If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Monday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Monday's quote:
Ep #466 (1968) - Julia - 'Alright. But there are certain precautions that MUST be taken. Under no circumstances MUST he be exposed to any light.'
From "#0465/0466: Robservations 05/01/02: Elopement, Interrupted; Mad Doc"
Lang wonders how long Barn has been in this condition--time is passing, he says, which is important to both of them--what have you been doing, experimenting on a cure for a legendary condition? Do you want him to die? asks Julia desperately. He can't die, says Lang. He'll die if he stays here, she says. Why? asks Lang. If she tells him all, will he let her move him? Asks Julia. No, responds Lang, and she picks up the phone, threatening to go over Lang's head. He reminds her of the rules and she puts down the phone--you have no choice but to tell me the truth, Lang says--don't kidnap him, or I'll call the cops. Julia agrees to tell, but says Barn can't be exposed to any light--an eye condition, she lies. Lang accuses her of lying. I'm only trying to protect my patient. "He's a vampire, isn't he?" asks Lang calmly. That's ridiculous, says Julia. Lang knows otherwise.
Well, we're obviously not back on track with this Robservations because it only references the quote about halfway. The most important half. But still...
And this is now the second time that an ep has had three quotes turn up in the slideshow. (The first was Ep #2.) And not only that but it's the second time the same scene from Ep #466 has turned up. (Though that has happened before with Eps #377 & #450.) The first quote from this ep (Dr. Lang - 'Mr. Collins, you and I MUST talk') was from back on May 26th and is from a scene later in the ep. And the second (Julia - 'I MUST have an ambulance immediately') was from back on May 31st and is from early in this same scene. Also, interestingly enough, all three quotes have been picked during the months when Midnite has been selecting the quotes. Other incidents of multiple quotes have involved either both of us or only me - though I'm way ahead when it comes to me picking two quotes from the same ep. In fact, twice I've picked quotes from the same character in the same scene...