If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Wednesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Wednesday's quote:
Ep #209 (1967) - Mrs. Johnson - 'Oh, you MUST have meant the Collinsport cemetery. That's the regular town cemetery.'
From "#0208/0209: Abbreviated Robservations 10/17/01: Collins Family Jewels"
Mrs. Johnson enters the study to find Willie looking through Collins family history books.He shmoozes her up and learns the location of the family mausoleum in Eagle Hill Cemetery.
We're back to the Robservations that barely have any detail, which is why there's no reference to the quote at all. So, it's probably needless to say that I found the quote completely by accident. Once again I was checking an ep for a "MUST" quote that turned out not to be in the ep it was indicated to be a part of. But I'd decided I wanted something with Mrs. Johnson so I just let her eps on the disc play and I was rewarded with finding the quote that I did.
But anyway, what actually happens in the part of the scene leading up to and a bit after the quote is that after mentioning that David got him into stories about the Collins family, Willie tells Mrs. Johnson about the one that Naomi Collins was supposedly buried with jewels that were given to her by a pirate. When he asks if she's heard that one, Mrs. J. says she's heard all the legends but she also says that she wouldn't know if it's true because she doesn't think about things that don't concern her (since when?!
). She then adds that the dead should rest where they belong and adds that she's buried on Eagle's Hill. And after Willie questions that, Mrs. J. explains Eagle's Hill is a cemetery just outside of town. Willie asks if that's where all the Collinses are buried, but Mrs. J. explains that's the only Collins family buried there because the rest are in the regular Collins cemetery (funny how we never ever seem to have seen that cemetery). Curious, Mrs. J. wonders why Willie asked, to which he says that he thinks he passed it the other afternoon when he was out for a drive and adds that it's a couple of miles to the south. But Mrs. J. corrects him that it's five miles north. And after Willie says he guesses he was mistaken is when Mrs. J. delivers what's quoted and shortly adds that she doesn't want to talk about cemeteries and death because she doesn't like it. To that Willie says he's only interested in the old legends, like the one about Naomi and the pirate. And when Mrs. J. wonders what's so interesting about that, Willie says he just wonders if it's true, if the pirate did give her those jewels, if she did take them with her to her grave? And after Mrs. J. says she wouldn't know, then tells him to be sure to put away the books, and then leaves, Willie's mind is definitely racing with the possibilities.
Willie cleverly manipulated Mrs. Johnson to tell him the exact info he wanted to know. But then, once someone gets Mrs. Johnson talking, it's often quite easy to get her into imparting almost any sort of info in spite of herself...