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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2055 on: August 14, 2024, 03:10:14 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
DS 2012: (-1967: Ep #138) - Barnabas - 'You MUST have faith, doctor - for if a man can become a monster, than a monster can become a man.'

From the DS 2012 script:
                                                 SMASH TO:


Dr. Hoffman gives Barnabas a physical;  his shirt off.

          If God will not aid me, I shall
          become the agent of my own

                        DR. HOFFMAN
          I suppose we could try a gradual
          transfusion.  Try and purify your

          And God willing, my soul with it.

                        DR. HOFFMAN
          I should warn you, Barnabas --
          there's little to suggest it'll
          work, medically speaking.

          Have faith, doctor. If a man can
          become a monster...then a monster
          can become a man.

She lowers her stethoscope.

                        DR. HOFFMAN
          Why become a man, Barnabas?  Why
          sacrifice the gift of eternal
          youth? Look at me -- every year I
          get half as pretty and twice as

Barnabas looks her up and down.

          If that is true, madam, you must
          have begun life as the most
          beautiful creature that ever

Maybe it's the booze, but we could swear that the
cynical, world-weary doctor almost giggles.

                        DR. HOFFMAN
          Barnabas...are you aware of the
          concept of doctor/patient

          I am afraid not.  Perhaps you
          would be kind enough to enlighten

                        DR. HOFFMAN
               (bites her lip)
          Drop your shorts and I will...

As she jumps him, to his sincere surprise --

And the excerpt is from the November 30, 2010 version of the script, which is not the exact version that was ultimately shot. As such some of the directions, descriptions and dialogue are different in the excerpt. The differences start in the scene right from the outset because, as the scene begins, Barnabas is not shirtless and Dr. Hoffman is not examining him, plus, his first bit of dialogue is dropped. What is really happening is that Dr. Hoffman is rolling up his right shirtsleeve as she actually says, "No, it's brilliant. Theoretically, anyway. A series of transfusions to try to purify your blood," rather than what's scripted. And as Dr. Hoffman gets some paraphernalia, Barnabas adds, "And my soul with it," which is a close variation of what's scripted. And then rather than what's scripted, Dr. Hoffman returns to Barnabas and actually adds, "I should warn you, Barnabas, there's a slight chance it won't work. It isn't exactly the kind of thing they teach you in medical school," as she prepares his arm to take a blood sample. After that is when Barnabas delivers the quote, with Depp either adding the "MUST" on his own or it having been added in a subsequent version of the script. Then obviously Dr. Hoffman doesn't lower her stethoscope because she hasn't been examining Barnabas. However, her reply is very close to what is scripted. And as Dr. Hoffman goes to prepare something else, Barnabas' reply is also very close to what is scripted (and it's another "MUST" line, so you just know it will be quoted sometime down the line [hall2_wink]). And Dr. Hoffman doesn't giggle at that but it most definitely gets her attention and she delivers her next line about doctor/patient confidentiality exactly as scripted. And then instead of Barnabas saying, "I'm afraid not," he simply says, "No," but his next line is delivered exactly as scripted. And then rather than delivering what her scripted reply is, Dr. Hoffman simply says,"All right." And rather than jumping him, she merely sinks down out of frame in front of him and his reaction to what she does off camera definitely surprises Barnabas. End of scene.

And Ep #138 now joins Eps #1, #5, #8, #120, #124, #136, #189, #198, #210, #478, #659, #667 and #904 as ones without any "must" lines - and there's one more to come this month.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2056 on: August 15, 2024, 01:42:30 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #215 (1967) - Joe - 'The police think somebody MUST'VE dumped it there.'

From  "#0214/0215: Robservations 10/22/01: Barnabas' Deception"
Joe comes in, depressed--his uncle is searching his farm for a missing calf, which seems to have disappeared. They finally found it--dead--with two small puncture wounds in its throat.
Everyone is grossed out and perplexed at this story.

As is probably obvious, this Robservations falls into the period where there's little detail, and as such the quote isn't even referenced. However, after Joe reveals that the missing calf was found dead on the other side of town, he's adds that nobody knows what happened. But when his uncle had the veterinarian take a look, he found something "very weird," that the the calf wasn't injured in any way but it had died from a loss of blood - there was not one drop of blood in the calf's body. And after both Maggie and Burke express their confusion is when Joe delivers the quote. Then shortly Joe adds the detail that the veterinarian says that the calf seems to have been expertly drained and he's examining what he thinks are two very small puncture marks on the throat...

And Joe quotes are finally piling up...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2057 on: August 16, 2024, 02:22:12 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #409 (1796) - Josette - 'Are you going to tell me Miss Winters had time to print that book? No, She MUST be from another century. She MUST have brought this book with her.'

From  "#0409/0410: Robservations 03/22/02: The "V" Word is Spoken"
Josette is shocked over what she has read about herself in the book in Vicki's room, but Natalie calls Vicki a devil. Does Barnabas live or die according to the book? wonders Josette, and they continue to read despite being terrified. It says Jeremiah met Josette on a business trip to Martinique, which Josette knows is false. There is no mention of her being engaged to Barnabas. It says the marriage was unhappy, and that Barnabas was attracted to his uncle's wife--which was true.

The Robservations is from a period where there's less detail than there will be with most eps and, therefore, the quote isn't even referenced. However, after Josette and Natalie point out how the book has the relationships between Josette, Jeremiah and Barnabas wrong, Josette also points out that what the book says is almost true. "It's almost as if somebody knew some of the facts and wrote them down and did not know what actually did happen." Natalie reminds Josette who's room they found the book in, a girl accused of witchcraft. It is then that Josette delivers the quote, after which Natalie asks, "Then why are the facts wrong?" Josette says she doesn't know. And it is after that that Natalie reads from the book about how the marriage between Josette and Jeremiah seemed unhappy...

Of course we know that it's not a case of somebody knowing some of the facts but not knowing what actually happened. It's a case of Joshua knowing all the facts but twisting them to conceal the truth.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2058 on: August 17, 2024, 07:18:06 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #525 (1968) - Jeff - 'I know it MUST NOT make much sense to ya.'

From  "Robservations 6/18/02 - #525/526 - Cassangelique, Resurrected"
Joe struggles with Jeff, yelling his name, demanding to know what's wrong with him. Jeff finally comes to and recognizes him as Joe Haskell, not Nathan Forbes.
Jeff apologizes to Joe, saying that he looks exactly like someone named Nathan Forbes, and that he was having a dream in which he was trying to kill Forbes. Joe asks Jeff, why don't you like me, puzzled--Jeff really doesn't know Joe well enough to like or dislike him.

The Robservations is another from a period where there's less detail than there will be with most eps and, therefore, the quote isn't even referenced. However, the way things begin to lead up to the quote is that after Jeff realizes that Joe isn't Nathan Forbes, Joe asks who Forbes is because it's the second time he's heard his name. Jeff says Joe looks exactly like him and explains he was having a dream about him in which he was trying to kill him. When he saw Joe leaning over him, he thought he was Forbes and that's when Jeff attacked him. After that is when Jeff delivers the quote. Joe says, "No, not much," after which Jeff apologizes. Joe says he'll survive but is glad it wasn't Maggie who came in to try to wake him. But Jeff says he wouldn't have attacked Maggie because the only reason he attacked Joe is because he thought he was Nathan Forbes. And shortly after that is when Joe makes the point that Jeff doesn't like him...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2059 on: August 17, 2024, 08:20:02 PM »
When it comes to Ep #525, back in May when I was watching the ep to see if there are any "MUST" lines in it (I found seven - including two Joe lines) I discovered another edit on the DVDs. It occurs in a sequence that comes up after the one I quoted from for today, one in which Nicholas is trying to persuade Vicki to allow him to "restore" Vicki's now faded painting but Vicki will have none of his offer. After Nicholas finally relents and hands the painting to Vicki, she bids him goodnight and turns to leave the room. But as you'll see in the following clip from the DVD version, after that something is obviously missing -

- and sure enough, when I checked the Sci-Fi version as well as my syndication VHS tape it became clear what was edited and why. When you watch the following clip made from my Sci-Fi version, you'll see how things actually played on the Master Tape -

- and what is missing from the DVD.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2060 on: August 18, 2024, 05:14:02 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #672 (1969) - Carolyn - 'Well, there, there MUST have been something about this bracelet that -- that kept the animal from killing me.'

From  "Robservations 10/2/02 - #672/673 - Sibling Weirdness"
Barnabas wonders how Carolyn fought off the animal while they were on their way. She explains she didn't fight him off, she put her hands over her face to protect herself, he grabbed her, then stopped--something attracted his attention--her bracelet--it fascinated or scared him.
Barnabas observes that it's silver--and the head of my cane is silver, too. Barnabas isn't certain what it means, but apparently has an idea.

Even though the Robservations isn't from a period where there's less detail than there will be with most eps, for some reason the quote isn't referenced. However, it comes up after Carolyn realizes her bracelet attracted the animal's attention and before she offers the possibility that something about it seemed to fascinate or frighten him...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2061 on: August 19, 2024, 01:20:16 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #770 (1897) - Barnabas - 'He's looking for a vampire. We MUST give him a vampire.'

From  "Robservations 1/16/03 - #770-771 -  Pansy, Carl's Tart; Dirk Causes Trouble"
Edward leaves the house.  Beth comes downstairs as soon as he leaves.  I'm safe, Barnabas tells her, but only for the moment--he refused to believe there's no vampire and is going to pursue it until he's satisfied--and we must make him satisfied, says Barn--he's looking for a vampire and we will give him one--Dirk will not live out the night, but die and rise as a vampire--I will see to it that Edward discovers and destroys Dirk, closing the whole matter and keeping my secret.  Barnabas, proud of this idea, orders her to stay with Dirk until the end.  He opens the secret panel, but finds Dirk already gone!

The Robservations paraphrases the quote a bit but does so well, even if the paraphrasing doesn't use "MUST," which, of course, is shameful...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2062 on: August 20, 2024, 02:30:04 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #918 (1970) - David - 'Everything we MUST know. Everything we MUST do is in this book.'

From  "Robservations 5/1/03 - #918-921 - Tate Gets Ahead of the Game"
David looks at the snakes in the Leviathan book and seems to fall into an orgasmic trance, breathing heavily. To Liz, he reads, "For the people of Leviathan, all others are enemies, but the enemies of Leviathan must not die by the hand of Leviathan, only their own kind, themselves can end their existence on the earth if they have stolen from the people of Leviathan. In that way, their spirits shall not return to war against us."  Liz asks what that means. That you're a true Leviathan, says David
--something inside of you kept you from killing Julia, from disobeying the book. No, says Liz, not true--I wasn't thinking of the book, or Leviathan, I was thinking of her, and our friendship. No, denies David vehemently, you were thinking of Leviathan--you knew if you killed her, her spirit would come back to war against us, and you knew that because you are one of us--we do not kill because the spirit of a dead enemy is more dangerous than the enemy himself--it's all in the book, Aunt Liz, everything we must know and do is in this book.

The Robservations paraphrases the quote to shorten it but does so well. Thankfully the paraphrasing only drops one "MUST," which isn't quite as shameful...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2063 on: August 20, 2024, 04:56:43 PM »
From  "Robservations 5/1/03 - #918-921 - Tate Gets Ahead of the Game"
David looks at the snakes in the Leviathan book and seems to fall into an orgasmic trance, breathing heavily.

I'd say there's nothing "seems to fall" about it, he outright falls -

I don't recall what my reaction to that was back in January of 1970, but when I saw it again in syndication in May of 1988 I was like: Whoa! Where can I get a copy of the Leviathan book and how can I learn how to read it?!  [ghost_wink] [ghost_cheesy]

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2064 on: August 20, 2024, 08:36:33 PM »
Could you buy Leviathan Book for Dummies? Or at least Monarch Notes?  [devil2] [8_1_1] [devil2]
Fade Away and Radiate

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2065 on: August 21, 2024, 04:38:07 PM »
 [pointing-up]  Hey, if it works, I'd go with anything so long as I get to, uh, achieve the desired effect.  [ghost_wink] [ghost_cheesy]

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2066 on: August 21, 2024, 05:50:02 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #994 (1970PT) - Trask - 'Well, Sir, she MUST be here somewhere. I'll go back upstairs and search further.'

From  "#0994/0995: Robservations 06/24/03: Dameon Edwards"
Trask comes down and reports to Quentin--Amy doesn't seem to be upstairs. I told you not to leave her alone! Quentin reminds him angrily. She must be here somewhere, says Trask, I'll go upstairs and search further. Quentin bites his lip, fearful.

The Robservations references the quote almost perfectly...

And if the quote seems familiar, that's because we also used it for the April 19th of 2022 quote:

If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Tuesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Tuesday's quote:
Ep #995 (1970PT) - Trask - 'Well, Sir, she MUST be here somewhere. I'll go back upstairs and search further.'

The quote is delivered exactly the same at both the end of Ep #994 and the beginning of Ep #995 - however, only the summary for Ep #994 references it:

From "#0994/0995: Robservations 06/24/03: Dameon Edwards"
Trask comes down and reports to Quentin--Amy doesn't seem to be upstairs. I told you not to leave her alone! Quentin reminds him angrily. She must be here somewhere, says Trask, I'll go upstairs and search further.

However, I chose a screen capture from Ep #995 because it shows off Trask better than Ep #994 does.

The Robservations (for Ep #994) references the quote well...

And here's the screen capture from Ep #995 -

- which you can see does indeed show off Trask better.

But getting to today's screen capture, you've no doubt noticed the blue bars running down -

- either side of it. Yes, part of the meaning is that it's a graphic for an exact quote that has already appeared in the slideshow. But it's also more because there's a very good reason why the exact same quote is appearing twice and that's because not only does the exact same quote appear in two different eps under the same circumstances, but both are the only "MUST" quotes in the eps. So, when it came time to use a quote from Ep #994, which hadn't been quoted from before, there was no alternative quote to pick from it. I had no choice but to go with the exact same quote that had already been used earlier.

What will prove interesting will be to see if this is a unique situation or if if it might occur again. Though I won't know which it might be until I've gone through all the eps and I still have to watch over 360 eps that haven't been quoted from yet...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2067 on: August 22, 2024, 03:32:10 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #1084 (1970) - Julia - 'I suppose it wouldn't hurt to see him, but we MUST decide what to tell him.'

From  "#1084/1085: Robservations 08/28/03: Beckoned"
I still think Sebastian Shaw could help us, says Stokes. You really do believe in his psychic abilities, says Julia. If he's a fraud, says Stokes, he's an extremely credible one--when it comes to clairvoyance, I'm not easily impressed. Julia stands--it wouldn't hurt to see him, she says, but we must decide what to tell him. I say tell him everything, says Stokes, beginning with the transition of parallel time into the future. Do you think he might have a little difficulty believing the story? asks Julia. Why should he? asks Eliot, if he himself can transcend time mentally, he should be willing to accept that it may be transcended physically.

The Robservations references the quote well...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2068 on: August 23, 2024, 03:14:10 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #1138 (1840) - Gerard - 'What powers that man MUST have had!'

From  "#1138/1139: Robservations 10/23/03: Stick Domesticity"
Rose Cottage - Judah Zachary, says Gerard to himself, Julia and Leticia were making him whole again--what powers that man must have had!--why am I so sleepy?--a moment ago, I felt wide awake--here I am dependent upon the whim of a woman like Flora Collins--and yet all that was going on around me--I didn't even know it.  He falls asleep, and dreams

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2069 on: August 24, 2024, 02:32:20 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #869 (1897) - Quentofi - 'You MUSTN'T be frightened of me.'

From  "Robservations 3/28/03 - #868-869 - Doppelganger"
Quentin enters; Charity cries out. Quentin closes them in the drawing room, but she refuses to stay alone with him, promising, I'm gonna scream if you don't open the doors. You must not be frightened of me, he says. That's what you say, she retorts. I'm as scared as you are, says Q, wondering if Edward is wrong about the man upstairs. I'm not sticking around to find out, she insists--I'm leaving the house! That won't solve anything

The Robservations references the quote well but uses "must not" instead of "mustn't"...