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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #690 on: March 14, 2021, 05:02:05 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Friday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Friday's quote:
Ep #1218 (1841PT) - Carrie - 'Well I'll try. But you MUST understand, whatever I see in the future I have no control over.'

From "#1218/1219: Robservations 12/22/03: Unfortunate Timing"
I've heard about your unusual gifts, says Daphne, and was wondering if you might be able to help me.  What do you want me to do? smiles Carrie.  I want you to help me make a decision--you see, Bramwell and I are to be married.  That's wonderful! cries Carrie, congratulations!  Daphne, finally receiving the reaction she wanted, smiles at her enthusiasm and thanks her--the decision concerns the future, and since you can see into the future...  I can, but not always at will, says Carrie.  Try for me now, asks Daphne, because it's important for me to know wither or not Bramwell and I will be happy.  I'll try, says Carrie, but you must understand that whatever I see in the future, I have no control over.  I understand, says Daphne.

The Robservations references the quote almost perfectly...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Josette - 'You MUST answer that as honestly as you know how') was back on December 13th.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #691 on: March 15, 2021, 04:06:09 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Saturday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Saturday's quote:
Ep #35 (1966) - Carolyn - 'Vicki, remember when I told you that all the rest of us MUST be crazy? I guess you can add me to that list now too.'

From "#0035/0036: Robservations 06/12/01: Will Vicki Stay or Go?"
I'm sorry, says Carolyn--you were right, I was an idiot. I guess we were all under pressure, says Vicki, smiling, relieved. That doesn't excuse...what I mean is, you were right about something else, too--I was jealous of you. There's no reason to be, Vicki assures her. I know that, says Carolyn, Burke doesn't mean anything to me--I don't know, I just have to grab everything! That's a good way to end up with nothing, opines Vicki. An old maid, says Carolyn, that's what Joe said I'd be--sitting in this house with my mother--remember when I told you all the rest of us must be crazy?--I guess you'd better add me to that list now, too. I will, warns Vicki, if you don't stop feeling so sorry for yourself.

The Robservations references the quote pretty closely...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #692 on: March 16, 2021, 09:20:16 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Sunday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Sunday's quote:
Ep #308 (1967) - Sam - 'I guess you MUST think there's, uh, some connection. Is that a possibility?'

From "#0307/0308: Robservations 01/09/02: Vicki Puts Her Foot Down"
Sam doesn't believe her, calls her "the master of the evasive answer," and stalks away, leaving Joe to apologize for him.

As I've already said, it's really unfortunate that the Robservations doesn't go into this sequence in detail. But here's another chance to remedy that. So, what comes up surrounding the circumstances of Sunday's quote and beyond is that after the commercial break Julia explains that she really should be angry, but she's curious why Sam doesn't believe her. Sam tells her it's because she's been spending her time in one particular area - she goes back and forth between Collinwood and the Old House and after that is when he delivers the quote. And while Julia says anything is possible, she doesn't believe in generalities and she has nothing concrete to tell him. To that Sam says that he expected her to answer with something like that, prompting Joe to call him on his remark. But Sam believes they're all going to end up knowing nothing at all because they're all looking for the same lead. And after Julia questions what that is, Sam says that it's Sarah. But Julia denies looking for her - she asked some pointless questions that only brought meaningless answers because David doesn't know anything. Joe mentions they just found that out and asks Julia if she thinks there's any significance to Sarah, if she's a key piece? And after Julia says she doesn't know and that the problem is to find her, Julia asks why they wanted to see Mr. Collins? And once Joe explains it's to see if he knows anything about Sarah, Julia says she can save them time because she's already spoken to him and he knows nothing. That prompts, "Mr. Collins knows nothing. You know nothing. You know something, doctor - you missed your calling - you should have been a member of the diplomatic corps because you're a master of the evasive answer," from Sam before he stalks off. And as he stalks off, once again Joe calls Sam on his remark, then he apologizes to Julia. She says she understands and reassures Joe she's doing all she can. Joe is sure she is, and after saying good-bye, leaves. And that's when things conclude with Julia's real meaning about how she's really doing all she can (as illustrated in Reply #669).

And this is the third quote not only from this ep but from this sequence. The first (Julia - 'These pieces MUST be collected in any way possible, however unorthodox it might seem') was back on May 14th. And the second (Sam - 'You MUST know something-- you MUST have some lead') was back on February 24th.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #693 on: March 17, 2021, 05:54:00 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Monday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Monday's quote:
Ep #450 (1796) - Bathia - 'There MUST be a witness.'

From "#0449/0450: Robservations 04/19/02: Joshua Tries to Make it Right"
In the tower room, Joshua and Bathia wait. He is here! she announces. The door opens and Barnabas, shamefaced, enters. Bathia gazes at him, tight-lipped. Barn asks her what she's going to do to him. Fight she who set the curse, says Bathia, and your mind and soul will be my battlefield. He tries to speak the name of the one who placed his curse and chokes, but she presses her hand to his throat and he gasps out, "Angelique!" He asks her to send his father out, but she insists there must be a witness.

The Robservations references the quote perfectly..

And this is the third quote from this ep. The first (Bathia - 'There is something you MUST TELL me before I can begin') was back on June 19th. The second (Bathia - 'I fight an enemy that I MUST call by a name') was back on August 27th.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #694 on: March 19, 2021, 03:14:07 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Tuesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Tuesday's quote:
Ep #482 (1968) - Dr. Lang - 'Then you MUST make her release him if you're going to be free.'

From "#0481/0482: Robservations 05/14/02: Cassandra Thwarts the Good Guys"
Eric and Barnabas discuss the qualities needed for a eplacement assistant--good hands and lots of nerve. Barn suggests Willie Loomis, and Lang says he needs him immediately. Barn says Julia can release him from the mental institution, if she will, and Eric says Barn must talk Julia into it, if he wants to be free.

Again the Robservations paraphrases much of the quote but references it pretty closely...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #695 on: March 19, 2021, 10:06:00 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Wednesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Wednesday's quote:
Ep #734 (1897) - Gregory - 'She MUST learn!'

From "Robservations 11/20/02 - #734-735 - Jamison Escapes the Closet; Worthington Burns"
The young man refuses to get Rachel and bring her back.  There is a Mr. Barnabas Collins on the estate who has been helping Rachel, and he knows you are her friend--he will tell you where she is.  No! cries Tim.
Think before you speak, warns Trask.  Why must you have Rachel back? asks Tim--isn't it enough you have me, and that I'm going to marry your daughter?  Charity has seen fit to love you, points out Trask.  Then leave Rachel alone, says Tim.  SHE MUST LEARN, insists Trask--remember, you could be in some cell somewhere waiting to take that last walk to the gallows--have you no guilt at all?  Don't you remember Simon lying on the floor, dying because of you and Rachel?  "I didn't kill him!" yells Tim.  Did Rachel? demands Trask--I discovered the two of you stealing the money.  Rachel wasn't there, insists Tim, and knew nothing about it.  That's what you say, fumes Trask--shall we put the two of you to a test by jury?  Cowed, beaten, Tim is silent.

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

And this is the second quote from both this ep and this sequence. The first (Gregory - 'One MUST NOT give in to these petty weaknesses') was back on February 11th.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #696 on: March 20, 2021, 03:10:41 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Thursday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Thursday's quote:
Ep #891 (1969) - Philip - 'But you MUST let us pay you something for it.'

From "Robservations 4/14/03 - 890-891 - The Box Goes Whoosh; the Chosen Ones"
Barnabas enters the store, box in hand--he told them he'd be back soon. He tells Megan he has a present for her. Philip insists they couldn't accept it, and Barnabas asks if he's in the habit of depriving his wife of something she clearly wants. Megan looks hopefully at Philip, saying she does adore it, but it's much too grand a present. Barnabas says there's a legend to it, and she must take it. What's the legend, she asks. That whoever gives it will get what he wants in return, says Barnabas, so she's doing him a favor. Megan thinks he just made up the legend.  Please take it, urges Barnabas. Please say yes, Megan begs her hubby, dubbing him the proud one. They'd be delighted to have it, says Philip, and Megan takes it from Barnabas and walks away from them. Philip says they must pay him something, but Barnabas says out of the question--he wouldn't know what to ask, anyway. Megan thanks him, saying she will always treasure it, and will be more selfish than him--she'll never give it away. Barnabas says he hopes she never changes her mind, and the tone of his voice causes Philip's forehead to wrinkle.

Again the Robservations paraphrases the quote but references it closely...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Megan - 'It MUST be incredibly old') was back on April 9th.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #697 on: March 21, 2021, 02:44:03 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Friday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Friday's quote:
Ep #1002 (1970PT) - Yaeger - 'No, it MUST look as if I left under ordinary circumstances. But how?'

From "#1002/1003: Robservations 06/30/03: Cold Violence"
Yaeger's eyes dart back and forth in their sockets as he wonders what to do
--Quentin pounds on the other side of the door, asking if anything is wrong, and he's scared. Trask, the drawing room keys! demands Quentin, but the butler doesn't respond, so Quentin races to get them himself.  Yaeger considers leaving via the window, but tells himself it must appear that I left under ordinary circumstances--but how, I don't dare go through the foyer. He quickly scribbles a note to Quentin--pardon my leaving without first explaining--then realizes--I'm writing in the hand I decided to use for Yaeger.  He starts over, swiftly writing, then caps the pen and leaves the note on the desk. He unlocks and opens the doors and is about to leave through the window, but spots and retrieves Cyrus' missing glasses.

The Robservations references the quote almost perfectly...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #698 on: March 24, 2021, 04:14:22 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Saturday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Saturday's quote:
Ep #1149 (1840) - Flora - 'Oh Lamar, you MUST be mistaken about Quentin. The very idea of Quentin bewitching anybody is almost amusing!'

From "#1148/1149: Robservations 10/30/03: Rescue; A Sibling Horrorshow"
An insidious evil has crept its way inside that house, says Trask, I'm not at liberty to divulge its nature.  If you're not at liberty to divulge it, asks Randall, annoyed, why mention it at all?  Randall! Chastises Flora.  It's quite all right, says Trask, I'm quite aware of Randall's unbelieving, but the Almighty will deal with his blindness.  The Almighty will have his hands full dealing with yours! Says Randall angrily.  Will one of you please tell me what you're talking about? asks Flora.  Mr. Trask has somehow convinced himself Collinwood is filled with witches and evil spirits, says Randall.  You are suffering from delusions if you think Quentin Collins is what he seems, says Trask, he is not.  What has Quentin got to do with it? asks Flora.  Trask tells her Quentin is in league with the devil, practicing witchcraft in that house.  Randall informs Trask he's had enough of his inflammatory nonsense.  Inflammatory, is it? asks Trask, I find that a curious charge, coming from you, so soon after your dear sister's untimely death.  Let my sister rest in peace, says Randall.  You seem content to merely accept her death, says Trask, but I am not--I believe she was murdered by an act of sorcery and intend to prove it.  Gentlemen, please stop shouting! Trills Flora--oh, Lamar, he must be mistaken about Quentin--the very idea of Quentin bewitching anybody is almost amusing!  I do not find it amusing, says Trask--you do not believe me now, but you will soon--I have confidence in your judgment and faith--I'm sorry I can't say the same for you, Randall--go on doubting me, if you will--but I want you--those who doubt the word of truth are only a shade less guilty than those who defy it--good night.  He leaves.

Because "you" was changed to "he," the Robservations doesn't reference the quote directly, but it does reference it almost perfectly...

And I have to say I love Joan Bennett's Flora. Some think she's too flighty, but I love how Joan got to play a character that was so different from all her others. And because she often played Flora with such delight, I suspect Joan also enjoyed the change. The way Joan delivered this quote (as seen here in -

Ep #1149 (1840) - Flora - 'Oh Lamar, you MUST be
mistaken about Quentin. The very idea of Quentin
bewitching anybody is almost amusing!'

- this screen capture) is a perfect example of what I'm saying...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #699 on: March 24, 2021, 04:58:41 PM »
I'm not a fan of the 1840 story. But carefree, wacky but well meaning Flora brightens every scene that she's in. Now that I think about it, she's kind of a 19th century Roxy Balsom.
What a shame that Harper Collins or even Pomegranate Press didn't attempt to recreate some of Flora's lost novels. Or perhaps even the works of William H. Loomis or Claire and Alex Jenkins.
Fade Away and Radiate

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #700 on: March 24, 2021, 07:50:33 PM »
[pointing-up]  Yeah, that was definitely a lost opportunity.

Speaking of Flora's books, I love how in her first scene she drops by Collinwood with her latest book, A Summer's Death, in three parts - and she feels the need to point out that it's the book that's in three parts, not the death.  [easter_cheesy]

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #701 on: March 24, 2021, 10:01:17 PM »
Classic Flora!!
Fade Away and Radiate

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #702 on: March 24, 2021, 11:10:00 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Sunday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Sunday's quote:
Ep #1204 (1841PT) - Julia - 'Well, Flora, we MUST do something about Stella.'

From "#1203/1204: Robservations 12/11/03: Naive Fiancee"
Drawing room - Flora, we must do something about Stella, says Julia.  Flora agrees.  We've been mad not to consider the consequences of locking her in the tower room, says Julia.  I'd do it again, admits Flora--Justin was with us such a short time anyway.  I know, says Julia--do you know what to do now?  I can't think, says Flora, tears in her voice.  I can, says Julia, I have $5,000 here--I know it may not be the answer, but I think we should give it to Stella and ask her to leave Collinsport tonight--she places the money in a bag--and not ever mention anything that's happened to anyone.  Will she do it? asks Flora.  I don't know, says Julia, drawing the strings tightly on the bag, but we must try.  We must, agrees Flora.  They head to the tower room.

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Possessed Melanie - 'They don't pay any attention to you, do they?--you TELL them what they MUST do, and then you die!) was back on June 1st.

And even though this is PT, so we can't be 100% sure, I suspect that even in 1841PT $5,000 was a huge sum of money.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #703 on: March 25, 2021, 02:46:38 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Monday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Monday's quote:
Ep #63 (1966) - Matthew - 'That happened later-- after I pushed him off Widows' Hill. The current MUST have bumped him up against the rocks.'

From "#0063/0064: Robservations 07/02/01: Who Isn't Capable of Murder?"
When you found Bill's body at the foot of the cliff, before you pushed him out to sea again, you said there were no marks on him--you're sure of that? There were no marks on him, none at all, says Matthew. Thank you, says Liz, wandering to the window and opening it. She looks out, her face sad. Matthew asks her if somebody said different. The sheriff, says Liz, he was here again today. I wish they'd never found that body again! says Matthew hotly. Liz looks at him. It's true, they'll never stop hounding you now, he adds. The sheriff is only doing his job, says Liz. Bill Malloy was always real nice to me, says Matthew, but that's why I pushed him back into the water, to keep people from pesterin' ya--is that what they're saying, somebody killed him or something like that? No, says Liz. Then why would you be asking me about marks on his body? asks Matthew. There was an autopsy report, says Liz, he did die of drowning, but there was also evidence of a blow on his dead. Must have happened later, says Matthew, after I pushed him off Widows' Hill, the current must have banged him up against the rocks. That's what the sheriff thought, says Liz. Why are you so worried about it? Matthew asks--poor Mr. Malloy will be buried and everything will go on like it was. I wish it were that simple, says Liz. I don't understand, says Matthew, if the sheriff thinks he died a natural death, wouldn't that be the end of anymore questions?. From the sheriff, possibly, says Liz. Are you sayin' someone else will still be hounding you? asks Matthew. I don't think it will ever stop, she says, ever.

The Robservations changes the quote a bit, including adding a "must" that isn't in the ep, but it references the quote quite well...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #704 on: March 26, 2021, 05:36:04 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Tuesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Tuesday's quote:
Ep #446 (1796) - Joshua - 'I MUST do this. I MUST. Forgive me. Forgive me, dear son.'

From "#0445/0446: Robservations 04/17/02: An Anguished Father"
Now Joshua knows everything--I am compelled to this terrible life, says Barnabas. My son, my son, commiserates Joshua, but Barnabas says he is only aware of his father's pain. Let me escape, pleads Barnabas--I'm an animal, with instincts to kill, no longer your son. Joshua, in agony, reaches out to Barnabas, but Barnabas orders him, "Don't touch me!" Josh, face filled with misery, takes the gun in his hand. I must do this, he says, and adds, "Forgive me, dear son." He shoots Barnabas, who clutches his chest.

Even though the Robservations leaves out about half of the quote, because a lot of it is repeating what has already been said, it still references the quote quite well...