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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #405 on: October 06, 2020, 01:30:00 PM »
Great shot of Vicki today. And I loved the one of Liz yesterday. I have no memory of either of these shows.

I suspect your memory will be jogged once I get to post the excerpts from Robservations - at least when it comes to Ep #206 with Liz.

And BTW, yesterday I completed the installments for the slideshow through October 12th - look for Countess du Pres to appear on October 11th.  [hall2_smiley]

Can Buzz, Suki Forbes, and/or Leona Eltridge be far behind? Only time will tell...
(Actually, I wanted to get out so far ahead so that I can rewatch those characters' eps to see if they have any "MUST" quotes...)

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #406 on: October 06, 2020, 05:36:26 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Sunday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Sunday's quote:
Ep #549 (1968) - Adam - 'I love you! You MUST love me!'

From "Robservations 7/3/02 - #548/549 - Adam Proclaims His Lust"
Adam practices what Nicholas told him-"Take what I want! Grab it! You are a man, men fall in love, Nicholas says so," he tells his reflection. "Take what you want! YES! YES! Carolyn! Carolyn, Carolyn, Carolyn!" (uh oh, this isn't good!) He unlocks his door and creeps out. Carolyn follows him back to his room, clearly angry. What is this about? she demands, what are you doing out of your room? Belligerent, he orders her not to speak to him that way. Anyone could have seen you, she reminds him. I shouldn't have to hide, he tells her--"I am a man!" Carolyn says she isn't arguing that, but there are reasons for him being there. She tells him she knows it can't be pleasant. When you come, it is, he says, calming down. I can't spend all my time here, she tells him, knowing he doesn't understand--my mother is ill. You're pretty, he tells her. I'm upset, she explains--I won't be able to keep you here any longer. He again tells her how pretty she is. I heard that, says Carolyn--but there are more important things to discuss. Adam disagrees. What's wrong? She asks, what happened?--are you bored and tired? I'm tired of being alone, he replies. She offers books, a radio--but someone might hear it. She offers to call Stokes to come see him. Adam refuses--Stokes teaches me to be polite, complains Adam, and no one gets what they want being polite! I don't have time for this, says Carolyn--Vicki is waiting to go into town with me. Adam locks the door. "Stay here," he orders--"Listen to me!" She orders him to unlock the door, but he refuses. You agreed to be locked in here, and understood the conditions by which you could stay here, she reminds him sharply--do you want to leave? No, he says. I'll call Stokes and tell him we must make other arrangements, insists Carolyn. I want to stay here, protests Adam, caressing her face. "I love you," he says. "No," she says. She flings his hands off her and backs away. I love you--and you must love me! He cries. You don't know what you're saying, she says--you don't understand about love. He grabs her into his arms. She orders him to let her go. He presses kisses on her hair, her face, telling her, "You do not love me--you will." "Adam, please," she begs, struggling in his grasp--"It's not possible." "Why?" he demands, still kissing her. You're hurting me! She screams--let me go!

Poor Adam - and Nicholas' advice certainly isn't helping him. No one responds well after you violently grab them, no matter what you say to them...

But so far as the quote goes, this time Robservations gets it almost exactly right.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #407 on: October 06, 2020, 10:32:36 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Monday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Monday's quote:
Ep #206 (1967) - Liz - 'I don't need any help, and I MUST say, Vicki, I'm rather annoyed with you.'

From "#0206/0207: Robservations 10/16/01: A Fist Fight at the Blue Whale"
Drawing room - I have no intention of continuing this discussion, Liz tells Burke, and I wish you'd remember that you're not welcome at Collinwood. She rises from the sofa. Burke rises from his chair. I know, he says. Please leave, she says. I didn't come up here to ask you any questions or tell you what to do, he says. Then why are you here? she asks. I came to tell you something that I know, he says. I'm not sure I'm interested, she says. He's only trying to help, says Vicki gently. I don't need any help, and I must say, I'm rather annoyed with you. Sorry, says Vicki. It's bad enough you consider it necessary to discuss what happens at Collinwood with outsiders, but to go to Burke! says Liz. She didn't come to see me because of that, at all, says Burke, she didn't want to tell me anything about what's going on at Collinwood, I had to drag it out of her--and for your information, she tried to stop me from coming here. Well, says Liz, if you won't follow her advice, then perhaps you'll follow mine--I suggest you leave. Not until I say what I've come here to say, Burke insists. Then say it quickly, says Liz. There is a very dangerous man living in this house, he tells her. Really? she asks. Yes, he says, I've seen this guy in operation, if Vicki hadn't been there, I hate to think what would have happened. Is that what you came to tell me? asks Liz--that you and Willie almost had a fight?--really, Burke! It wouldn't have been an ordinary fight, because he's not an ordinary man, says Burke--he's dangerous! Thank you for your information, she says curtly--and now may I say goodbye? She goes to the fireplace, dismissing him. Liz, says Burke, if you're in trouble... The only kind of trouble I have is with people like you, she says angrily, who interfere in things that don't concern them! I want to help, he says, I know that's hard for you to believe, but I do. Why would you want to help me? she asks--you've always hated me, you know that. I don't hate you, he says--the Collins family and what it stands for--that's what I hate--please, Liz, you need help--what kind, I don't know, but I want to give it if I can. (I always knew he liked and respected her.) I repeat, I do not need any help, just peace and quiet, she says. I give up, says Burke, exchanging glances with Vicki, but you can't say I didn't try. I'll get your coat, volunteers Vicki, and leaves the room. Burke starts to walk away. Liz thanks him for his offer--you meant it, didn't you? she asks. Yes, he says,. I'm sincerely grateful, she tells him. You mean that, too, don't you? he asks. Yes, she says.s grasp--"It's not possible." "Why?" he demands, still kissing her. You're hurting me! She screams--let me go!

With the exception of addressing Vicki, the version of the quote in the Robservations is word for word.

And this is really quite a good scene between Liz and Burke - definitely the start of them softening to each other...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #408 on: October 07, 2020, 02:40:03 PM »
And I loved the one of Liz yesterday.

And here it is for anyone who might have missed it:

That scene might have actually been the last time Liz chastised Vicki...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #409 on: October 07, 2020, 09:10:02 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Tuesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Tuesday's quote:
Ep #38 (1966) - Vicki - 'But when I told you about it before, you, you said you'd never heard it-- that I MUST have dreamt it.'

From "#0037/0038: Robservations 06/13/01: Giving Carolyn a Ring"
Carolyn, calls Vicki, can I ask you a question. Anything at all! says Carolyn, ecstatic. You remember that sobbing I told you about? asks Vicki. You heard it again last night, says Carolyn. How did you know? asks Vicki. Because I heard it, too, says Carolyn--I hope you had the good sense to stay in your room--that's what I always do. But when I told you about it before, says Vicki, you told me you'd never heard it--that I must have dreamt it. From the kitchen doorway, Liz listens. I didn't want to frighten you away, admits Carolyn--but now that you're one of us--sure, that ghost lady sobs--I've heard it, off and on, for most of my life--but right now, I couldn't care less! Where does it come from? asks Vicki. Ghosts! says Carolyn, and like all the rest of us kooks here, you're just going to have to get used to it--I really must change. She leaves Vicki on the landing alone.

Robservation's version of the quote is almost exactly correct...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #410 on: October 08, 2020, 01:38:04 PM »
Great shot of Vicki today.

And here's that one for anyone who might have missed it:

It's really quite interesting how often the show flirted with the idea of ghosts before ghosts became an actual thing on the show. Though, of course, in this case a ghost wasn't in any way the answer to what was behind the sobbing in the basement...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #411 on: October 08, 2020, 01:52:44 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Wednesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Wednesday's quote:
Ep #1233 (1841PT) - Bramwell - 'Dr. Fletcher suggested that we get someone in for consultation, but he didn't hold out much hope--we MUSTN'T fool ourselves.'

From "Re#1232/1233: Robservations 01/07/04: Daphne Falls Ill"
The doctor was just here! says Catherine--what did he say?  Bramwell doesn't answer.  Tell me what the doctor said, she commands.  "He was certain only of one thing," says Bramwell--"Daphne is dying."

Catherine shakes her head--no, it can't be true!  I'd give me life to make it a lie, he says, but it is true
--when Mother told me the news, I went to see Dr. Fletcher myself--he doesn't know what's wrong with her.  Doesn't know? says Catherine--he's a doctor, of course he knows (spoken like a doctor's daughter).  He wasn't able to diagnose the illness, says Bramwell, he could only tell that she is dying--all the vital life signs are weakening, she hasn't the will to fight--unless the situation changes soon, she will not have very much time.  It can't be true, insists Catherine--she's so young, she's never been sick before in her life.  I know, says Bramwell--if this happens to her, then I will be responsible.  Why? asks Catherine.  I married her, then completely neglected her, he says--I've given her nothing to live for, and now she's dying.  You mustn't blame yourself, says Catherine.  But I do, he says--last night I came home with such good news--my ship had arrived--I now have as much wealth as I'd ever want, now it means nothing to me--I would gladly give it all up if I thought it would make her well again.  Catherine rises from the sofa--if anyone is to blame, I am, she says--the way I've treated her since she married you--she must think I hate her by now.  The fact is, says Bramwell, you are right, Daphne should have listened to you--I married Daphne because I was hurt and angry at you--but now, I feel very deeply toward her--do you believe that?  Yes of course I do, says Catherine, I believe it--what I don't believe is that she is going to die--we must find another doctor, we must find someone to help her.  Dr. Fletcher suggested we get someone in for consultation, says Bramwell, but he didn't hold out much hope--we mustn't fool ourselves.  Does she know? asks Catherine.  No, she has no idea, he says.  Poor Daphne, laments Catherine, shaking her head, my poor sister--she hasn't even lived!--and now she's...  She begins to cry.  Bramwell starts to reach out to touch her, comfort her, then withdraws his hands without making contact and walks away.

It's been a while since it's happened, but the quote in this Robservations is exactly word for word...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #412 on: October 09, 2020, 11:04:05 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Thursday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Thursday's quote:
Ep #1102 (1970) - Daphne - 'But I MUST think. I MUST decide what I MUST do.'

From "#1101/1102: Robservations 09/11/03: Caught!"
Quentin enters the cobweb-filled room in Rose Cottage--Daphne! he calls.  He lights a candle--I know you're here--don't hide from me--I'm not going to leave this house until you come to me!  She enters the room and flings off his hand.  Why did you disappear? he asks--and why did you come here?  There's nothing for me at Collinwood, she says.  I let you go to the children, he reminds her--what happened there?--what were you trying to make them do?--Willie told me about the pentagram and candles--what were you getting them to do?--does it have anything to do with why they are now sick?  Daphne whirls around upon hearing this, staring at him.  They are sick, you know, he tells her, She shakes her head in disbelief.  You promised me you wouldn't hurt them, she says.  I didn't! she cries.  Then who did? he asks.  Don't ask me that, she says, turning from him again.  He faces her and demands the name--say the name!   Go back to Collinwood, she says--you'll only make things worse.  How? he asks--by being with you, by asking questions?  Please, she begs.  No, he says--I will not leave until you tell me what is going on--why you've come here, what are you going to do?  She looks sad.  I'm very foolish, he says--also vain--I thought the reason you came here was for me--I see that isn't true, isn't it?  If they are sick, she says, you must leave, let me think.  Think about what--about whom? he asks--say the name.  Gerard, she says.  Do you love him? he asks--is that what all this is about?--I don't believe it--not when I see the love in your eyes for me.  You see no love, she insists.  Why are you denying it? he asks.  I can't explain anything, I told you that, she says.  Why?--are you so terrified of Gerard? he asks.  Every moment you stay here, the worse it is for the children, she says--believe me, go!  All right, he says, if I believe you, if I leave, eventually, will I find out what's going on around here?  She nods--if you leave me now, I must think and decide what I am to do.  He takes her hands--I promise to help you fight Gerard, he says.  Don't say that, she says, pulling her hands away, don't say that here!  Why, is he here? asks Quentin--do you feel his presence in this room?  Just go before you make things worse, she pleads.  He backs away and leaves without another word.  Daphne calls to Gerard--I sent him away, she says, I'm trying to do what you want me to do--please don't punish the children for what I've done!  Oh, Gerard, don't kill them--I'll do anything if you'll just let them live!

Another quote in the rare league of triple "MUST" quotes. Though the Robservations just glancingly references the real quote - it only has one "MUST."

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #413 on: October 10, 2020, 07:56:57 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Friday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Friday's quote:
Ep #976 (1970) - Bruno - 'I don't like doing it, Carolyn-- But it MUST be done-- Jeb MUST be punished.'

From "Robservations 6/11/03 - #976-977 - Tragic Attack"
Woods - Carolyn runs into Bruno and shrieks with fear. Where are you going? he asks To see Jeb, she says, and I will tell him about the incident at his house--I'm sure Jeb will demand an explanation from you.  He isn't going to see you, warns Bruno--nor will you see Jeb. What do you mean?--what will you do? she asks. All right, I'll tell you, says Bruno--Nicholas and I warned Jeb we'd get even with him. "You two are working together," says Carolyn.  Yes, agrees Bruno, and it's been decided the best way to get to Jeb is through you. Carolyn is horrified. Yes, without you, Jeb will have no reason to live, says Bruno. I don't understand, says Carolyn, shocked. And you never will, promises Bruno, "Because I'm going to kill you!"

You're insane! accuses Carolyn. I don't like doing it, says Bruno, but it must be done--he reaches for her throat--Jeb must be punished. He tightens his grip on her throat, strangling her, and she struggles--but not for long.
The werewolf appears and violently attacks Bruno. Carolyn runs off. The animal throws Bruno to the ground and, as Bruno screams raucously, savages him, we assume, to death.

Similar to how the other day's Robservations didn't include Liz addressing Vicki by name, the Robservations' version of this quote doesn't include Bruno addressing Carolyn by name. But other than that, the Robservations' version is word for word.

And ordinarily, coming across a double "MUST" quote would be exciting - but not directly following a triple "MUST" quote. It's all in the timing.  [lghy]

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #414 on: October 12, 2020, 01:57:37 PM »
Great photo today. It's interesting to see how Carolyn and Roger's relationship has evolved since the early 1966 episodes. And always a treat to what Nancy and Big Lou together in a scene. Sparks flew!


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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #415 on: October 12, 2020, 01:58:08 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Saturday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Saturday's quote:
Ep #646 (1968) - David - 'My family has made the two of us very unhappy. They MUST be made to realize that. They MUST pay for what they've done to us.'

From "Robservations 9/13/02 #645/646 - The Kids "Play" With Roger"
The kids have slipped into the clothing that was in the trunk. Amy tells David he looks grown-up, and he asks, "Like Quentin?" Yes, she says. He asks her to call him Quentin, and she says to call her Beth. They can pretend this is their room. It is, says David, don't you remember --Beth? Yes, Quentin, she responds. We must keep it a secret, warns David, if we tell, and the adults came up there, they wouldn't let them play our games--we'll block the entrance to the room so no one will find it. Amy suggests they go downstairs, it's getting late and they must rise early. David agrees--they have much to do. Amy agrees. He asks what's wrong. I wonder if we will do what HE wants.
We must, says David--my family has made Quentin and Beth very unhappy and must be made to realize that--must pay for what they've done to them! I understand, says Amy. David touches her shoulder and asks if she's thinking of letting him do this all alone. Of course not, she assures him.

Another double "MUST" quote. And the Robservations basically features it word for word with the exception of changing "the two of us" to "Quentin and Beth" (Robin probably felt the way it's actually phrased might be confusing) and changing "they've done to us" to "they've done to them" (for the same reason). The Robservations also drops the pronoun "they" in "They must be made" and "They must pay" - but those are minor things.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #416 on: October 13, 2020, 06:18:10 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Sunday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Sunday's quote:
Ep #376 (1795) - Countess du Pres - 'Because someone is trying to draw them to each other, to draw Josette away from Barnabas. But who? That's what I MUST find out before it's too late.'

From "#0376/0377: Robservations 02/28/02: Andre Takes Control--He Thinks"
Outside the Old House - Natalie ponders--she knows Jeremiah and Josette don't love each other, why did they say it? Someone is trying to draw Josette away from Barnabas, but why? And who? She must find out before it's too late.

Well, even though this is one of those less detailed Robservations, it does an excellent job in conveying the bulk of the quote. Though in the actual ep and within the contest of the quote Countess du Pres doesn't ask "but why?" - only "But who?" She actually asks "Why?" before the quote begins...

An interesting aside is that back on September 30th I checked out Pluto TV to see how they offer DS and discovered that the show was indeed running while I was there - and the scene that came up when I clicked on DS was this very scene. I don't know how many hours they show of DS on their Live TV schedule, but on September 30th I checked things out at about 9:15am and today as I was writing this post I checked the schedule and DS is on right now as well. In fact they were running Ep #417. And in addition to watching the eps they run on their DS Channel (Classic TV #535) fans can also watch DS on demand. Apparently what's currently available (in the Top TV Shows section) are the eps on DVD Collection 1 (starting with Ep #210) through Collection 8 (ending with Ep #532_533)...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #417 on: October 15, 2020, 04:16:08 AM »
Nice to see Horace Gladstone appear in yesterday's slideshow, though the shot (presumably the best available for the line) wasn't a terribly clear portrait of him.

And I'd forgotten about Beth's spirit appearing to "dear Gregory" at a crucial moment in 1897...

Wonderful series, Midnite and MB!


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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #418 on: October 15, 2020, 02:38:06 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Sunday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Monday's quote:
Ep #161 (1967) - Roger - 'Your mother MUST have been out of her mind! Leaving a half-grown girl with such enormous responsibilities.'

From "#0160/0161: Robservations 09/12/01: Calling Dr. Peter Guthrie"
Drawing room - I think the time has come for me to tell you exactly where you stand, says Carolyn. I think my dear nice is about to deliver a speech, says Roger, frowning. A brief one, and to the point, she says--the reason Dr. Guthrie will stay on here, despite your rumblings. Crossing his arms over his chest, Roger tells her he should be very glad to hear it. My mother is in a hospital bed in Boston, begins Carolyn, right now, she's the most important thing in the world to me--she's placed a very heavy burden on me--she's left the entire responsibility of the entire Collins family to me--not to you. And now you are drunk with power? he asks. No, this is what she planned in case anything happened to her, says Carolyn, and I intend to see it through. How do you intend to force whatever little policies you devise? he asks. (nasty!) Mother left a specific document with the attorneys, says Carolyn, that will advise and support me whenever necessary--please, Uncle Roger, don't make it necessary. I see, he says--and exactly where does that leave me? Life won't change for you, she assures him, you'll continue to be what you've always been--I don't want to fight with you, but you must respect my wishes when it comes to the running of this house!--she sighs--her instructions about the business were quite clear, too--hesitantly, she adds--with everyone's help, I'm to be in charge until she gets back--now if you'll excuse me--and she takes down her coat and slips it on. Roger follows her. Your mother must have been out of her mind, he says angrily, leaving a half-grown girl with such enormous responsibilities. She had to entrust them to somebody, points out Carolyn. Why not entrust them to me? asks Roger, I'm a member of this family. A very extravagant one, says Carolyn. (get him!) How extravagant can you get in Collinsport? he asks. Somehow, you manage, says Carolyn. I'll have to talk to the attorneys about this, insists Roger--I can understand your running the house, but being involved in the business is just too absurd!--that's my department. My mother ran both--and I'm going to run both, Carolyn informs him. You are getting more and more like her every day, he says (before he said she was getting more like HIM). Thanks, murmurs Carolyn--I think you ought to support Dr. Guthrie in whatever he's doing. You may be in temporary control of this estate, says Roger, but you're not in control of my mind. Please! begs Carolyn, it might help Mother. How can he help your mother when she's not here? demands Roger. Please don't question it, asks Carolyn--my mother's life may depend on it. She turns and leaves Roger standing there, fuming. He sighs, steepling his fingers.

Another Robservations in which the quote is word for word...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #419 on: October 15, 2020, 02:50:02 PM »
Great photo today. It's interesting to see how Carolyn and Roger's relationship has evolved since the early 1966 episodes. And always a treat to what Nancy and Big Lou together in a scene. Sparks flew!

They certainly flew in the excerpted scene from Ep #161. And I love Carolyn's -

- body language as Roger insults both her and her mother. But as frustrating as it was for him, Roger never gets the better of Carolyn in the situation - and it's a delight to watch!  [b003]