If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #213 (1967) - Burke - 'Still, you knew. You MUST have known.'
From "#0212/0213: Robservations 10/19/01: Barnabas Uses His Charms"
Burke gazes at Carolyn, who looks at him, then looks away. He continues to sip his drink. Carolyn finally gives in, goes to him, and brings her back to his table. Burke tells her he's ashamed of how he used her to hurt her family, and she admits that she hoped he liked her for herself. He asks if they can be friends now, and apologizes for hurting her. She had been warned about him, she says ruefully.He says he's sorry he upset her and wishes things could be different. Carolyn leaves.
The Robservations doesn't reference the quote at all, mostly because it's in the period where there's little detail. However, before we get into how the quote comes up, it needs to be pointed out that Burke doesn't bring Carolyn back to his table because he's never sat anywhere other than at the bar in this ep - he and Carolyn actually go back to
her table. And the way the quote comes up is that after Carolyn decides they should drink to old times, Carolyn asks what he wanted to say to her. Burke apologizes for the way he treated her and admits he's ashamed. To that, Carolyn makes Burke admit that he led her on and that he was using her to hurt her family. But Burke also says that she knew he was using her to hurt er family, that she said so when they stopped seeing each other. Her response is that he'd never admitted it before. And that's when Burke delivers the quote, which prompts Carolyn to say that she guesses she was an idiot because she kept hoping that he liked her. Burke says he does like her. Though that makes Carolyn realize Burke likes her, and that's all...
And you've no doubt noticed that once again a screen capture has red bars on the left and right sides of it because that's something that we're using to indicate that a character other than the character delivering the quote is on screen. Obviously while Burke delivers the quote, it's Carolyn who's on screen, which is why today's screen capture features Carolyn -
- rather than Burke. And as I said back when a similar situation came up with Ep #1189, normally we would just skip a quote if the character saying it isn't on screen. But this year I'm focusing on quoting from eps that we've never quoted from before and the reason why Burke's quote is also being used for the slideshow is because it's the only "MUST" line in Ep #213 and, therefore, the only option.
And since this situation has come up again, so much for this remark:
Maybe a situation like the one in Ep #1189 won't pop up again.
So now I suspect these two aren't the only ones we may see...