If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #377 (1795) - Jeremiah - 'I MUST LEAVE this room! LEAVE this house! LEAVE this town!'
From "#0376/0377: Robservations 02/28/02: Andre Takes Control--He Thinks"
He walks away, tells her that when he's alone in his room, he doesn't feel this fever for her; then returns to her side and kisses her face. Let everyone in the house know, insists Josette. we must be together! Jeremiah succumbs, then cries out this can't be--he is leaving Collinsport, now, tonight. He races from the room. Josette is upset and confused.
The Robservations barely references the quote but at least it does reference it slightly...
And this is not only the third quote from this ep, it's the third quote from this scene. The first (Jeremiah - 'Because I MUST!') was back on August 22nd and the second (Jeremiah - 'It MUST! Or everyone will know!') was back on October 22nd.
And interestingly enough there are actually several "MUST" lines in this scene. And as I mentioned back on August 22nd, one that we're still holding onto will fit in perfectly with a future sub-theme. Though while we know what that sub-theme will be, we've yet to decide when it will come up...
This "MUST" line is the one we were holding onto - and we were holding onto it for this "31 Days Of Come, I Must Be Going - Stay, I Must Be Leaving" sub-theme...