If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Tuesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Tuesday's quote:
Ep #524 (1968) - Joe - 'Jeff! Wake up! Wake up! You MUST have been having a pretty bad dream.'
From "Robservations 6/17/02 - #523/524 - Jeff, Peter, Peter, Jeff"
Jeff, in his bed, mutters "Forbes, where are you?-I'll kill you." Tossing and turning, he drifts off into another dream in which, he confronts Nathan Forbes with a gun. After a heated discussion, he finally fires at point blank range. Nathan does not fall, but merely laughs and laughs. Jeff/Peter looks on in amazement, wondering why the shot failed to kill Nathan. Forbes just laughs some more. You can't kill me, he finally explains- I'm already dead! Jeff, in his bed, again cries out. Joe, asleep on the sofa, hears him and rushes into Jeff's room to see what's wrong. He shakes Jeff awake.Jeff opens his eyes, takes one look at Joe, then scream out. "Forbes, I'll kill you!" Leaping out of bed, he begins strangling Joe!
Again, no reference to the quote. Though obviously it takes place when Joe wakes Jeff.
And once again Midnite is able to find a Joel "MUST" quote. But I'm not jealous. No. Not at all...
And as a side note, there's an instant when Joel is delivering the quote when I swear a smile almost comes across his face. Could RD have been doing something during Joel's close-up to try to break him, as RD often did with poor Alexandra Moltke? No. I'm certain RD would have never done that! ... Yeah, right!