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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #435 on: October 24, 2020, 02:44:14 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Thursday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Thursday's quote:
Ep #377 (1795) - Jeremiah - 'It MUST! Or everyone will know!'

From "#0376/0377: Robservations 02/28/02: Andre Takes Control--He Thinks"
He's angry with himself, but she insists their matching brands are the result of Fate, and they should stop hiding what they feel for each other. She caresses him, and even though he shakes her and reminds her, roughly, that she loves Barnabas, they end up in a passionate clinch. She tries the rosewater on his hand, to no avail, and he tells her Naomi dreamed of this "brand for lovers." Their hands touch, they kiss again.
He walks away, tells her that when he's alone in his room, he doesn't feel this fever for her; then returns to her side and kisses her face.

Yet another example of the Robservations not even referencing the quote. And while the circumstances under which the quote occurs are referenced, those circumstances aren't described in quite the same way as they take place in the ep.

What actually takes place is after Jeremiah shakes Josette and she comes back to her senses, he shows her the mark on his hand and asks how her mark disappeared. Josette explains that Angelique took it off with the rosewater she has on her vanity and so she attempts to get the mark off of Jeremiah's hand. As she does so, Jeremiah explains that Naomi had a dream about the mark and that it's a brand for lovers. Josette panics at hearing that but the mark won't come off. To that Jeremiah then delivers the quote. And you'll note that nowhere in that description of what transpires between the point that Jeremiah shakes Josette and Jeremiah delivers the quote as Josette tries to remove the mark is there anything resembling the two of them ending up in the "passionate clinch" that Robservations indicates takes place. Though at least after the whole business with trying to remove the mark and then their hands touching, they do indeed kiss again as the Robservations indicates.

But be all that as it may, this is not only the second quote from this ep, it's the second quote from this scene. The first (Jeremiah - 'Because I MUST!') was back on August 22nd. And interestingly enough there are actually several "MUST" lines in this scene. And as I mentioned back on August 22nd, one that we're still holding onto will fit in perfectly with a future sub-theme. Though while we know what that sub-theme will be, we've yet to decide when it will come up...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #436 on: October 25, 2020, 02:36:26 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Friday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Friday's quote:
Ep #155 (1967) - Laura - 'I MUST say, you're very good at making threats, aren't you?'

From "Robservations / #0154/0155: Robservations 09/07/01: Caretaker of the Crypt"
Right now I'm not so concerned about you and Burke, says Liz--I'm concerned about what you're doing to David. What am I doing to David? asks Laura. Encouraging him to lie, to meet with you secretly, says Liz. Did he tell you that? asks Laura. I won't have it, says Liz--I've tried to be patient with you, but my patience has come to an end--I'm asking you to leave. But you already have, says Laura. But you haven't done anything about it, says Liz. That's only because I haven't had enough time, says Laura--I need more time! You've had plenty of time, says Liz--I want you to please go! Tonight, in the middle of this storm? Demands Laura. Tomorrow at the latest, says Liz. Is that an ultimatum? Asks Laura. Call is what you wish, says Liz--I've had enough from you--you're not welcome here anymore. And if I refuse to leave? asks Laura. It won't do you any good--you'll never get David, says Liz. How will you stop me? asks Laura. I'll take you to court, says Liz. I must say, you're very good at making threats, aren't you? asks Laura. It's more than a threat, vows Liz--I'll take action--you'll never get David. Never? asks Laura. That's right, says Liz--I'm convinced more than ever that you're not good for him. I think you should know something, says Laura, that if I decide to take David, no power on earth will stop me! What do you mean? asks Liz. You'll find out, says Laura. Will I? asks Liz. Mmm-hmm, says Laura, and I think you'll be very sorry that you tried to interfere with my plans. We'll see, vows Liz--now I want you to leave--do you hear me? Oh yes, says Laura, I hear you.
Good, says Liz, and leaves the cottage without a backward look. Laura goes to the fire. She throws another log on it, then sits down and stares into it..

Considering the problems with the Robservations when it came to the previous quote, it's nice to see a quote that's word for word in this Robservations except - not to mention how the circumstances surrounding it are explained perfectly.

I love Diana Millay's performances. I've said this before but she has great chemistry with every actor she shares a scene with. She is positively perfect casting as Laura...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #437 on: October 25, 2020, 03:15:29 PM »
Lovely shot of Nicholas today. He handled that moment very smoothly ... as was his wont.


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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #438 on: October 26, 2020, 02:16:00 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Saturday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Saturday's quote:
Ep #709 (1897) - Quentin - 'You MUST be able to hear it now. You MUST!'

From "Robservations 10/29/02 - Barnabas Threatens Quentin - #708/709"
All the lights go out, and there's the sound of a heartbeat. Quentin demands to know who is in the room and darts into the outer-room. "Who are you?" he cries. He dashes into the hallway and orders Dirk to get him an oil lamp. The heartbeat grows louder. Dirk enters with the lamp, asking why the lights are only out in this room. Quentin asks Dirk where the sound is coming from, but Dirk doesn't hear the heartbeat. You must hear it! insists Quentin--it sounds like a heart!
Have you been drinking? Dirk asks. Quentin, terrified, tells Dirk, get me a carriage--I must go into town. It's late, the stable boys are asleep, says Dirk. Wake them up! demands Quentin. I'm overseer of the grounds, Dirk reminds him, and that isn't my job--you should wake them yourself. The heartbeat is louder, but Dirk still doesn't hear it. Quentin grabs and shakes Dirk, accusing him of being in on this, of lying. They get into a scuffle; Dirk tosses Quentin aside and orders him never to call him a liar. He leaves Quentin alone in the room with the heartbeat. "Stop it!" begs Quentin.

Another Robservations in which "MUST" lines are indicated where they don't exist and ones that do exist aren't indicated.

... but Dirk doesn't hear the heartbeat. You must hear it! insists Quentin ...

Nope - Quentin actually says, "Of course you do."

... Quentin, terrified, tells Dirk, get me a carriage--I must go into town. ...

Nope - Quentin actually says, "I have to get out of here, go into town."

Then there's where/how the quote pops up. What actually happens in the scene is that after Dirk tells Quentin that waking the stable boys is not his job, that Quentin should go do it, and that he's the overseer and that's all and Quentin shouldn't forget it, the heartbeat sound grows louder. And it's shortly after that point that Quentin delivers the quote. After that is when Dirk still denies hearing anything and he and Quentin get into a scuffle.

Given how Roger Davis could never seem to keep his hands off of his female co-stars, I wonder if David Selby took satisfaction in manhandling Roger Davis?  [hall2_grin]

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #439 on: October 27, 2020, 01:36:00 PM »
I love the way David Selby used his finger (in both the screen capture for the slideshow and the one above in Robservations) for emphasis in this scene -

- while he delivered the quote. It's almost as if Quentin is pointing to the sound of the heartbeat. But the sound fills the room, so he can't really point to it. But nonetheless, it's an effective gesture...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #440 on: October 27, 2020, 01:48:05 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Sunday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Sunday's quote:
Ep #527 (1968) - Nicholas - 'Well, I MUST go and thank her for it. Where did she find it?'

From "Robservations 6/19/02 - #527/528 - Cass and Nick Bickerson"
Drawing room, Collinwood - Nicholas is very pleased with the denouement to this evening, and feels he's now free to leave, and to let Cassandra make more errors. Jeff bursts in and warns Blair to keep away from Vicki. I don't know what you're talking about, insists Nicholas. You're missing a button, says Jeff-and Vicki was carrying it.
Really? asks Nick coolly-I must thank her for it-I was out walking earlier, and it IS possible to lose a button, you know. Jeff gives Nicholas a warning glance-Vicki will regain her memory, he tells the warlock, and when she does, he, Peter, will do what's necessary. (Ballsy, isn't he?)

Another Robservations with less detail than usual. But it does reference half the quote even if it skips over Nicholas asking where Vicki found the button and Jeff's explanation...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #441 on: October 28, 2020, 03:08:17 PM »
Lovely shot of Nicholas today.

And here it is:

I would have loved to have captured him with his patented smirk, but he didn't fully smirk until after he'd delivered the entire quote. But the smirk was starting...

He handled that moment very smoothly


... as was his wont.


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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #442 on: October 28, 2020, 04:08:45 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Monday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Monday's quote:
Ep #313 (1967) - Caretaker - 'No. No, there is no help for you. No help is possible. You MUST rest. Rest. Rest.'

From "#0313/0314: Robservations 01/14/02: Incestors Galore"
The cemetery caretaker, a real hoot of a guy, finds the mausoleum gate open and goes to investigate. When he hears David's voice calling, "Help!" from behind what is supposedly only the back wall to the tomb, his eyes widen as he responds,
"No, there is no help for you, you must rest!" to what he assumes are ghosts. He runs off, leaving poor, lonely David losing hope. He falls asleep again against the stone steps.)

Considering this Robservations was also done during the period when they really lacked detail, it's almost amazing that so much of the quote is included.

This was one of the first DS eps I ever saw. To this day I distinctly remember my 11-year-old self relaxing on the couch and watching David trapped in the mausoleum. But what I distinctly remember from watching my very first ep is Barnabas and Willie panicking in the drawing room of the Old House, and because I know I started watching the same week that school started again in September, that means the first ep I ever saw was Ep #312, the one before this one. Of course, I don't remember the details of what they were panicking about (that David might know too much about Barnabas or that Joe and the sheriff wanted to search the house because all of that meant little to me at the time) but I've never forgotten how much Willie was going off the deep end, as he often did.

Now, the funny thing is one might think what would have really stuck in my mind from Ep #312 was how Barnabas, in full fang mode, had almost attacked Vicki out on Collinwood's terrace. But I had no memory of that until I saw it again in '70s syndication. Apparently even when it came to my very first ep it was the character elements that made the strongest impression on me and not the horror bits, despite how exciting those always were. Though that being said, I strongly suspect that Barnabas almost attacking Vicki helped to make me want to watch the show regularly...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #443 on: October 28, 2020, 05:31:15 PM »
Great shot of Carl today. Such a good role for Johnny Karlen, and showed how versatile and nuanced an actor he was. Well, when he wasn't hysterically swinging on rubber tombstones, LOL.

MB, for some reason I thought you'd started watching DS right from episode 1 in 1966. I didn't start until June of '68 so you were still well in advance of me!


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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #444 on: October 29, 2020, 01:56:44 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Tuesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Tuesday's quote:
Ep #32 (1966) - Bill - 'Well, he MUST have just had a humdinger of a fight with his father.'

From "#0031/0032: Robservations 06/08/01: Son vs. Father"
Police station - He's just a kid, says Bill. I realize that, says Carter, what did he say? He must have just had a humdinger of a fight with his father, explains Bill, and I heard him say, "I hope he dies."--look, all kids go through that emotional... I'm not interested in all kids, says Carter--just one--did they have these fights often? What are you getting at? demands Bill. Do you think David's the kind of boy who would REALLY hate his father?--I don't mean kid stuff, I mean hate, the real thing. I don't think he likes him, says Bill. Before the accident, says Carter, did they have any particular arguments between them? I think you'd better tell me what you're after, suggests Bill. Carter again asks if there was an argument--could be important. Roger said something about sending him away, says Bill, to boarding school, I guess, and David was pretty upset about that. How upset was pretty upset? asks Carter. Jonas, says Bill, you're out of your mind! I sincerely hope so, says Carter. David's unpredictable, sure, says Malloy, a little wild, maybe, but he would never...I can't even say it. I haven't said it yet, says Carter, but I'm thinking it.

Another Robservations that's pretty much word for word when it comes to the quote...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #445 on: October 30, 2020, 01:30:08 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Wednesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Wednesday's quote:
Ep #771 (1897) - Carl - 'Oh, she MUST have ate it. I gave you the wrong one. Well, you know how women eat when they're nervous.'

From "Robservations 1/16/03 - #770-771 -  Pansy, Carl's Tart; Dirk Causes Trouble"
We must find and get control of him, says Barn--come, he orders.  He closes the secret door, and assures Beth, Dirk will not harm either you or me when you are with me.  Beth starts to ask questions, but Carl enters the house, all excited.  He's frazzled, flustered, unsure if it's a good evening or not.  What a time I've had, he blathers--do this for me, Barnabas, it's the only way out, you can't imagine what a time I've had, sitting on that train, not sure of what I'd do or say, and then I thought of my cousin, and it made all the difference.  Barnabas asks, what are you talking about?  Carl searches through his valise for "a gift I got for you, fresh from Atlantic City, NJ--salt water taffy!"  Carl goes on about how a taste of it is like feeling fresh air blowing from the sea.  Barnabas thanks him.  Beth reminds Barn, there's something we must do.  Carl has other concerns, however--first, open the box, and then I will tell you what happened to me.  That's got to wait, says Barn--Dirk has disappeared mysteriously.  Then Judith will just have to find someone else, babbles Carl (ah the mind of a child)!--open the box.  Barnabas does--it's empty!  Oh, she must have ate it, says Carl, you know how women eat when they're nervous, I gave you the wrong one.  He takes back the empty box and searches for another in his valise.  Barnabas, anxious to search for Dirk, suggests Carl return to Collinwood.  I'm too nervous, insists Carol--I must have your assurance that SHE can stay here.  (Carl looks like Sherlock Homes in his cloak.)  Carl decides there's no reason Beth can't know, she will anyway, everyone will--I thought this would never happen to me, I thought I'd go through life being one of the unmarried Collins brothers.  "You've gotten married?" guesses Barnabas.  Oh, no, says Carl, I wouldn't do anything like that behind my family's back, as if I'm ashamed--you don't know Carl Collins, or for that matter, Pansy Faye.

The Robservations transposes part of the quote, but at least it's all there.

This has to be one of the funniest scenes on DS - and it just gets funnier the longer it plays. It was definitely a gift from Sam Hall to all involved and they all play their respective parts wonderfully.

And a bit of trivia about this ep: When this ep was shown in '80s syndication, it was shown a year out of sequence. Believe it or not, it showed up between Eps #511 & 512. One minute it's 1968 and Trask's ghost has Barnabas prisoner in the alcove in the basement in the Old House, the next it's 1897 and Barnabas and Beth are fretting over Dirk and Carl is announcing his engagement to Pansy, then it's back to 1968 and Trask continues his revenge against Barnabas. And what was amazingly frustrating is that WorldVision was told the ep was out of sequence but they never corrected its placement. Thankfully things were corrected for the Sci-Fi showings. (But then WorldVision managed to screw up the sequence of some other eps when they were shown on SciFi. Though at least those were only a few eps from the same storyline (Leviathans) that were misarranged.)

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #446 on: October 31, 2020, 04:16:17 PM »
Great shot of Carl today.

Yes, I love how he looks into the box as if -

- he can't believe it could be empty.

(And BTW, yesterday I forgot to mention that my English Minor mind wondered if it was ever considered correct English to say "must have ate it" rather than "must have eaten it"? At times forms of verbs change or evolve, but I looked through several dictionaries and none said that "ate" was an arcane form of the past participle of eat. It would seem that it's not been anything but "eaten." Then I discovered all sorts of grammatical Web sites that said "ate" is never to be combined with "have" or "has" - always use "eaten." So that brings up the questions: Did the writers write the line that way for some reason because they thought Carl would say it that way, or did John Karlen simply make an honest mistake when he delivered it? Though I suppose that in the long run only people who majored or minored in English would care.  [hall2_wink])

Such a good role for Johnny Karlen, and showed how versatile and nuanced an actor he was.

So true - it was definitely a departure for him. And I don't know if he ever played another role similar to it. Nothing I'd ever seen him in comes to mind. But Carl was a complete hoot, especially during the Zombie Quentin period!

Well, when he wasn't hysterically swinging on rubber tombstones, LOL.

Also so true.  [hall2_grin]

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #447 on: November 01, 2020, 04:02:19 PM »
MB, for some reason I thought you'd started watching DS right from episode 1 in 1966.

Nope - I didn't start watching until September of 1967. On the Monday before school restarted I ran into a classmate (we were both out somewhere celebrating Labor Day with our families) and knowing that I enjoyed all things horror, he asked me if I was watching the afternoon show with the vampire. When I said that I'd never heard of it, he explained a bit about the show and said that he'd gotten hooked over summer vacation. It definitely sounded like something I might enjoy, so I tuned in the next day, which as I explained was Ep #312, and the rest is history.  [hall2_wink]

I didn't see the earlier Barnabas eps until they ran in syndication in the mid-'70s. And I didn't see the pre-Barn eps until their second run on Sci-Fi in 1995...

The funny thing is that if I'd ever seen that promo that I love, the one with Vicki running across the lawn and which was finally released on the Master of Dark Shadows DVD/Blu-ray, chances are I might have actually tuned in on my own because I love the Gothic genre in general. And the fact that DS started in June might have meant that I would have had most of that summer vacation to get into the show. But I never saw that promo back then or any other that I'm aware of having seen. (I actually didn't see that promo until 1968 when I caught it 2 or 3 times when the local ABC affiliate ran it during their own local programming. But by then I was already hooked on DS.)

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #448 on: November 01, 2020, 04:24:06 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Thursday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Thursday's quote:
Ep #573 (1968) - Angelique - 'You can't resist the call-- you MUST come to me!'

From "Robservations 7/23/02 - Joe & Maggie Finale? - #572/573"
Joe and Maggie sit together on the sofa. She asks him how he feels. He's OK, he says, and she offers coffee. She leaves to make it and that's when Ang summons Joe. Come to me, she wheedles. He begs her to leave him alone, but she says he can't resist her call. Maggie hears Joe calling, "NO!", but Ang tells him he can only hear her voice. It's started, says Joe, and he asks Maggie to hold onto him. All you can hear is my voice, Joe, says Angelique, all you can see if my face--come to me now! He begs Maggie not to let go of him and she promises she won't. Ang demands he come to her--you want me! Joe vows to fight and pleads with Maggie to stay. Joe calls out "NO!" and feels confident it will work if he concentrates on Maggie and his love for her.

At least the first half of the quote is referenced in the Robservations. And another in which the "MUST" line isn't indicated - I came upon it completely by accident while looking for something else that turned out not to be there. But there's been a lot of finding quotes by accident lately...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #449 on: November 01, 2020, 06:00:07 PM »
One thing that can't pass without saying is just how effective it often was when the show used a double exposure for the sequences where a vampire was summoning a victim:

The audience got to see the call from both sides and how each reacted to how the summonsing went down, which is this case was Angelique desperately insistent but Joe just as desperately insistent that he was going to fight it.