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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #600 on: January 14, 2021, 07:04:06 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #239 (1967) - Barnabas - 'You MUST learn to never LEAVE me. You MUST STAY with me always.'

From "#0239/0240: Robservations 11/8/01:"
Barnabas, sad and angry, accuses Josette of lying to him and trying to leave him.
"You must never leave me," he warns, and lurches at her menacingly. Maggie screams.

The Robservations (which is again in a period where there isn't as much detail as there will be) references the first half of the quote pretty well but ignores the second half completely...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #601 on: January 15, 2021, 07:32:30 PM »
Today's capture of Barnabas and Maggie is really good.

Thanks. And here it is for anyone who might have missed it:

I don't feel it's ever been really emphasized just how transgressive that storyline was in 1967. Maybe daytime writers don't think that much about it because kidnapping storylines became so popular later, I guess from the 1970s onwards. I've often wondered if DC or the writers deciding to put Maggie through yet another kidnapping storyline in PT 1970 influenced KLS's decision to leave.

An interesting possibility. Though if some soap actresses had problems with their characters being kidnapped multiple times they wouldn't have had jobs.  [ghost_nowink]  And it wasn't even limited to soap actresses because for example, take Kate Jackson's run on The Rookies. Even though the show was on for four years, the events on the show supposedly took place over 9 months, and during those months Jackson's Jill Danko was kidnapped three or four times. If that had happened in real life I can't help but think that by the end of those 9 months Jill would have been in a padded room, quite possibly babbling to herself!  [ghost_wink]  Though, of course, she was nowhere near that traumatized on the show. I mean, by the end of the series it was like Jill single-handedly ran the entire hospital all by herself, showing up in any and every section of the hospital whether it made sense or not!  [ghost_cheesy]

I read on a social media group a few months ago about a kidnapping storyline (maybe from a 1980s or 1990s soap opera) where this woman was buried alive but in a coffin with HVAC. The kidnapper, some madwoman (sorry can't recall the soap) would visit her periodically to gloat about how she was taking the woman's man and other possessions away from her. Sounded really whacky. I believe the victim was eventually released, no doubt with hair, eyeliner and lipstick flawlessly styled.

Not that I was watching then, but that was Days of Our Lives (and the kidnapper/madwoman was played by the brilliant Louise Sorel). And you're probably dead on that the victim was released with hair, eyeliner and lipstick flawlessly styled. I mean, after being trapped in a ragging fire, Erica Kane on All My Children eventually escaped with every hair in place and not a smudge of soot of her face or even her white dress!  [ghost_grin]

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #602 on: January 15, 2021, 07:32:30 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #381 (1795) - Angelique - 'You MUST GO downstairs first. We wouldn't want them to think that we've been up here together, would we?'

From "#0380/0381: Robservations 03/04/02: Wedding Interruptus"
Angelique, watching from the fire, tells Ben now they have to wait--Barnabas will be changed. Upset, Ben says he doesn't want to see his master different, sad, but Angelique wants him to view her bitchy handiwork. He tells her again how mean she is. She says they must go downstairs separately, and he leers, "Why? Do you think they'll think there's somethin' between us?" She orders him not to make her angry, or she'll turn him into a moth, and he calls her a mean, unmerciful woman. Respect me, she warns.

The Robservations references the spirit of the quote but not the specifics...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #603 on: January 17, 2021, 02:28:07 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Saturday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Saturday's quote:
Ep #537 (1968) - Prof. Stokes - 'Julia, you MUST COME. It's Adam. You remember that name, don't you? Adam?'

From "Robservations 6/25/02 - #536/537 - Separate Sets of Mourners"
The cat fight is interrupted by a knock at the door. It's Prof. Stokes,looking for Julia. He is glad to see her, and says he was playing chess with a friend of his, and the friend was taken ill. He wants Julia to come with him. He notices how upset she is, and she says he must find someone else. No, he insists, I can't. She says she's just come in from a case, she'll find him someone else, she says distractedly, and Cassandra tries to plead exhaustion on Julia's behalf-she's been saying incredible things to her tonight and she thinks Stokes had better not bother her. "Yes, and you know that exactly, don't you?" Julia says as Stokes gazes back and forth between the two women. Cassandra tells Julia to get some sleep and heads upstairs, telling Stokes she's sorry she can't help him. Stokes and Julia go into the drawing room and he closes the doors. He is perplexed, and she says she's had enough. He tells her the patient is Adam, and she must come. He's had a strange attack-I think he's dead--think it, but don't believe it-you must come.

And again the Robservations references the spirit of the quote but not the specifics...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #604 on: January 18, 2021, 02:46:14 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Sunday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Sunday's quote:
Ep #750 (1897) - Beth - 'I'm sorry, Quentin, but I MUST GO.'

From "Robservations 1/2/03 - 750-751 - Quentin's Terror Begins"
Beth has packed her belongings in a suitcase, which she closes.  She glances through the window.and begins tying a hat on her head.  Quentin comes in, joyously holding and pawing her.  "You decided to come with me, eh?" he asks.  Yes, she says, pulling away from him.  You don't sound very enthused, he complains.  Beth turns to look at him, then asks, why do you want me to go with you?  That's obvious, he says, for a long time--"I love you, Beth."  I've been thinking about us since the other night, she says, and if we are going away, you must be honest--you don't want me along because you love me, because I'm not sure you love me--or anyone (wise gal).  Quentin doesn't answer, but turns away from her when he denies what she said.  You want me with you, says Beth, because you're the kind of person who can't ever be alone or do anything alone--people mean nothing to you, you use them and when you're tired and bored, you discard them in favor of new ones.  If that's the way you feel, he asks gently, why have you decided to come with me?  I love you, she says, and care about what happens to you--every instinct tells me not to go, but I'm going anyway.  He takes her in his arms and assures her, you won't regret it, then plants a big kiss on her.  I'll take you back to the carriage, he says.  I have something to do, she says, a personal matter in Collinsport.  There isn't time, he says desperately--it will be dark soon, we must leave.  Beth, however, insists, I must go.

And again the Robservations references the quote but not all of it...

And BTW, Quentin doesn't say "we must leave," he actually says " we gotta get out of here."

And this is actually the second quote from this ep. The first (Sandor - 'We MUST make plans to leave here after tonight') was back on September 7th. It could have been a part of this month's sub-theme but, obviously, we didn't start the "31 Days Of Come, I Must Be Going - Stay, I Must Be Leaving" sub-theme until this month.  [snow_wink]

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #605 on: January 19, 2021, 02:46:03 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Monday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Monday's quote:
Ep #979 (1970) - Jeb - 'We MUST LEAVE here. We MUST.'

From "Robservations 6/12/03 - #978-979 - Barnabas Turns to Ang; Widows' Hill Again"
Jeb returns to Collinwood.  I wonder if the shadow will still be awaiting me in this house?--has she tricked me? Hesitantly, he enters the house, looking around the dark foyer warily. He turns on the light and stares around himself, then enters the drawing room, turns on lights there, but sees no shadow. Carolyn! he calls eagerly.  She comes running downstairs. It's all over, he says, dancing her around, the shadow is gone. She hugs him. We're free! he exults, it's gone!  They hug enthusiastically. Are you sure? she asks--what happened? I had to put it on Nicholas, says Jeb--he's dead--he was going to kill me, explains Jeb, trying to hypnotize me, I took the shadow from my pocket, placed it on his heart--he screamed, and I ran out, I didn't even see the shadow--it's over!--when I think of all I put you through when all I wanted to do was give you happiness--now I will--we must leave here; go to anyplace, away from all this.  Where would that be? she asks, will we find one, or will there be someone there who hates you as much as Nicholas Blair does? No, says Jeb. How will you be sure? she asks--why did he hate you so? It's all gone, in the past, insists Jeb, no point in discussing it--let's just leave here tonight. We ran away once before, she reminds him. The shadow was on me then, says Jeb--this time it's different, we can forget everything that happened here. Yes, says Carolyn, hugging him, we can. I promise you that wherever we go, it will be different, he says. She looks unsure.

And once again the Robservations references the quote but not all of it...

And this is actually the second quote from this ep. The first (Nicholas - 'You MUST revenge this--Jeb Hawkes MUST die!') was back on May 18th...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #606 on: January 20, 2021, 03:26:03 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Tuesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Tuesday's quote:
Ep #1057 (1970PT) - Roxanne - 'No. I can't STAY here any longer. I MUST GO.'

From "#1056/1057: Robservations 08/08/03: More Death; A Near-Miss Rescue"
Roxanne enters. Why did you kill him? she asks Barnabas, who rises to his feet, delighted to see her. Are you referring to Claude North? he asks--I didn't kill him, Stokes did!  I don't believe you, says Roxanne--you killed him and you must die for it!  She holds up the dagger at stabbing height.  Barnabas recognizes it as the dagger he saw in the secret room--where did you get it? he asks.  It was Claude's, and mine, says Roxanne, it belonged to the two of us--it brought us together in a way no two people have been brought together before (so romantic)! He made me take a vow on it--that I would kill anyone who harmed him
--and I intend to keep that vow. Claude is dead, says Barnabas, and no longer has a hold over you, you are free. I made a promise, she says. He forced you to make it, says Barn, you didn't do it freely--you cannot hold to it any longer. I've GOT to, she insists, raising the dagger, but instead she drops it and begins to cry. Barnabas puts his hands on her shoulders--it's all right, he assures her. Am I free, really free? she asks. Yes, you are, he says. I don't know, it frightens me, she says, I'm lost without him!  There are others to comfort you, says Barn. No, I needed Claude, and he's dead, dead, she says. Sit down, he suggests.  I can't stay here anymore, insists Roxanne, I've got to go. I need your help, he pleads.  I can't help anyone, she says. Yes you can, he says, you can tell Hamilton exactly what you know. The police? she asks. Yes, says Barn, you must tell prove to them...  I can't talk to them, she objects, I wouldn't dare. You must--they won't hurt you, he assures her. I can't stay here any longer, she says, I must go--they couldn't keep me, I couldn't stand it!  She runs off.  Barnabas, begging, I need your help!, runs after her.

The Robservations references the quote practically perfectly...

And this is actually the second quote from this ep. The first (Timothy Stokes - 'I want to cooperate, Inspector, but I MUST refuse to participate in such obvious idiocies') was back on November 25th...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #607 on: January 20, 2021, 08:19:31 PM »
Today's episode brings up memories--it was one of 2 released by MPI on a special promo tape back circa 1992 as "the 1840 Flashback." It was exciting to see these at the time. I didn't get the Sci Fi Channel and hadn't seen these since 1970.

It was strange that I learned there was a rumor in fandom that Grayson played the ghost of Harriet Collins. The actress doesn't resemble Grayson at all. I figured the confusion occurred because nobody had seen this show since 1970 and people's episode log notes did indicate that crazy Daniel for some reason thought Julia was Harriet come back from the grave to haunt and taunt him.


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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #608 on: January 21, 2021, 10:40:07 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Wednesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Wednesday's quote:
Ep #1131 (1840) - Angerie - 'Harriet Collins, return again to the waters that are your grave, but know, you MUST COME to Daniel whenever he thinks of Angelique.'

From "#1131/1132: Robservations 10/20/03: Julia Under Zachary's Control"
Don't let her touch me, says Daniel, you must make her go away!  If I do, says Angelique, will all your memories of Barnabas and Angelique disappear with her?  Yes, yes, please, please! he says.  You must understand, warns Ang, that anytime you start to remember, she will come to you.  I won't remember, he swears.  No, says Ang, you will not remember anything, even this!--but it will lie deep in your consciousness.  Daniel, nearly sobbing, Harriet still reaching to touch him, promises he will not remember.  Angelique says she will send Harriet back to the waters that are he grave, but know that she  must come to Daniel whenever he thinks of Angelique.  Daniel is sobbing as Harriet's ghost fades.

The Robservations references the quote quite well though not as a direct quote...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #609 on: January 22, 2021, 01:52:09 PM »
Today's episode brings up memories--it was one of 2 released by MPI on a special promo tape back circa 1992 as "the 1840 Flashback." It was exciting to see these at the time. I didn't get the Sci Fi Channel and hadn't seen these since 1970.

Yes, the 1840 Flashback VHS was probably my my favorite of all the tapes MPI released back then for the same reasons you state. It was definitely thrilling to see two eps that hadn't been seen since 1970. And back then we had no idea if we would ever see the full 1840 storyline.

It was strange that I learned there was a rumor in fandom that Grayson played the ghost of Harriet Collins. The actress doesn't resemble Grayson at all. I figured the confusion occurred because nobody had seen this show since 1970 and people's episode log notes did indicate that crazy Daniel for some reason thought Julia was Harriet come back from the grave to haunt and taunt him.

For that reason plus the fact that in her 1840 Concordance Kathy Resch had identified Grayson as having played Harriet. But I strongly suspect that because all she had was audio tapes to go by, that mistake can also be traced back to the scene in which Daniel mistook Julia for Harriet...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #610 on: January 22, 2021, 01:56:23 PM »
[spoiler]Wednesday's quote:
Ep #1131 (1840) - Angerie - 'Harriet Collins, return again to the waters that are your grave, but know, you MUST COME to Daniel whenever he thinks of Angelique.'[/spoiler]

Oops - I forgot to mention yesterday that Angerie = Angelique posing as Valerie.  [snow_smiley]

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #611 on: January 22, 2021, 02:02:01 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Thursday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Thursday's quote:
Ep #1232 (1840PT) - Josette - 'But you know what the doctor said. You need complete rest— you MUST STAY in bed.'

From "#1232/1233: Robservations 01/07/04: Daphne Falls Ill"
Old House - Daphne, wearing a pretty white nightgown, comes downstairs. Josette, shocked to see her out of bed, asks, what are you doing?  I want to be here, insists Daphne, to greet Bramwell when he comes home.  But you know what the doctor said, protests Josette--you need complete rest--you must stay in bed.  When is he coming home? asks Daphne.  Soon, promises Josette, very soon.  She helps the ill young woman slowly back upstairs..

Again the Robservations references the quote quite well though not as a direct quote...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #612 on: January 23, 2021, 02:50:17 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Friday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Friday's quote:
Ep #61 (1966) - Maggie - 'My Pop. He's not in the kitchen. He MUST HAVE GONE out the back way.'

From "#0061/0062: Robservations 06/29/01:An Unwelcome Guest"
This is just about empty, Sam says of the bottle, I'll go get another one from the kitchen. He leaves. Burke watches after him--that's my story, he tells Vicki. It's just so hard to believe Mr. Collins would lie, says Vicki. Why not? asks Burke--it was his neck or mine. You could be wrong, says Maggie--you say you don't really remember. Yes, agrees Burke, I could be wrong--but I'm not. He smiles. Well, he says, I hope I haven't ruined your dinner party with all this ancient history. I'll see about getting dinner on the table, says Maggie, somewhat resentfully. And would you tell Sam to come out for a minute? Asks Burke--I miss his company. Maggie goes into the kitchen. Do you believe my story? asks Burke of Vicki. I don't know what I believe, she says. That's a beginning, anyway, says Burke. Maggie rejoins them and says he Pop isn't in the kitchen, and must have gone out the back way--what is it, Burke, I've got to know what's happening? He's running, says Burke. From what? demands Maggie. Himself, says Burke--from Sam Evans!

Again the Robservations references the quote well though not as a direct quote...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #613 on: January 24, 2021, 05:04:05 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Saturday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Saturday's quote:
Ep #200 (1967) - Liz - 'Yes. Yes, of course you MUST STAY.'

From "#0200/0201: Robservations 10/11/01: Willie and James Dean, Separated at Birth?"
Roger comes over and orders Liz to tell him to leave tomorrow. Jason says yes, tell me to leave tomorrow, and I will, for that matter, tell me to leave tonight--you only need say the word. Say it, Liz, say it! says Roger. Stop it, she orders her brother, and Jason says yes, says it, Liz, I'm sure it won't reflect on our long, long friendship, and it certainly won't have any effect on the deep, deep understanding we've always shared. He gives her a significant look. The memories of other days, of your husband, Jason reminds her. Roger says she wants to forget completely about her husband, says Roger. Don't be so sure, says Jason, adding there are some memories he can't possibly LET her forget--so just say the word, the decision is yours, tell me to leave and I will-- immediately. "Liz, please!" begs Roger. Well, Liz, you must decide, says Jason, may I stay? Yes, of course you must stay, says Liz, stunning her brother. Liz! Says Roger, hurt. Jason smiles smarmily, saying if she wants him to stay, he will. "And thank you very much, Elizabeth, thank you very much indeed," says Jason, raising his glass to her. I'm very relieved, he says, looking at Roger, "now that we've had this out."

And the Robservations gets most of the quote word for word, even if it skips the first "Yes".

Also, this is the third quote that's been used in the slideshow from this ep. The first (Liz - 'You MUST forgive Roger. He's quite puzzled by it all') was back on September 3rd and the second (Jason - 'Well, Elizabeth, you MUST decide') was back on October 17th. And not only are these three quotes from the same ep but they're from the same sequence in the ep...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #614 on: January 25, 2021, 07:16:01 PM »
Before we move on to the next quote in the slideshow I have to say that I was very happy with how the screen capture for Saturday's quote turned out because I was able to capture each character at a point in their performance that was perfect for the moment -

- Liz is trapped into there being only one way for her to respond, Roger is shocked by her response, and Jason is so smug about her response. It's the sort of screen capture you can only hope to be able to get...