If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #915 (1969) - Adlar - 'That is not the issue. The issue is your disobedience. Fortunately, for the moment Julia Hoffman need not die. But she MUST be dealt with. And you will do it.'
From "Robservations 4/29/03 - 913/914/915 - Warning for Barnabas: A Taste of Vampirism"
I see, says Oberon, you need time to think about it--think about THIS, Barnabas, you want more?--an endless procession of nights like this--and in the days, the desperate hunt for the coffin?--the race against the impending dawn? What will happen after this night, Barnabas. "If it is to begin again," says Barnabas helplessly, "then perhaps it would be best for the dawn to find me here and destroy me--but I will not kill Julia Hoffman!" he adds passionately. That is not the issue! shouts Oberon--the issue is your disobedience!--fortunately, for the moment, Julia Hoffman need not die--but she must be dealt with, and you will do it!
The Robservations references the quote perfectly...
On the other hand, sure, it's not any sort of a surprise that Michael would defy the Leviathan book, which we learn in Ep #918 forbids the killing of enemies, and order Barnabas to kill Julia, BUT it IS to have Adlar do it because he is supposedly a true Leviathan and a stickler for the law. But of course, this part of the Leviathans storyline is a complete mess where they desperately try to start to regain the audience they'd lost, so what really is no surprise is that the plot in certain eps completely contradicts the plot in other eps.
And this quote sets another bigger
again because it's the eighth time a sixth quote from the same ep has appeared in the slideshow, joining Eps #66, #377, #384, #449, #646, #727 & #993!! The first (Adlar - 'Enemies MUST be dealt with, that is the law') was back on April 28th of 2021, the second (Megan - 'Oh, but I MUST, please, Barnabas, you're the only one I can talk to') was back on November 8th of 2021, the third (Adlar - 'You are just an outsider. You MUST constantly prove yourself...because you will never be above suspicion') was back on April 11th of 2022, the fourth (Michael - 'Now that you serve us, you MUST forget all that happened before') was back on October 25th of 2022, and the fifth (Barnabas - 'No, you MUST leave me alone') was back on July 8th.