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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2190 on: December 08, 2024, 05:28:14 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #618 (1968) - Angelique - 'I MUST be more careful. I MUST keep you alive until the moment comes.'

From  "Robservations 8/23/02 - #618/619 - Barnabas Turns to Vicki"
Softly, Angelique says, "Regardless of what I am, what I have been, I'm still a woman, Barnabas. I think and feel like a woman. I hate the things you've done, but I've never hated you yourself. How could I? The memory of a night in Martinique has never left my mind." "Angelique!" says Barnabas, embarrassed or irritated, a combination of both. (THIS again??--how much do I have to pay for some hot rolls in the hay all those years ago?) She continues, "You came to me that night, and I was full of love for you. How else could I have given you so much of myself? And I knew then that no power in the universe could prevent us from one day keeping the pledge we made that night." His voice filled with anger, Barnabas insists, "I made no pledge!" To which she replies, "Not every pledge is made with WORDS, Barnabas." (I guess he let his body do the talking.) You'll never succeed, says Barnabas--Nicholas will find out. She insists that won't happen--Nicholas has his own involvements, and won't have time to find out--in a few days, I'll have all the preparations made. . . Barnabas, realizing the full import of her words, sinks back on the rock. She asks if he can hear her. "You're going to turn me into what you are," he says, defeated. "Yes," she says, sounding surprised at his reaction. "Well, it's too late, he says--you've moved too quickly, you've been too anxious." What do you mean? She asks. He replies, "You can't afford to let me die now, before you're ready--dawn is approaching."
She assures him he won't die yet, and he says, with a grim smile, "I will if you don't leave me." She touches him. The cock crows. She caresses his head and says, "Perhaps you're right. I must be more careful. I must keep you alive until the moment comes." "I hope I disappoint you and die before dawn," he says bitterly. (Too bad he didn't disappoint her in bed, in Martinique--perhaps he wouldn't be in this mess at all!). She assures him he will survive this night and a few others but will be too weak to move, which is why she brought him here

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2191 on: December 10, 2024, 12:18:02 AM »
A reminder about a previous post about Ep #618:

... This whole business with Ep #582 got me to wondering just when did MPI start adding to the beginning of the DVDs that they were not editing the Master Tapes. Well quite interestingly and quite conveniently it was on the disc 1 of Collection 11:

And it didn't take long to find out why the notice was placed on that disk because Ep #618 contains these glitches -

- which are nearly as bad as the ones Ep #582 has. (And it's very interesting that when it comes to the broadcast of Ep #618 on the Sci-Fi channnel, those glitches were completely edited out -

- but then how often have we lamented the changes that certain someone made to the eps when they were shown on Sci Fi?!  [easter_angry] [easter_rolleyes])

The thing I'm now wondering is with 400 eps having been released in the Collection series before Collection 11 came out, just how many other eps might have been edited on DVD? It was by pure accident that I discovered the edit made to Ep #582 because I just happened to pick a "must" quote that occurs close to the edit - but how many others might we have as of yet never noticed?

Of course, now we've seen examples of a few eps before Ep #618 that were edited. And we've also seen at least one (Ep #673)  that was edited even after the inclusion of the claim that MPI would "present the episodes unedited, complete with technical difficulties inherent in the master tapes. Uh huh.  ::)  Liars, liars, pants on fire!!  [nono]

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2192 on: December 10, 2024, 03:20:50 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Yesterday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Yesterday's quote:
Ep #455 (1796) - Peter - 'You MUSTN'T forget that if he hadn't lied at the trial, Vicki would have never been convicted.'

From  "#0455/0456: Robservations 04/24/02: Nathan Outdoes His Own Villainy"
Naomi is heading upstairs when she hears a knock at the door. She's glad to see Peter and assures him it's safe. He doesn't want to tell her where Vicki is hiding, but their former governess believes Daniel is in terrible danger. Naomi is upset to hear this. Peter says Vicki dreamed Nathan intended harm to Daniel, but Naomi feels Forbes isn't inhuman. Nathan can't be trusted, says Peter, he lied about Vicki at the trial. What can I do? asks Naomi. We need to leave the country, says Peter, who wants to speak to Joshua. Joshua is in Boston, but will help them when he returns, they have her word, Naomi promises.

The Robservations doesn't reference the quote, and when it comes to its circumstances, it mentions only part of them...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2193 on: December 10, 2024, 07:16:54 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #350 (1967) - Liz - 'All these things that David has been saying MUST have been in his imagination, or maybe all of them have been.'

From  "#0349/0350: Robservations 02/08/02: Wrong Place, Wrong Time For Carolyn"
Liz brings up sending David away again; it might put an end to these fantasies. Carolyn confesses to her mother that SHE saw and spoke with Sarah; if the little ghost girl is real, why not. . .the other stuff? Liz is upset to think her own daughter is having delusions, too, and asks her if she REALLY thinks Barnabas has a coffin in his basement, etc.
Carolyn admits she doesn't know about that, or about a connection between Sarah and Barnabas, but. . . David overhears Liz tell Carolyn she thinks he's mentally disturbed and must be sent away. David clutches the balustrade and hangs his head in defeat.

Once again we're in the period where the Robservations has little detail and doesn't reference the quote. However, after Carolyn admits she doesn't understand about the lack of a coffin in Barnabas' basement when Dr. Woodard and Burke searched there or what the connection could be between Sarah and Barnabas, Liz insists there is no connection. And then she delivers the quote. And after that is when she comes to the conclusion that David is mentally disturbed and something has to be done for him before he loses all contact with reality - she has no choice but to send him away (sadly, not that he "must be sent away.")...

And normally I like to pick quotes where the characters delivering them have their faces seen on screen, and there are other quotes that I could have picked from Ep #455, but the two sections of that line seemed so redundant that I just had to go with it despite the fact that Liz -

- is mostly seen from behind. I find it hard to imagine that Sam Hall wrote it that way. It's probably a case that Joan Bennett accidentally delivered it that way. But who knows...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2194 on: December 11, 2024, 05:22:10 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #181 (1967) - Dr. Guthrie - 'Well, David MUSTN'T under any circumstances go away with his mother.'

From  "#0180/0181: Robservations 09/26/01: David Radcliffe's Fate"
Is that one of the books from the crypt? Asks Vicki. Yes, says Peter, the old caretaker lent it to us for a few days. What's in it? asks Carolyn. Joe thumbs through some pages. Just records, he replies, but look at this--there's this old newspaper clipping tucked away in it. 1867, reads Vicki--that's the year Laura Murdoch Radcliffe died. That's right, says Peter. Is there something in the paper about it? asks Carolyn. No, not in this particular copy, says Peter. Look at this, says Joe, there's a whole section that's completely faded--now it's our guess that there was something about it, right there. How can you tell? asks Carolyn. The old caretaker, says Peter, he halfway remembered something that he was looking for among his books, but he couldn't remember what. Very strange thing, says Joe, he seemed to have a memory lapse. Joe is going to do some research for us, says Peter. At the library in town, says Joe, I think I might be able to get my hands on another copy of this paper.
When are you going to find something definite, something positive/ asks Vicki. Very soon, perhaps, says Peter. What does two empty graves have to do with my mother being sick? asks Carolyn--I don;' understand that. You will, promises Peter, and I hope we all will very soon. Is there anything I can do to help? asks Vicki. I might have to ask you to do another seance, says Peter--I'm not sure yet, but there is one thing I can very strongly advise--try to keep David away from Mrs. Collins. But we can't! objects Carolyn. You know that we've tried, says Vicki, but we have no right to, she's his mother. And Uncle Roger always takes her side, says Carolyn--he wants her to take him away, and the sooner, the better. David mustn't under any circumstances go away with his mother, insists Peter. What can we do to stop her? asks Vicki. Uncle Roger is the only person who can do that--and he's gone to Boston to see my mother, says Carolyn. Then I'll have to make my appeal to him when he returns, says Peter, but in the meantime, try to do everything you can to keep David away from his mother--and in particular, try to persuade him to stay here at Collinwood--for good.

The Robservations references the quote practically perfectly...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2195 on: December 12, 2024, 05:20:12 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #107 (1966) - Liz - 'He MUST be outside. It's dark, I-I'm worried, he shouldn't be outside by himself.'

From  "#0107/0108(_0109): Robservations 08/06/01: Revelation; Vicki in BIG Danger"
Liz comes downstairs and asks her if she's seen David. (I thought Vicki was alone in the house.) Not since this morning, says Vicki. He isn't in his room, says Liz, and not in the closed-off section of the house--he must be outside--it's dark, I'm worried, he shouldn't be outside by himself. I bet I know where he is, says Vicki--to the Old House to talk to some of his ghost friends. Would you mind going down there? asks Liz. Of course not, Vicki assures her.

The Robservations references the quote practically perfectly...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2196 on: December 13, 2024, 03:36:08 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #14 (1966) - Carolyn - 'Oh, that MUST be Joe.'

From  "#0013/0014: Robservations 05/25/01: David Acts Weirder Than Usual"
you think this hem ought to be shortened? It looks fine to me, says Vicki--I wouldn't be too eager to join the Devlin admiration society, if I were you. Stop worrying, says Carolyn, Mr. Devlin is leaving town in a couple of days, so I'll just have to be satisfied with good old Joe. Who happens to be in love with you, Vicki reminds her. Uh huh, says Carolyn, like she doesn't care--I think if I took a half inch off, it would look better--what do you think? I think love is a good deal more important than charm, says Vicki, standing up to make her point. I don't know how we got into this, says Carolyn, but let's not make a big case of this--sure, I think Devlin is attractive, charming and dynamic, and he's been around--but that's the end of it--I brought him out here to make peace with Mother and Uncle Roger and it worked--chances are, none of us will ever see him again and it couldn't matter less--period--exclamation point! Vicki smiles and says her Uncle Roger is going to see him again, Good for Uncle Roger, says Carolyn, sounding deliberately unconcerned, but then she adds, "When?" What difference does that make? asks Vicki. No difference, lies Carolyn, no difference at all. Someone knocks. Carolyn asks Vicki to be a doll and let Joe in while she changes. Why, you look great in that dress, says Vicki. I think it's a little too schoolgirlish, says Carolyn, tell him I'll be right down, will you? And she hurries from the room, leaving Vicki concerned.

The Robservations doesn't references the quote. However, it's fairly easy to figure out that it comes up after Vicki and Carolyn hear a knock at the door down in the foyer (it's amazing how sound travels in the house - the knock is as loud as if it was on Carolyn's bedroom door!!  [santa_wink] [santa_cheesy]) and before Carolyn asks Vicki to let Joe in...

And as a preview of tomorrow, the second ep without a "MUST" quote will be coming up in the slideshow and in its place will be a quote from Ep #2 of the '91 Series...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2197 on: December 14, 2024, 04:12:12 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
DS 1991 Ep #2 (-1967: Ep #141) - Barnabas - 'You MUST, Doctor. I promise I will not hurt you. Put it away.'

      OLD HOUSE: Julia lets herself in. Willie frantically tries
to convince Julia to leave. She will not be deterred. Where is
Barnabas? He desperately insists he isn't there. She knows he
will be there soon "because the sun has nearly set, and that's
when Barnabas comes to life, isn't that right, Willie?" He
denies everything. She demands he tell her where Barnabas is.
She notices the cellar door, quickly determining from Willie's
panicked reaction that she's on the right track. He ineffectual-
ly tries to prevent her from going downstairs. She descends
the stairs. Willie, right behind her, frantically begs her to leave.
She enters the cellar room and heads to the coffin. Willie, "Oh,
God, Doc, I'm beggin' ya, please, Doc!" She opens the coffin.
Barnabas' eyes jerk open. She holds a cross before his face.
Barnabas gives a strangled cry of pain and covers his face with
his hands, snarling, "Put that away!" He promises not to hurt
her. She demands his word. Barnabas, "I have already given
you my word! Put that away!"

And the summary skips the actual quote but certainly conveys the circumstances surrounding it...

And as I've done previously when it comes to the '91 Series, I used a screen capture from the TGG Direct DVD release that's the same dimensions as the ones from the original series -

- because even though that release also doesn't have the correct color timing like the VHS release does -

- also like the VHS release, it has the correct aspect ratio.

And even though the MGM DVD release, like the TGG Direct release, tends to be clearer than the VHS, frustratingly, the aspect ratio is cropped from 4X3 to 16X9 -

And just a reminder, we've seen notations like "DS 1991 Ep #2 (-1967: Ep #141)" before and in this case it means that the quote should have come from 1967's Ep #141 but that ep doesn't have any "must" lines to quote from. So, with that in mind, it means that Ep #141 now joins Eps #1, #5, #8, #12, #13, #120, #124, #136, #138, #139, #189, #198, #210, #217, #219, #478, #659, #667, #690, #904 and #1008 as ones without any "must" lines.  And this is the only installment in this month's slideshow where the quote featured comes from an alternate version of DS.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2198 on: December 15, 2024, 05:54:06 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #1230 (1841PT[-1967: Ep #223]) - Quentin - 'We MUST join hads. Now, we MUST maintain contact throughout, and remember, we've got to concentrate, concentrate very deeply.'

From  "#1230/1231: Robservations 01/05/04: Brutus' Revenge"
With the unconscious Morgan seated in one of the chairs at the table, the seance commences. Quentin again assures Carrie and Ben, Carrie will be safe, even if the drug wears off. I've already told you the history of the man who has possessed Morgan, Quentin reminds Carrie--I want you to contact the spirit of James Forsythe. Scared, Carrie says, I'm ready. Hopefully, we will be able to rid Morgan of his possession if we succeed, says Quentin. The lights are put out; everyone (all six of them) sits at the table and joins hands. Maintain contact throughout, says Quentin--concentrate very deeply. Carrie calls to James Forsythe--who once lived and died here--if you can hear us, give us a sign...we are waiting to hear from you--can you please speak to us? The chandelier tinkles. A figure appears outside the window. Morgan stirs and speaks. "What is it you want of me? I am James Forsythe." Why are you speaking through Morgan? asks Carrie. I speak through Morgan because I must--I am only a spirit without form or substance--I possessed Morgan to be free again and right all the wrongs that were done to me. Who wronged you? demands Carrie--tell us, please.
He is here now....he has come to get me again!" cries Morgan--"BRUTUS! Brutus is in this room!--Brutus has come to get me, to send me back--you will not get me!"

The Robservations references only parts of the quote but does get the points across...

It's unfortunate that the screen capture for the quote was shot with one of the wacky cameras whose video footage whose colors were off, among other things -

- but it's at least nice that when things were shot from other angles those cameras use shot things correctly (as can be seen in the Robservstions screen captures).

As a bit of trivia, Ep #1230 is the last ep that David Selby appeared in before he had the appendicitis attack that took him off the show prematurely. He was originally slated to appear in subsequent eps. The quote is also close to his last lines on the show before he runs out the foyer door and into daytime DS history...

And again, just a reminder, we've seen notations like "(1841PT[-1967])" before and know it means that an 1841PT quote has been substituted for what should have been a 1967 quote. But this time around "(1841PT[-1967: Ep #223])" means all that plus that the quote should have come from 1967's Ep #223 but that ep doesn't have any "must" lines to quote from. So, with that in mind, it means that Ep #223 now joins Eps #1, #5, #8, #12, #13, #120, #124, #136, #138, #139, #141, #189, #198, #210, #217, #219, #478, #659, #667, #690, #904 and #1008 as ones without any "must" lines. And Ep #223 is the last ep to come up this month that doesn't have any "must" lines.

(And unlike in my other months, I've been busy with other stuff this month so I haven't already picked out the eps for my upcoming month, which will be February,  so at this point I have no idea just how many eps could come up without "must" lines...)

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2199 on: December 16, 2024, 03:08:18 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #412 (1796) - Josette - 'Aunt Natalie, you MUST have imagined you saw her.'

From  "#0411/0412: Robservations 03/25/02: Barnabas Rises--and Kills"
Trask enters the room alone despite Natalie's protests of danger, but he finds it empty. Josette checks for the book, but it's gone, too, so they know Vicki took it.

This Robservations is another in the period with little detail and the quote isn't referenced. However, after Trask finds that Josette's room at Collinwod is empty, he turns toward the doorway and tells Countess Du Pres and Josette that they can come in, "There's no one here." A puzzled Countess Du Pres and Josette come in, looking around. It is then that Josette delivers the quote, but Countess Du Pres insists, "I saw her, she was here." Josette questions, "How did she get out?" To that Countess Du Pres says it doesn't matter how she got out, the important thing is only why was she there? Josette, "The book." And after checking for it, she announces that it's gone. They react with distress. End of scene...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2200 on: December 17, 2024, 03:18:44 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #532_533 (1968) - Joe - 'I guess the gun MUST have scared him, beca...(sigh) he made a break for the door.'

From  "Robservation 6/21/02 - #531/532_533 - Barnabas Offers Himself"
The sheriff shows up, explaining he has permission from the doctor to talk to Joe for five minutes to find out what happened.
Joe describes finding Adam at Stokes', Adam running away, Joe cornering him in the woods, and Adam with his unbelievable strength taking the rifle away from Joe and hitting him over the head. Joe is exhausted. The sheriff departs

Again, little detail and the quote isn't referenced. However, the way the quote comes up is that after Adam reveals himself at Stokes, Joe explains that he raised the gun and that he tried to call the sheriff, and then he delivers the quote. Joe then goes on to explain that he shot at Adam and missed, but he ran after him...

And another Joe quote. He still doesn't have as many as most of the main characters, but at least now he's up to having 19.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2201 on: December 18, 2024, 08:50:00 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #674 (1969) - Chris - 'Well, you MUST know, think very hard and try to explain it to me.'

From  "Robservations 10/3/02 - #674/675 - Donna Friedlander, Bullseye!"
Her brother lifts her up high so he can speak to her face to face, then asks who or what called her from the cottage and made her leave. She claims not to know. Mrs. Stoddard or Carolyn or David. She said it was a woman, Chris says. Amy must know. Amy says she sometimes thinks she hears him. He isn't exactly calling to her, but--one night, she thought she heard him calling her name--I went to the window, it was so bright, almost as bright as day, the moon was so big, and I thought I heard you crying--that's silly, though, because boys don't cry--you wasn't crying, right? No, he hastily tells her. Perhaps you were just unhappy, suggests Amy.

Again a Roberservations skips getting into a quote. However, after Amy says that sometimes at night she thinks she hears him. Chris asks if he's calling to her, but she says that's not exactly it. And after Chris then asks what it is, Amy says she doesn't know, prompting Chris to deliver the quote. And that's when Amy explains that one night she thought she heard him calling her name and that caused her to go to the window where she saw that everything was so bright because of the moon and she thought she heard him crying...

And before all that Chris does indeed say that Amy must know who was calling her when she was at the cottage, so that quote might be likely to show up in the slideshow one day...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2202 on: December 19, 2024, 04:02:04 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #786 (1897) - Gregory - 'I hope you're not too disappointed, but we MUST accept the changes that divine providence imposes on our lives, MUSTN'T we?'

From  "Robservations 1/29/03 - #786/787 - Edward Faces Barnabas"
Collinwood - Charity enters with her father. She looks around with satisfaction as they enter the drawing room. "Your new home," he says--I hope you will be happy--I realize this is quite sudden, after your dear mother's passing. . . My mother never questioned your good judgment, says Charity, and I won't now, but I am concerned about the future of the school. Yes, I've thought about that a great deal, he says--you must bear in mind that my marriage to Judith carries with it certain burdens and responsibilities, not the least of which is the time-consuming management of this estate.
Meaning, she says, that you won't have time for Worthington Hall. I hope you understand, he says, but we must accept the changes Divine Providence imposes. She agrees.

The Roberservations leaves out bits of the quote and paraphrases others, but it does get the main points across...

And I'd completely forgotten about this post in this Robservation topic:

Today's episodes were great.

I was flipping through the Dark Shadows Almanac and came across the landmarks section. The section said that in episode #786, Charity and Quentin sing "I Wanna Dance With You." Does this happen later on, instead of #786 as the book stated?

First off, there is no section entitled "Landmarks" in either version of the Almanac, it's actually entitled "Shadows Milestones" in the original 30th Anniversary Tribute edition and "Dark Shadows Milestones" in the reworked Millennium edition - but those are minor issues. What is truly bizarre, though, is that "Dark Shadows Milestones" does indeed say -

Episode 786  Charity Trask dreams of a romantic duet and dance with Quentin, singing I Wanna Dance With You.

- which is totally wrong, but the "Shadows Milestones" in the original version of the Almanac correctly has -

Episode 786 Charity Trask has a dream in which Quentin recites Shadows of the Night.

- as well as -

Episode 873 Charity Trask dreams of a duet and dance with Quentin, singing I Wanna Dance With You.

There is no entry in "Dark Shadows Milestones" for Episode 873, no doubt because it has Episode 786 wrong. Who knows who in the world is responsible for the errors in the Millennium editions' list (and adding the word "romantic"), particularly when those entries were correct the first time around in the 30th Anniversary Tribute edition? But what's even more bizarre, while spotting errors in the PomPress books is hardly a surprise, what is surprising is them getting something wrong which they'd previously had correct!  ::)

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2203 on: December 20, 2024, 03:14:02 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #922 (1970) - Julia - 'You MUST tell me, where is the portrait of Quentin Collins?'

From  "Robservations 5/2/03 - #922/923 - Death Comes For Amanda; Mrs. Sky Rumson"
Julia goes in to Tate, takes his pulse. What do you want? he asks.  Where is Quentin's portrait? she asks. It was destroyed, insists Tate. Not true, says Julia, because Quentin isn't a werewolf, so it must exist somewhere--but where?  I'll tell you what you want in exchange for what I want, he says--life, that's what I want--you can't, can you? No, says Julia, I can't.

Again, the Roberservations leaves out bits of the quote and paraphrases what it does reference, but again it does get the main point across...

And Julia does indeed say that Quentin's portrait must exist somewhere, so that quote might be likely to show up in the slideshow one day...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2204 on: December 21, 2024, 09:42:08 PM »
 [pointing-up]  Yesterday I forgot to mention that Ep #922 is an odd ep in that there are a few obvious edits along the way. And it's not that they only appear on the DVD because they were also present when Sci-Fi ran the ep and even back in syndication. I suspect the ep may have been edited for time, which didn't happen often, but it did happen. Though I suppose there's also the possibility that the edits might have also been for some technical reasons that are probably lost to time.