If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Tuesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Tuesday's quote:
Ep #152 (1967) - Laura - 'No, no, I... Well, you're right. You're right, of course I-- I MUST be more careful.'
From "#0152/0153: Robservations 09/06/01:"
You see, says Laura, there really is a logical explanation for all these so-called strange happenings since my arrival. Yes, but the fact remains that I've been ordered to keep you away from David, says Vicki--I've come here to ask you to help me. Why? asks Laura. Because David will be the one who suffers if there is an unpleasant situation, says Vicki. But this whole thing is an unpleasant situation to me, says Laura, and very painful. Will you help me? asks Vicki. Laura evades the question by saying the water must be burning. She suddenly sticks her hand into the fire. Look out, you'll burn yourself! warns Vicki. Laura draws back quickly. Oh, no, she says...well, you're right, of course, I must be more careful.She rubs her unharmed hand. Vicki gazes at her oddly.
The Robservations references the quote nearly perfectly...
On the other hand (so to speak
) Laura does not say that the water must be "burning," which would be a ridiculous remark. What she says, of course, is that the water must be "boiling." No doubt Robin had Vicki's warning in mind about Laura burning herself and accidentally jumped the gun.