If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Saturday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Saturday's quote:
Ep #422 (1796) - Josette - 'I don't want to be free of you--I'm yours--I MUST go with you. Not to death and darkness, but to a world of unending joy. Come, take my hand and we'll go together.'
From '#0421/0422: Robservations 04/01/02: "Lit Only By Our Love"'
The panel opens behind her and Barnabas enters."They tried to keep us apart, she tells him--nothing can keep us apart, ever again. This night will fulfill all my longings." She asks him if he's come to take her away. Yes, he says. Then come-let us go and never return, she says. Never, agrees Barnabas. Show me the way and I will follow, she murmurs. It is a road with no return, warns Barnabas, a world of darkness. Lit only by our love, says Josette-we will share eternity together. Yes, eternity, agrees Barnabas. Are you certain? He asks, it's not too late-you can still be free of me-you can have life, find love, perhaps, in the world of light and the living. The time for questions is long past, she says-I don't want to be free of you-I'm yours-I must go with you, not to death and darkness, but to a world of unending joy-come take my hand and we will go together. They clasp hands and enter the corridor beyond the secret panel.
And yet again the Robservations references the quote perfectly...
This ep might just contain some of the most romantic dialogue Ron Sproat ever wrote - not to mention this may just be one of the most romantic scenes he ever wrote, certainly so far as DS is concerned...