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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2040 on: July 31, 2024, 02:16:00 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #523 (1968) - Vicki - 'Well, you MUST have had some kind of identification.'

From  "Robservations 6/17/02 - #523/524 - Jeff, Peter, Peter, Jeff"
She hears a knock at the door and finds Jeff waiting there. He hugs her and she's thrilled to see him. He's not in a good mood. He went to Portsmouth and found a big dead end there. Three weeks of day and night investigation, he still doesn't know who he is. She holds him, trying to comfort him. He visited hospitals, spoke with doctors, cops, nurses, and got nothing.  He was found there, Vicki reminds him, wandering the docks, without ID.
He doesn't even know how he got the name Jeff Clark, unless Lang gave it to him in the sanitarium. Jeff is angry that he knows nothing about himself, or if he had a life before Portsmouth, or an existence.

The Robservations doesn't reference the quote and barely references its circumstances. However, the way it comes up is that after Jeff explains that he visited hospitals, talked to doctors and nurses, and city officials, and he bugged the police until they thought he was some kind of a nut (perceptive police [b003]), he learned nothing, absolute zero. Vicki comments that doesn't make any sense - he was found in Portsmouth. And to that Jeff says that Lang didn't lie to him about that - he was found wandering around the Portsmouth docks. It is then that Vicki delivers the quote, but Jeff replies that if anyone knew about it, they wouldn't say. "Not even the police?" Vicki asks. "Not even the police," Jeff answers. Vicki then asks who decided his name was Jeff Clark? Jeff says he couldn't even get an answer on that - the only answer he could come up with was Lang gave him the name when he was in the sanitarium. And to that Vicki remarks that they know one thing: his real name isn't Jeff Clark, to which Jeff frustratingly remarks that means he knows less than when he went to Portsmouth...
And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Nicholas - 'Surely you MUST know by this time, Reverend, that there is no rest for the wicked'), was back on May 29th of 2021.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2041 on: August 01, 2024, 01:46:14 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #1237 (1841PT) - Kendrick - 'You MUST tell me who this woman is, now!'

From  "#1236/1237: Robservations 01/12/04: Gabriel Attacks Again"
Melanie said you had a vision, he says, you saw a woman, and said she was her mother.  Yes, says Carrie, but the vision wasn't clear--I couldn't see the woman's face.  But just before you were interrupted by Julia, says Kendrick, you told her the image WAS clear!  No, says Carrie, not clear enough for me to see.  What are you frightened of? demands Kendrick of the trembling girl.  Nothing, she says.  Is it Julia Collins? he asks.  Why should I be afraid of her? asks Carrie.   Because she threatened you the other evening if you said anything at all to Melanie, he says.  No, that isn't true! says Carrie, face shaking.  Then you didn't see her, says Kendrick.  No, she didn't come here, says Carrie.  But your father said she did! says Kendrick.  That's impossible, says Carrie, Father wasn't here when she...  She sees the smile on his face and knows she's been tricked.  Then she was here, Carrie, he says.  Please go, Mr. Young, she begs.  Not until you tell me the truth! he says.  Please, I don't want to get into trouble, pleads Carrie.  What possible trouble could you get into? He asks.  I don't know, says Carrie, but I'm afraid if I get Julia angry, she'll make my life miserable!  I guarantee you that nothing will happen to you, he says--trust me, trust Melanie!--tell me--why did Julia come to visit you?  She made me promise to lie to Melanie, confesses Carrie.  Then Melanie was right, says Kendrick, excited, the vision WAS clear enough to see the woman's face.  Yes, says Carrie.  And you know who Melanie's real mother is, says Kendrick.  Yes, I know, says Carrie.  Look at me, he says, you must tell me who this woman is, now.  What are you going to do? she asks.  Never mind, he says, just know that if you tell me this, you will be doing Melanie the biggest favor of her life--for Melanie's sake, please, tell me!
Carrie looks at him, unsure, miserable at having to make this decision.

The Robservations reference the quote perfectly...

And as you've no doubt noticed, right off the bat August starts off with a screen capture that has red bars on the left and right sides of it. And as you'll no doubt recall, that's something that we're using to indicate that a character other than the character delivering the quote is on screen. Obviously while Kendrick delivers the quote, it's Carrie who's on screen, which is why today's screen capture features Carrie -

- rather than Kendrick. And as I said back when a similar situation came up with Ep #1189, normally we would just skip a quote if the character saying it isn't on screen. But this year I'm focusing on quoting from eps that we've never quoted from before and the reason why Kendrick's quote is also being used for the slideshow is because it's the only "MUST" line in Ep #1237 and, therefore, the only option.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2042 on: August 02, 2024, 02:20:14 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #1185 (1841) - Carrie - 'Quentin isn't guilty of anything, he wouldn't hurt anyone. You MUST believe that.'

From  "#1185/1186: Robservations 11/26/03: Deliberations Begin"
Quentin didn't kill him, I know that! wails Carrie, shaking her head.  Miss Stokes! warns Dawson.  Quentin isn't guilty of anything! Carrie says, he wouldn't hurt anyone--you must believe that.  As Quentin gazes fondly at Carrie, Dawson orders her remarks stricken from the record.  The judge agrees.  Dawson turns to Carrie--no further questions, he says.  The defense has no questions, says Barn.  The judge dismisses the sobbing Carrie, who grabs Quentin's hands for reassurance, then leaves the courtroom.

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

And just as a slight preview of what to expect this month, the first ep without any "MUST" lines won't show up until the 13th - and unlike April and June, in which there were 6 eps without "MUST" lines, August has only 3 eps...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2043 on: August 03, 2024, 01:52:02 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #1106 (1970) - Willie - 'You know what MUST be done, You know she MUST be destroyed.'

From  "#1105/1106: Robservations 09/15/03: The Identity of the Other Vampire"
Willie, we can't do it, not without his knowing.  Julia, let's make it easy for him, for once, says Willie, I mean we gotta do it for Maggie.  Please, begs Julia.  Maggie will die, Willie reminds her--you said so yourself.  I know, says Julia, I know!  If we have to wait until dusk for Barnabas, this Roxanne--he points to the vampire--she won't be here tonight, she'll be with Maggie--he won't blame us.  She's what he always wanted, says Julia sadly, someone with whom he could share eternity.  (Oh, the sorrow on her face is heartrending!)  This one ain't like him, says Willie, she's vicious, that's what he said, I heard him--Julia, I'll take the blame.  You didn't even want to come here, she says.  But I am here, he says, because Barnabas told me--Julia, you just walk out of here, I'll do it for Barnabas.  He holds out his hands for the tools.  She reluctantly starts to hand them over, then stops--I can't, she says--there has got to be another way--close the coffin--close it.  He does.  Now go and find Quentin, she says.  I don't understand you, says Willie--you know what must be done, that she must be destroyed--and we'll never get this chance again--I know it, and so do you.

The Robservations references the quote almost perfectly...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2044 on: August 04, 2024, 02:24:10 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #1052 (1970PT) - Hoffulia - 'I've been under a tremendous strain. You MUST realize that.'

From  "#1052/1053: Robservations 08/06/03: Murderer Revealed; Julia Imprisoned"
We see Angelique's portrait, then Angelique herself, who asks Julia, where is Barnabas right now?  Somewhere in the house, replies Julia.  Are you sure you've been following him everywhere he goes, as I told you to? asks Ang. Of course, every opportunity I get, says Julia. Why haven't we been able to discover his secret? demands Ang impatiently. I don't dare follow him too closely, says Julia--he has powers and I'm in terrible danger as it is. I don't know, says Ang, you really don't seem yourself these days--you were always famous for your efficiency. I do what I can, says Julia--I've been under a tremendous strain. Was it the strain you were under, asks Angelique, that caused you to completely forget, in your conversation with Inspector Hamilton, that his wife had been dead for three years, even though you yourself attended her funeral? Her hypnotic eyes bore into Julia, who responds, in a guarded tone--of course it was, what else could it be? I don't know, says Ang.  I promise to continue doing all I can for you, says Julia--as a matter of fact, I think I should be looking for Barnabas right now. Angelique agrees.

The Robservations references part of the quote almost perfectly but, SHAMEFULLY, not the "MUST" part...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2045 on: August 05, 2024, 01:28:14 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #968 (1970) - Angelique - 'Well, I MUST be confusing you with some other photographer.'

From  "Robservations 6/5/03 - #968-969 - Miserable is the Bride; A Bit 'o' PT"
Collinwood drawing room - Angelique sits with Liz, sipping coffee--I meant to call you, Mrs. Stoddard, she says, and I'm glad we ran into each other in town--it's hard to call when all the news is bad. I'm so sorry to hear about you and Sky, says Liz--I thought you were so...  "Perfect for each other," finishes Angelique, "so happy."--yes, we were. Jeb enters to report to Liz, I took care of the matter at the police station.  Angelique stares at Jeb. I took care of the marriage license, says Liz, so you and Carolyn can pick it up whenever you want. She introduces Mrs. Rumson to Mr. Hawkes. Mrs. Rumson? repeats Jeb. Mrs. Sky Rumson, grins Angelique. We stayed with them at Little Windward Island, explains Liz.  Mr. Hawkes has been there, reveals Ang. I don't think I have, says Jeb.  Really, says Ang, I could have sworn we had, Jeb and Sky were such good friends. Liz expresses surprise at this connection.  I met him a few times when I was taking pictures for his magazines, says Jeb, but I'm not a friend of your husband's.  I must be confusing you with some other photographer, suggests Ang. Of course, says Jeb, I'll go get Carolyn. Ang puts down her cup, stands and walks over to Jeb. Are you and Carolyn planning to get married? she asks. Yes, answers Jeb--today, here. Well, says Ang, there's an old Irish saying--"may ye have all the luck ye need." Thank you, he says, not quite knowing how to take the fury in her eyes mixed with her pleasant tone.

The Robservations reference the quote perfectly...

And a small correction: "Really, says Ang, I could have sworn we had," is not what's said, Angelique actually says, "sworn you had," which makes a lot more sense...

And once again there's a screen capture that has red bars on the left and right sides of it, which is something that we're using to indicate that a character other than the character delivering the quote is on screen. Obviously while Angelique delivers the quote, it's Jeb who's on screen, which is why today's screen capture features Jeb -

- rather than Angelique. And as I said back when a similar situation came up with Ep #1189, normally we would just skip a quote if the character saying it isn't on screen. But this year I'm focusing on quoting from eps that we've never quoted from before and the reason why Angelique's quote is also being used for the slideshow is because it's the only "MUST" line in Ep #968 and, therefore, the only option.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2046 on: August 06, 2024, 01:36:00 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #871 (1897) - Petofin - 'You MUST get hold of yourself, Charles.'

From  "#0870/0871: Robservations 3/31/03 - Engagement; Petofi Finds What He's Searching For"
Tate grins and says, the former Charles Delaware Tate is waiting for you. You're drunk, Petofi observes. Yes, says Tate--drunk and an artist who can't even hold a brush to paint--I've suffered enough--please, please give me back my talent, begs Tate. You aren't the only victim of Petofi, says QIPB--he took away your ability to paint, but far more from me--he took my body and trapped me in his!  What? asks Tate. I'm not Petofi, I'm Quentin, says the man. Tate doesn't believe it--come on, he shouts, you didn't take away my mind, or my eyes (I think he poked himself in the eye on this one), or my ears! I know what you did to me, please, please give me back my talent!  I can't, says Petofi. All right, says Tate, slamming his hand against the wall, breaking the bottle. Get hold of yourself, advises Petofi, go home and...Tate, now pointing a gun at him, says, hear me out--I know it's suicide to kill you, but I don't care anymore--and don't call me Charles, I am not Charles Delaware Tate and only care about one thing--I'm going to see you die! And he aims the gun at Petofi's face.

The Robservations paraphrases the quote and doesn't have Petofin address Tate as Charles, which makes "and don't call me Charles" confusing...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2047 on: August 07, 2024, 02:02:14 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #692 (1969) - Liz - 'Then I MUST get the children out of the house right away.'

From  "Robservations 10/17/02 - #692/693 - Stokes in Serious Danger"
Stokes asks Julia and Liz if Maggie and Mrs. Johnson are both convinced the kids are aware of these apparitions. Liz says all of us are convinced, although the kids have admitted nothing--they keep saying the adults are imagining things. Stokes explains it's not the kids' stubbornness they need to contend with; the disturbances are not imaginary. He senses a supernatural presence in the house, which he sensed at the first seance--it was stronger at the second, and now it's like the music they heard last night--one cannot pinpoint the source of it because it is everywhere.
Liz asks what can be done. Stokes isn't sure, but the overall behavior of the kids is the most disturbing aspect--it exhibits all the signs of true possession. He agrees with Maggie--each child has been possessed by a spirit, probably someone who lived in the house in the past. Stokes asks if the kids sometimes revert to their normal behavior. Yes, says Liz, but they can't get anything out of them then, either. Stokes says this indicates the possession is not yet complete. Could that really happen? asks Liz. Eventually, yes, says Stokes--complete loss of identity and free will. Liz rises--I want to get the kids out of the house right away! Stokes says this will only solve part of the problem--removing the kids won't remove the spirits, nor their machinations. Liz is afraid to leave them here. Stokes says the amount of danger depends on how imminent the danger is. Liz feels it's very imminent. Stokes, however, says the spirits have motivations--they want something and are using the children to get it--naturally, it's to their advantage to possess them only when it suits their needs--it may be to our advantage to keep the children here, because at the moment they represent the only exiting link between the two worlds. Liz doesn't want the children used. I want to speak to the kids, Maggie and Mrs. Johnson, says Stokes--I prefer to question them separately, in their rooms. Liz gives him permission. Stokes heads upstairs.

The Robservations paraphrases the quote but gets its point across well...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2048 on: August 08, 2024, 01:52:02 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #635 (1968) - Barnabas - 'We MUST get to her before he kills her.'

From  "Robservations 9/6/02 - Vicki, Perpetual Victim - #635/636"
Barnabas returns to the Old House, calling Julia. He finds her on the floor, unconscious and revives her. Adam's in the basement, doing something, she doesn't know what. Barnabas tells her Adam has Vicki down there, he kidnapped her--we must get to her before Adam kills her! They both hurry to the basement door, wondering what Adam is doing down there.

The Robservations references the quote almost perfectly, save for referring to Adam by name rather than simply "he"...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2049 on: August 09, 2024, 03:48:40 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #457 (1796) - Naomi - 'I MUST know everything, you've got to tell me.'

From  "#0457/0458: Robservations 04/25/02: Sorrow Beyond Measure"
He doesn't know how to tell her, but he says she isn't losing her mind--there's still hope, because he's not dead. She was with him when she died, saw him put in that coffin. He's been alive the whole time, he says, under a terrible curse, like a sleeping sickness--he doesn't wake up. Why didn't anyone tell her? Pleads Naomi. We didn't want to break your heart--he was cursed by a witch, he says, not Miss Winters, but Angelique. You told the truth in court? She asks. Yes, he says. If Barnabas is still alive, why is he in the coffin?
He has to stay there until the curse is lifted, says Ben. He doesn't know more, but that's why Joshua went to Boston, to find help to lift the curse. Barnabas hasn't left the coffin since the night he died? she asks. Yes, lies Ben. Forbes lied to her, then. Does he know about Mr. Barnabas? asks Ben, gulping. Yes, says Naomi, he knows he's up in the tower room--he sent her there--Barnabas is the strangler, according to Forbes.

The Robservations doesn't reference the quote but it comes up after Ben twists the truth by saying Barnabas mustn't leave the coffin until the curse is lifted...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2050 on: August 10, 2024, 04:14:00 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #358 (1967) - Carolyn - 'Control yourself, Julia, you MUST!'

From  "#0357/0358: Robservations 02/14/02: Enter Tony Peterson, Esq"
Tony calls Carolyn from Deer Point to tell her he won't be calling her at 11--but he would like to see her for dinner the following night. She accepts, but Julia interrupts the call and even grabs the phone from Carolyn and hangs up the receiver. Julia shows the blonde the items she found in her room and accuses her of putting them there. Why do they upset you? Carolyn asks (I don't think she really knows, does she)? Leave me alone, Julia demands, verging in hysteria. It's bad enough that I remember. "Control yourself, Julia!" Carolyn taunts.

The Robservations references part of the quote, but not the "MUST" part - again shameful...

And I know I'm not alone in this scene being one of my favorites. The expressions and body language of both Nancy Barrett and Grayson Hall say it all:

And both actresses play the scene to perfection. Classic DS at its best.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2051 on: August 10, 2024, 05:54:08 PM »
When it comes to Ep #358, back in May when I was watching the ep to see if there are any "MUST" lines in it (I found six) I discovered another edit on the DVDs. It occurs in one of the earlier scenes, one in which Carolyn is explaining to Barnabas about how she was unable to get Julia's notebook because of the appearance of Tony Peterson at Collinwood and how Julia went into town with him, gave him her notebook, and it's now in his safe at his office. After Barnabas says he wants them to drive to his office, Carolyn warns that he can't take that chance, however, Barnabas protests, "Do you think I'm going to allow a black box to interfere with me?" But as you'll see in the following clip from the DVD version, after that something is obviously missing -

- however, when I check the Sci-Fi version, it's the same as on the DVD. So, of course, that meant that the next course of action was to check my syndication VHS tape. And sure enough, when you watch the following clip made from my tape of the syndication version, you'll see how things actually played on the Master Tape -

- though, unfortunately, all we can see from what's missing is the changing of the camera angle earlier than on the DVD/Sci-Fi versions - the switch to black screen doesn't give us a clue as to what Barnabas probably says to prompt Carolyn to say, "You're right, you have no time."

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2052 on: August 11, 2024, 01:54:00 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #188 (1967) - Roger - 'I MUST say, Laura, I'm rather impressed with your show of sensibility.'

From  "#0188/0189: Robservations 10/02/01:"
Before Roger can kick her out, Laura says she's decided to leave - without David. She'll take the bus to Boston tomorrow and won't say good-bye to David.
Roger is surprised she's not bitter.

(ADMIN NOTE: Robin accidentally posted Eps #186/187 again instead of Eps #188/189 - so for the time being here are summaries for Eps #188/189 that were originally posted on AOL in 1995)

As such there's not as much detail as there would be with most Robservations and the quote isn't referenced. However, the way in which it comes up is that after Laura says she's leaving, Roger explains that he's surprised because he didn't think she'd give up so easily. Laura says she's not giving up easily, it's very painful for her because she wants David very much, but her opposition is far too strong. And after that is when Roger delivers the quote. Laura claims it's the only sensible thing left to do. And after Roger asks when she will leave is when she explains that tomorrow morning she'll take the bus to Boston...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2053 on: August 12, 2024, 01:36:00 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #117 (1966) - Liz - 'Well, then I guess Vicki and Carolyn MUST be together. Both of the girls seem to have disappeared.'

From  "#0117/0118: Robservations 08/10/01: They Search For Vicki"
There's a knock at the door. Liz tells Sarah she isn't expecting someone. The housekeeper answers the door. It's Joe. Liz looks at him, puzzled. My landlady told me you called, says Joe, she said it was urgent. Isn't Carolyn with you? she asks. No, he says, why? I thought she had a date with you, says Liz. I haven't seen or talked to Carolyn in over a week, he says. Then I guess Vicki and Carolyn must be together, concludes Liz--both girls seem to have disappeared.
I'm sorry I can't help, says Joe--I'm probably the last person in the world who'd know where Carolyn could be.

The Robservations references the quote almost perfectly...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #2054 on: August 13, 2024, 02:40:12 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
DS 1991 Ep #3 (-1966: Ep #8) - Victoria - 'Boy, that MUST have been some dream. You want to tell me about it?'

COLLINWOOD: David strolls inside, shouting for
people. "Mrs. Johnson? Anybody around? When are we
having dinner?" A door squeaks open. He calls for whoever it
is to come out. Carolyn does. He laughs, "You really scared
me. Where is everybody?" She remains silent. He becomes dis-
turbed by this. She suddenly hisses and reveals fangs. She
goes for him. Screaming, he races upstairs and into a room.
There Daphne, fangs bared, waits for him. He runs to Victoria,
who also reveals fangs. Daphne and Carolyn join her, fangs
glistening, all hissing and coming for him -- David wakes up
screaming. Victoria tries to comfort and soothe him. He gasps
Daphne is coming back to get him. Daphne can't come back. David, "I
don't care what you say. She was dead the last time." She of-
fers to stay with him for a while.

And the summary doesn't reference the quote at all - nor does the summary in DS Resurrected - both simply say Victoria tries to comfort David. But what happens as things lead up to the quote is that after David wakes, sees the real Victoria, and realizes it was all a dream, she reassures him, "Nobody's going to hurt you. It's me. It's Vicki. Nobody's going to hurt you." And after Victoria turns on the light and tells David to sit up, she hands him a glass of water, which he quickly drinks from. And once he's done drinking, Victoria takes the glass from him and delivers the quote, after which David explains that Daphne is still trying to get him...

And similar to what I've done previously when it comes to the '91 Series, I used a screen capture from the TGG Direct DVD release that's the same dimensions as the ones from the original series -

- because even though that release also doesn't have the correct color timing like the VHS release does -

- also like the VHS release, it has the correct aspect ratio, plus it even tends to show a bit more of the frame and it's clearer than the VHS.

And even though the MGM DVD release, like the TGG Direct release, is clearer than the VHS, frustratingly, the aspect ratio is cropped from 4X3 to 16X9 -

- and it's interesting that in this instance compared to the MGM release, the TGG Direct release shows more of the left and right sides of the frame, which is the first time we're seeing something like that happen.

And Ep #8 now joins Eps #1, #5, #120, #124, #136, #189, #198, #210, #478, #659, #667 and #904 as ones without any "must" lines - and that's just the first one for this month.