If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Today's quote:
DS 2012: (-1967: Ep #138) - Barnabas - 'You MUST have faith, doctor - for if a man can become a monster, than a monster can become a man.'
From the DS 2012 script:
Dr. Hoffman gives Barnabas a physical; his shirt off.
BARNABAS If God will not aid me, I shall become the agent of my own salvation.
DR. HOFFMAN I suppose we could try a gradual transfusion. Try and purify your blood.
BARNABAS And God willing, my soul with it.
DR. HOFFMAN I should warn you, Barnabas -- there's little to suggest it'll work, medically speaking.
BARNABAS Have faith, doctor. If a man can become a monster...then a monster can become a man.
She lowers her stethoscope.
DR. HOFFMAN Why become a man, Barnabas? Why sacrifice the gift of eternal youth? Look at me -- every year I get half as pretty and twice as drunk.
Barnabas looks her up and down.
BARNABAS If that is true, madam, you must have begun life as the most beautiful creature that ever lived.
Maybe it's the booze, but we could swear that the cynical, world-weary doctor almost giggles.
DR. HOFFMAN Barnabas...are you aware of the concept of doctor/patient confidentiality?
BARNABAS I am afraid not. Perhaps you would be kind enough to enlighten me.
DR. HOFFMAN (bites her lip) Drop your shorts and I will...
As she jumps him, to his sincere surprise --
And the excerpt is from the November 30, 2010 version of the script, which is not the exact version that was ultimately shot. As such some of the directions, descriptions and dialogue are different in the excerpt. The differences start in the scene right from the outset because, as the scene begins, Barnabas is not shirtless and Dr. Hoffman is not examining him, plus, his first bit of dialogue is dropped. What is really happening is that Dr. Hoffman is rolling up his right shirtsleeve as she actually says, "No, it's brilliant. Theoretically, anyway. A series of transfusions to try to purify your blood," rather than what's scripted. And as Dr. Hoffman gets some paraphernalia, Barnabas adds, "And my soul with it," which is a close variation of what's scripted. And then rather than what's scripted, Dr. Hoffman returns to Barnabas and actually adds, "I should warn you, Barnabas, there's a slight chance it won't work. It isn't exactly the kind of thing they teach you in medical school," as she prepares his arm to take a blood sample. After that is when Barnabas delivers the quote, with Depp either adding the "MUST" on his own or it having been added in a subsequent version of the script. Then obviously Dr. Hoffman doesn't lower her stethoscope because she hasn't been examining Barnabas. However, her reply is very close to what is scripted. And as Dr. Hoffman goes to prepare something else, Barnabas' reply is also very close to what is scripted (and it's another "MUST" line, so you just know it will be quoted sometime down the line
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). And Dr. Hoffman doesn't giggle at that but it most definitely gets her attention and she delivers her next line about doctor/patient confidentiality exactly as scripted. And then instead of Barnabas saying, "I'm afraid not," he simply says, "No," but his next line is delivered exactly as scripted. And then rather than delivering what her scripted reply is, Dr. Hoffman simply says,"All right." And rather than jumping him, she merely sinks down out of frame in front of him and his reaction to what she does off camera definitely surprises Barnabas. End of scene.
And Ep #138 now joins Eps #1, #5, #8, #120, #124, #136, #189, #198, #210, #478, #659, #667 and #904 as ones without any "must" lines - and there's one more to come this month.