If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Monday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Monday's quote:
Ep #170 (1967) - Mrs. Johnson - 'Oh, they MUST be upstairs. They'll be down in a few minutes.'
From "#0170/0171: Robservations 09/19/01: Laura, Saboteur, Dream-Weaver"
Mrs. Johnson is carrying the tray of coffee into the foyer and sets it down to answer Guthrie's knock at the door. He closes his umbrella, remarking that another minute and he would have gone under for the third time--where does this weather come from? She offers to help him off with his coat. Where are the others? he asks. They must be upstairs, she tells him, they'll be down in a few minutes. Sorry I'm tracking the place up, he says. Well, she says, floor needs to be scrubbed anyway. I'll just go in here and wait for them, he says, heading into the drawing room. Make yourself at home, she says.
And once again the Robservations references the quote quite well...
And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Dr. Guthrie - 'We MUST keep this circle unbroken at all times') was back on May 2nd of 2020.
And I also want to mention that I decided to use a Mrs. Johnson quote specifically because dom posted this the other day -
I didn't remember Mrs. Johnson being a live-in housekeeper. Is she? I guess so. It makes sense knowing how things play out in the near future. If she is though, why didn't she answer the phone? Or the door? Maybe she isn't after all. I don't know why Burke would expect her to be there at 11pm. (I can hardly wait to see her!)
- particularly that last part in parentheses. Of course, having her in the slideshow isn't the same as seeing her in an actual ep, but hey, hopefully it helped tide you over, dom.
Unfortunately though, the quote I used for her for the Laura storyline isn't what I'd actually wanted to use at first - I'd wanted to use "I don't know, it must have been yesterday or the day before" from Ep #130 and referring to when Laura arrived back in Collinsport - but she wasn't on screen when she delivered that line, Burke was.