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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #630 on: January 31, 2021, 11:24:04 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #775 (1897) - Dirk - 'I don't know. I don't know. But she... she MUST COME back to me. She MUST!'

From "Robservations 1/21/03 - #774-775 - The End For Rachel?"
Dirk re-enters the Peabody Farm cellar and closes the doors after himself.  Rachel asks him, who are you watching for?  For Laura to come back, he replies.  But she's dead, objects Rachel.  Some people have powers to restore the dead, says Dirk--you don't understand, but you don't have to--just be quiet and wait.  Then what? asks Rachel.  I don't know, he says, and adds passionately, hitting a wall or something, "She MUST come back to me, she must!"

While the Robservations doesn't include the entire quote, it does reference it well...

And this quote concludes our "31 Days Of Come, I Must Be Going - Stay, I Must Be Leaving" sub-theme. It may return at some point. Or it may not. Only time will tell...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #631 on: February 01, 2021, 01:56:50 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #1242 (1841PT) - Kendrick - 'I Will break the curse. I MUST!'

From "#1242/1243: Robservations 01/19/04: Morgan Collins' Revenge"
4:00 - Collinwood drawing room - The clock chimes the hour.  Three more hours until darkness, muses Kendrick, and then...I WILL break the curse--I must!  He rubs his eyes.

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #632 on: February 02, 2021, 03:28:47 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #112 (1966) - Liz - Burke will not stop until he's satisfied-- which means we MUST destroy him-- or be destroyed!'

From "#(0110_)0111/0112: Robservations 08/07/01: Where is Matthew?"
At last that nightmare is over, he says, we don't have to worry about that anymore. I don't think that's quite true, she says--aren't you forgetting about Burke? Of course I'm not forgetting about Burke, says Roger, won't he be disappointed when he learns that I had nothing to do with Malloy's death. If I know Burke, he'll also be twice as determined to destroy us, says Liz. I'm not afraid of Devlin anymore, says Roger. I'm not afraid of him, either, says Liz, but don't underestimate him
--he won't stop until he's satisfied--which means we must destroy him--or be destroyed!

The Robservations references the quote quite well...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #633 on: February 03, 2021, 02:32:02 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #1194 (1841) - Judard - 'You will sleep, Daphne. You will sleep. You will have your last dream, the dream that you MUST have and learn that we MUST be man and wife.'

From "#1193/1194: Robservations 12/04/03: A Proposal Overheard"
Daphne sits in the Collinwood drawing room, relaxing on the sofa.  Gerard watches her, witch's symbol in hand: You will sleep, Daphne, sleep, you will have your last dream, the dream you must have and learn that we must be man and wife--sleep, Daphne, sleep--and you will remember the reason for our love...sleep, sleep, sleep!  Daphne falls into slumber and dreams.

Again the Robservations references the quote quite well...

And of course Judard = Judah possessing Gerard...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #634 on: February 04, 2021, 03:40:01 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #182 (1967) - Roger - 'I MUST admit I find all of this terribly disturbing.'

From "#0182/0183: Robservations 09/27/01: Peter Lays His Cards on the Table, and His Head in the Noose"
but there's something else we discovered--an old newspaper, dated 1867--it tells of a death by fire of Laura Murdoch Radcliffe--it also tells about her son--as she was being consumed by the flames, attempts were made to rescue her, but she refused. Her son tried to rescue her? he asks. Oh, no, says Vicki, she was holding her son, clutching him in her arms. He...he burned to death with her? asks Burke. Yes, says Vicki. That's a pretty hair-raising story, isn't it? asks Burke. My heart almost stopped beating when I heard his name, says Vicki--his name, of course, was David.

David? asks Roger, sickened. Yes, David, says Peter. I must admit, says Roger, sitting down at the desk, I find all this terribly disturbing. Then I can count on your cooperation? Asks Peter, sitting beside him. I said disturbing, admits Roger, I didn't say convincing. Then I don't know what else to say to you, short of begging you, says Peter desperately. Do you realize what a serious accusation you're making against my wife, without any real proof? Asks Roger. In time, I might get it, and that's what I need, says Peter--time--and during that time, David must be kept away from Mrs. Collins.

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #635 on: February 05, 2021, 05:58:17 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #1082 (1970) - Roxanne - 'Oh, you MUST have confused me with the other Roxanne. Mr. Collins mentioned her to me.'

From "#1082/1083: Robservations 08/27/03: Barnabas Strikes Out"
Julia (who looks fetching in a dark blue outfit with a light blue scarf and pretty pin), picks up the ringing telephone. The woman at the other end asks, is this Collinwood?  Yes, replies Julia.  Is  Barnabas there? the woman inquires. He isn't in at the moment, says Julia, but I'm expecting him soon--who is this, please? "This is Roxanne Drew," says the woman at the other end of the phone, smiling.  Julia is stupefied.

This is Julia Hoffman, says Julia. You must have confused me with the other Roxanne, the redhead says, Mr. Collins mentioned her to me. Oh, did he? asks Julia. Could I leave a message? Roxanne asks--I won't be able to have supper with him tonight--I am sorry. Julia promises to tell him. Please do, says Roxanne, I hate the thought of him waiting there for me.
I understand, says Julia. Thank you very much, says Roxanne.  They say goodbye.

Again the Robservations references the quote quite well...

As a sidenote, this ep contains one of my favorite moments/lines in the show and especially in Julia and Barnabas' relationship:
Tiredly, Julia says, I wonder why I always have to be the one to talk sense
Though does Barnabas listen? No. But then, so what else should we expect?

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #636 on: February 06, 2021, 02:12:00 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #283 (1967) - Vicki - 'I want to put those flowers on her grave. It's something I feel I MUST do!'

From "#0283/0284: Robservations 12/13/01: Julia Gets a Glimmer"
When Burke comes to Collinwood to pick up Vicki, she's in the drawing room, listening to the music box. He invites her for a ride to Bangor and dinner (pretending to sell magazines, as I recall). I'd love to, says Vicki, but first I want to place flowers on a friend's grave. He assumes she's referring to Maggie, but Vicki tells him it's Josette.
Burke isn't pleased with the idea. She invites him in and shows him her gift from Barnabas. Collinwood is getting to you, says Burke, and your extreme interest in the past isn't healthy. Josette has done good things for me, protests Vicki, and I'm going to the cemetery with or without you. Burke gives in and agrees to join her.

We're back to the Robservations that have very little detail and one that once again barely references the quote. So, what actually happens in the part of the scene around which the quote appears is that after Vicki plays the music box for Burke and says that when she plays it she feels that Josette is very nearby and very near to her, Burke rudely slams the music box shut and says how he can't believe that a "sensible, intelligent girl" like Vicki appears to really believe in "the Collins spooks." "Don't call her that," protests Vicki. But Burke goes on to opine that the house is really getting to her and how she's suddenly talking like all the legends about Collinwood are really true and that's not right. Vicki adamantly says that maybe it's wrong but she can't help feeling close to Josette, to which Burke responds that being attracted to a legend is one thing but it's another thing to treat it as fact. He then says they shouldn't go to Josette's grave because it will only encourage Vicki to think about her more and maybe to believe in her more and that's not good for Vicki. And after Burke says it's not a good idea for him to take Vicki, she then determinedly states that she'll go by herself. And after Burke questions if it means that much to her, Vicki says that right or wrong it's Josette's birthday and someone should do something to remember it. She then follows that with today's quote. And to that Burke agrees to take her if she's that determined, but only for a moment because afterward they're going to go for a nice long drive and have a nice dinner. Vicki readily agrees to that deal and leaves the room to get ready. But Burke hardly looks happy with the deal they've made.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #637 on: February 07, 2021, 05:32:00 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #1060 (1970PT) - Timothy Stokes - 'You MUST feel very satisfied.'

From "#1060/1061: Robservations 08/12/03: From PT to the RT Future!"
Maggie, terrified, watches Stokes pet his gun. "You're going to kill him, aren't you?" she asks. Let's just say that once this evening is over, all our little scores will be settled, promises Stokes. Quentin, don't come in! screams Maggie--he's got a gun!  Quentin, true to form, bursts in anyway, running to Maggie's side--are you all right? he asks. I am, she assures him.  Whatever our differences, Stokes, it's between the two of us, says Quentin--let Maggie go, I'll stay.  Quentin, objects Maggie. You'll both stay, says Stokes--has Angelique's body been cremated yet? Yes, says Quentin. You must feel very satisfied, says Stokes. I don't feel anything, says Quentin, I'm just glad it's over. It's not over yet, says Stokes, I intend to finish what Angelique started--I restored her to life, she was determined to resume her rightful place as mistress of Collinwood--unfortunately, now it's not possible for her to be with you--but it's quite possible for you to be with her. Quentin, he's going to kill you, says Maggie in a hushed voice. Don't be a fool, says Quentin---you'll never get away with it. I'm not trying to get away with anything, says Stokes, I have nothing to lose, and very little to gain except the satisfaction of seeing you dead
--in life, they say a man's is judged by his achievements--my crowning achievement was the restoration of Angelique, and you destroyed it!  He closes the doors and holds the gun on Quentin--I live now, Quentin, only to see you die, says Stokes.

Again the Robservations references the quote perfectly...

And Stokes isn't exactly correct in his claim that Quentin destroyed his achievement with Angelique. Quentin had little to do with it. Yes, Quentin authorized Angelique's cremation, but the person who probably had the most responsibility for Angelique's destruction is Barnabas because he's the one who set things in motion. But of course, when you're insane, as Stokes is at this point, you're not always thinking clearly.  [ghost_nowink]

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #638 on: February 08, 2021, 12:15:08 AM »
Great shot of PT Tim Stokes. Another brilliant characterization from Thayer David.

Thayer's acting and Violet Welles' writing in the Count Petofi storyline in 1897, which I have been revisiting, has me regularly offering all involved a standing ovation. It's mindblowing to me that material this sophisticated was produced for a daytime TV series in 1969. Of course the ratings began to decline, a combination of the storyline getting TOO complicated or so we were told, as well as Frid insisting on taking some substantial time off. I'm so grateful to whoever saved all these shows.


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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #639 on: February 08, 2021, 11:02:55 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #376 (1795) - Naomi - 'Joshua has set down certain rules-- the mistress of the house MUST be a lady of leisure. You see how fortunate I am.'

From "#0376/0377: Robservations 02/28/02: Andre Takes Control--He Thinks"
Drawing room - Jeremiah comes in, sees Naomi drinking and suggests it's too early for it. She's bored, Naomi informs him, since Joshua says she must be a lady of leisure. With nothing else to do, she drinks.

While not referring to it as a direct quote, the Robservations does reference the quote well...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #640 on: February 09, 2021, 03:32:02 PM »
Great shot of PT Tim Stokes. Another brilliant characterization from Thayer David.

I was very happy with how that screen capture turned out. And here it is for anyone who may have missed it:

Somehow that one yellow tooth, whether Thayer's own or something in some way he added, manages to contribute just as much to Tim Stokes' sleaze and the mustache does.  [snow_wink]

Thayer's acting and Violet Welles' writing in the Count Petofi storyline in 1897, which I have been revisiting, has me regularly offering all involved a standing ovation. It's mindblowing to me that material this sophisticated was produced for a daytime TV series in 1969. Of course the ratings began to decline, a combination of the storyline getting TOO complicated or so we were told, as well as Frid insisting on taking some substantial time off.

"Or so we were told" is the perfect way to phrase it, Gothick. I've often wondered if the ratings going down during 1897 has any validity. And the reason I say that is because the DS Companion, which was well researched, says that at the end of the 1897 storyline "the ratings were at an all-time high" and nowhere in the book's 1897 section does it mention an 1897 ratings dip. In fact, it would seem to indicate that the ratings just continued to increase. The too complicated/ratings drop notion may have originated with a faction who doesn't like Count Petofi (something hard for me to imagine because Petofi is such a fascinating and intricately written character and Thayer plays him to such perfection), but they are out there. And as we all know only too well, when claims are made on the Internet, regardless of whether or not they're accurate or not, they can take on lives of their own. I'm not saying that for certain the 1897 ratings never dipped, but whenever that does come up I've yet to see a reputable source cited by the ones making the claim.

I'm so grateful to whoever saved all these shows.

That would be ABC - they definitely had a great deal of foresight...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #641 on: February 09, 2021, 08:09:10 PM »
Hi MB,

In an interview (it was really just a conversation, but it was recorded) Grayson did with fans in 1973, she told them that she had been told that the ratings dropped during the Quentofi body-switch storyline. So, this would seem to be what people working on the show were told at the time. Who knows--I could imagine Dan coming up with this as an excuse to do some of his crazy turn-on-a-dime plot switching which happened as we know in the middle of Leviathan and then happened a couple of times subsequently.

I do remember you, or somebody, mentioning that the ratings were climbing in March of 1971 when the decision to cancel was announced. You know my theory about the real reason and person behind the cancellation so no need to repeat it again.


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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #642 on: February 09, 2021, 08:12:54 PM »
And yeah--to me, anybody who doesn't love Petofi and what Thayer did with the role needs their head examined--but I've seen those comments from certain fans--so, go figure! I know of fans who think of 1795 and the Barnabas/Josette romance as the absolute height of classic DS--I completely disagree, but everyone has a right to their opinion.


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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #643 on: February 09, 2021, 08:38:26 PM »
The Quentin/Petofi body switch gave both Thayer David and David Selby a chance to do something a little different than their usual characterizations and both actors certainly rose to the occasion. I always thought that this was the plot twist that got the writers so confused that they had to ask the kids outside the studio to explain it.
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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #644 on: February 09, 2021, 08:56:00 PM »
Well, I wouldn't doubt Grayson's word. But if the DS Companion's claim is also true, then the dip must have been short-lived for the ratings to have reached their height by the end of 1897. Plus, another reason why the dip must have been short-lived is because the book also details that during the week of Barnabas' return after supposedly having been staked, a return which took place in the midst of the Quentin/Petofi mind switch, the ratings were huge.