinwood!" - what she really says is "I've got to leave Collinwood now!"
And this is perhaps one of the most romantic scenes on DS. The sad thing, though, is that Kitty is quite right when she says that if she becomes Josette, something terrible will happen. But this is a soap opera, after all, and a Gothic one at that, and Gothic Romance tends to be quite tragic.