If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Monday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Monday's quote:
Ep #329 (1967) - Sheriff Patterson - 'I'll get it. It MUST be my deputy. I told him to contact me if there was any change in Willie.'
From "#0329/0330: Robservations 01/24/02: Dr. Barnabas Collins"
Another Robservations from the period when there isn't as much detail and like others, because of that lack of detail, the quote isn't referenced in even the slightest. But the way the quote fits into its surrounding area is that the scene starts off with Barnabas assuring Sam that if there's anything he can do to help Sam or his daughter to be sure to call on him. Sam says that very kind of him. But suddenly Barnabas is startled by a knock at the door and comments that it's odd because he wasn't expecting visitors. However, that's when Sheriff Patterson explains with the quote. Barnabas then moves to the foyer as the Sheriff answers the door, whereupon the deputy informs the Sheriff is needed at the hospital right away because Willie is coming out of the coma and is expected to be able to talk. This panics Barnabas, especially when the sheriff says he'll be able to get the truth out of Willie and that by the time the night is over they'll know everything. (Break for theme.)
And the reason nothing is quoted from Ep #329 is because all of what I've just summarized was actually a part-restaging of the ending of Ep #328 - and because the Robservations for that ep had already done a (very) basic summation of it (still minus not only the sheriff's quote but much of the beginning of the scene) -
From "#0327/0328: Robservations 01/24/02: Barnabas Frames Willie"
Barnabas tells Sam and George that he feels responsible for Willie's reprehensible actions and tells Sam to let him know if he or Maggie ever need anything. A deputy knocks at the door--Willie's coming out of the coma!Sheriff Patterson vows to get the truth out of him.
- the scene isn't summarized again for Ep #329. (And it's also worth noting that Vince O'Brien played Sheriff Patterson in Ep #328, whereas Dana Elcar was back for Ep #329.)
And this is the third quote from this ep. The first (Sheriff Patterson - 'Well, he MUST be') was back on August 12th, and the second (Dr. Woodard - 'His heart beat's almost back to normal. He MUST have the constitution of an ox') was back on May 19th.