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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1935 on: April 20, 2024, 04:28:14 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
DS 2012: (-1969: Ep #904) - Barnabas - 'Why MUST I alone bear the rotten fruit of our cursed family tree? My parents, taken. My true love, taken.'

From the DS 2012 script:
                                                     CUT TO:


Even at this distance, we can hear the anguished
exclamations of --

                       BARNABAS (PRE-LAP)
          "Angel Bay!"


Elizabeth is alone with Barnabas, trying to sooth his
melodramatic anguish, despite her own shock at the
revelation of Angelique's true identity.

          The very audacity of the name
          summons vomit into the recesses of
          my mouth!. For it has as its
          proprietor the devil herself!

          I always thought there was
          something a little off about

          Oh, if my vampire eyes were
          capable of tears, I would flood
          the earth with my weeping!

          Barnabas, you've done more for
          this family in ten days than I
          have in ten years.

          Angelique means to destroy us,
          Elizabeth. She hates me.

          "Hate?" No, if she merely hated
          you, she would've killed you. A
          curse takes devotion.

          Fate sees fit to punish me
          forever! Has the infernal
          calculus of grief any limit? Any


          What our ancestors did to incur
          such wrath I know not, but why
          must I bear the rotten fruit of
          our family's cursed tree?

He throws himself onto the organ; buries his head in his

                        BARNABAS (CONT'D)
          My parents, taken. My true love,

          And what did you do?

               (a beat, then)
          I tried to kill myself by jumping
          off a cliff.

          You fought, Barnabas. When your
          parents were killed, you fought

Barnabas raises his head.

          I did, didn't I.

          You tried to keep the family
          business afloat! Tried to find
          the source of our curse and
          extinguish it forever!

A raised head becomes a full-on raised body.

          My're right. I fought
          for the survival of our name.

          You fought because it's in your

And the excerpt is from the November 30, 2010 version of the script, which is not the exact version that was ultimately shot. As such some of the dialogue is different in the excerpt. Case in point, in the film the quote is not preceded by Barnabas saying "What our ancestors did to incur such wrath I know not, but", and you'll note the remainder of what's scripted is slightly different from the quote, which is what Barnabas actually says in the film. Also different, while the exterior shot of Collinwood is in the film (preceded by crashing waves), Barnabas doesn't actually say "Angel Bay" until we see him in the drawing room with Elizabeth.

And Ep #904 now joins Eps #1, #124, #198, #478 and #659 as ones without any "must" lines - and that's the final one for this month.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1936 on: April 21, 2024, 02:54:44 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #987 (1970PT) - Quentin - 'You MUST stay. You have to. It would mean very much to Daniel.'

From  "#0986/0987: Robservations 06/18/03: Real or Memorex?"
Alexis draws back from the kiss, murmuring, "Quentin, please."  He apologizes--I didn't know what came over me. Yes you did, she says, rising from the piano bench, and so do I--you thought I was Angelique, just like everyone else--it's been that way my entire life, as if I didn't even exist, she sobs, staring at the portrait--"But I did think that YOU, at least...
"No, he says, it can't be. Why shouldn't you be like everyone else? she asks-- Julia Hoffman and Amy--they  both think I'm some kind of ghost, and the way Bruno acted this afternoon...  Bruno? asks Quentin. Yes, he was here, mostly out of curiosity, I'm sure, says Alexis. Bruno was here in this room? asks Quentin. He heard me playing a song of his, explains Alexis, and came in with all kinds of excuses, but what he really wanted to do was see if I was real!  He won't come in here again, I promise you that, says Quentin. It really doesn't matter, says Alexis, I won't be here, I'm leaving--I really believed that you, of all people, believed who and what I was, but now...  But I do, protests Quentin, I do--you're Alexis, and what I did just a moment ago was very stupid and meaningless--please forgive me and tell me you'll stay. I really shouldn't, she says, there's been nothing but trouble ever since I've arrived, I even caused your wife to leave you.  It wasn't your fault Maggie left, he says. I wish I could believe that, but I still feel I shouldn't be here, says Alexis--maybe if I leave, Maggie will come back. I got a telegram from Maggie earlier today, says Quentin--she wants to think things through before deciding anything. With me gone, it would be easier for her to decide, says Alexis. Quentin looks odd. I'll miss not meeting Daniel, she says--I've looked forward to it so much, I can't tell you. She picks up the photo of Daniel and Quentin, gazing wistfully at it. You must stay, he insists, you have to--it would mean so much to Daniel-- please. Not nearly as much as it would mean to me, says Alexis--he's such a handsome boy. Then it's settled, says Quentin, you'll stay

The Robservations has the quote perfectly...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1937 on: April 22, 2024, 03:48:22 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #1136 (1840) - Gerard - 'This MUST be worth a fortune.'

From  "#1136/1137: Robservations 10/22/03: Julia & Leticia Tend to Zachary"
Gerard caresses the mask--Leticia where did you get it? he asks.  I found it, simpers Leticia.  You're lying! he accuses, this must be worth a fortune--this gold and all these jewels.  Jewels? she laughs, no they're pieces of colored glass!--it wouldn't fetch a farthing, it's just a plaything.  Don't take me for a fool, he says, growing angry

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1938 on: April 23, 2024, 05:00:34 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #973 (1970) - Sabrina - 'I know Chris has forbidden me to get involved, but I feel I MUST.'

From  "Robservations 6/9/03 - #972-973 - On the Run From a Shadow"
I want to try, she says, help Chris--I don't care how much he tries to shut me out, I will--I thought of one way--get rid of Bruno--Chris won't mention it, but I know he's worried about the fact that Bruno knows all about him--and Bruno is waiting for Chris. Quentin sits on the bed. I wish Chris had killed him when Bruno captured him, says Sabrina. Don't wish him that, says Quentin--every life he takes gives him great pain--very great pain--and he looks as if he knows exactly what Chris is experiencing.
He isn't to blame for that, says Sabrina. I know that, says Q--but the pain is still there. You have great insight, she says, seem to understand how others feel--please try to understand how I feel, she begs--Chris has forbidden me to get involved, but I feel I must.

The Robservations references the quote almost perfectly...

And if only they'd written Quentin like they did for this scene more often, he would have been a lot more interesting during Leviathans, which is a storyline he was all too often wasted during. But sadly, no - that's certainly wasn't what DC wanted pushed.  [easter_rolleyes]  I suppose we should just be grateful that we got this scene and the one between Quentin and Chris in Ep #962. And should we be surprised that both eps were written by Violet Welles? I think not...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1939 on: April 24, 2024, 01:58:20 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #878 (1897) - Garth Blackwood - 'Justice MUST be served, sir. He who obstructs justice will suffer for it.'

From  "Robservations 4/4/03 - #878-879 - Tim and Judith Plot Together"
Garth, holding his chain in both hands, enters Evan's house--I've come for the prisoner! He declares.  Who are you, and what do you mean by barging into my house? demands Evan. Garth comes closer and says, I am THE LAW--tell me where the prisoner is!  You're a madman, accuses Evan--get out!  He was seen entering this house, says Blackwood--the penalty for harboring criminals is severe--justice must be served--he who obstructs justice will suffer--I will search until I find the criminal. You will not search this house, says Evan firmly--you're here illegally and I'm calling the police!  I have one and only one warning for you, sir, says Blackwood--stand aside!
Evan refuses.  Garth wraps his chain around the lawyer's throat and throttles him unconscious.

The Robservations references the quote almost perfectly...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1940 on: April 25, 2024, 04:46:14 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #657 (1968) - Barnabas - 'Vicki wants my help and I MUST stay here and help her.'

From  "Robservations 9/20/02 - #656/657 - Barnabas Deals With Heartbreak"
Maggie comes in and tells Barnabas she wants to speak to him. She sends the kids upstairs. David asks if something's the matter, but she brushes him off. The kids overhear her telling Barnabas what happened. He reads the note and tells her he didn't want to believe it before, but Vicki must really be trying to contact them. What will they do? We can't leave the house, insists Barn--Vicki needs my help, and I must stay and help her.

If not for one word, the Robservations would have referenced the quote perfectly...

And Barnabas does indeed use "must" in that other spot during the scene - but that's a quote for another time.

And who knows what sort of glitch the camera shooting the quoted moment was having?

But thankfully they either repaired or replaced it before it caused weird shots in too many eps...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1941 on: April 26, 2024, 04:18:24 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #360 (1967) - Tony - 'Miss Hoffman, I--I, I can't pretend to understand any of this. I only know that my clients MUST trust me.'

From  "#0359/0360: Robservations 02/15/02: Julia Asks Sarah For Help"
Although Tony Peterson is in a big hurry to get to court, Julia tells him someone could die if he refuses to help her immediately, so he agrees. She wants to see her notebook, she says, to reassure herself it's all right.
She's behaving just the slightest bit loony, but Tony complies and opens the safe; however, when he can't find it immediately, she accuses him of being in on the conspiracy, of stealing the notebook from her. He's so insulted that when he does find it and she checks the lock to make sure it hasn't been tampered with, he tells her to take the blasted thing with her, if she doesn't trust him. She has to work hard to convince him she does trust him, and he reluctantly takes it and puts it back in his safe, clearly thinking she's got some missing attic insulation.

This is another Robservations with little detail and the actual quote isn't referenced - but at least the circumstances under which it comes up is...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1942 on: April 27, 2024, 06:40:02 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #125 (1966) - Matthew - 'I MUSTA startled you when I came in.'

From  "#0125/0126: Robservations 08/16/01: How to Kill Vicki?"
She exits the secret room, terror on her face, and rushes to the front door. Matthew is there, and he comes toward her, his face awash in confusion, but doesn't attack her. You look scared, he says, you got no reason to be scared of me What? asks Vicki. I musta startled you when I came in, says Matthew, sorry, Mz. Stoddard, I just come to say good night. I see, says Vicki, hope on her face. I just finished chopping the wood, says Matthew, smiling, is there anythin' else you'd like me to do before I go back to my cottage? No, says Vicki, nothing. It starts to rain. It's a bad night, says Matthew, if I go back to my cottage now, I'll get soaking wet--would ya mind if I wait here a while?--the rain'll probably stop soon. No, says Vicki, you wait here--but I think I'll go to my room. Good night, Mz. Stoddard, he says, and she says it back to him, walking toward the door. Wait a minute! He says. What is it? she asks. This isn't the main house, he says, it's the Old House--what are we doin' here? Don't you remember? she asks, we're looking for something. I don't remember, says Matthew, what are we lookin' for? David, she answers, we thought that he was here, but he wasn't. I don't know what's the matter with me, he says, I can't think right. You're probably very tired, she say, you should lie down--you need a good rest. No, he says, I don't wanna rest, I don't wanna sleep, I just woke up from a terrible dream--I dreamt I saw the ghost of Mr. Malloy. I'm sorry you had a bad dream, Vicki tells him. Was it a dream? he asks, it seemed so real. Of course it was a dream, she assures him. It happened in the woods, he says, what was I doin' in the woods? That was just another part of your dream, she says. No, he says, it wasn't a dream, it was real, I was runnin' from the police! I've got to go to my room now, she says. I came here to hide, he continues, that's it--it's comin' back to me. Good night, says Vicki, and moves toward the door. Wait a minute! orders Matthew, wait! He closes the door she has just opened. He looks at her. You're not Mz. Stoddard, he says, you're Miss Winters, tryin' to get away from me again!
She screams no in protest, but they struggle violently as he propels her toward the secret room, warning her that she'll never get away with it this time, never get away from him again. He pushes her into the secret room and follows her in.

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1943 on: April 28, 2024, 04:38:04 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #207 (1967) - Alexandra Moltke Voiceover - 'My name is Victoria Winters. The halls of Collinwood echo to the heavy footfalls of those who would plunder and pillage. Those who have no conscience. They take and they take until it becomes a disease spreading uncontrollably. But there comes a time when the victims will be pushed no farther and MUST strike back.'

This time the slideshow goes where it's never gone before: using an opening voiceover. It isn't the first time we've ever come across a voiceover that uses "must," but it is the first time that the voiceover is the only place in an ep where "must" is used. So, it was the only choice from Ep #207. And since the quote is not dialogue from a scene, there's no Robservations excerpt. Though I will point out that the graphic -

- was chosen from the exact moment in the voiceover when Alexandra says "must"...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1944 on: April 29, 2024, 05:46:16 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #497 (1968) - Mrs. Johnson - 'Someone else is controlling me. Everything I do, everything I think. You MUST have gone through this, too.'

From  "Robservations 5/28/02 - #497-498 - Barnabas' Unusual Commission"
What is it about the dream that makes us stop being ourselves? wonders Mrs. Johnson. Julia doesn't know, but she's bringing in Stokes to help them. Mrs. Johnson wants to go see Stokes, but Julia says it's going to take several days to figure things out--she'll call the professor today.
Mrs. Johnson cries, what can I do until Stokes is ready? Control yourself, encourages Julia, but Mrs. Johnson feels that someone else is controlling her, and she can't. Julia went through it, too.

The Robservations doesn't reference the quote, but it does reference the circumstances under which it comes up...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1945 on: April 30, 2024, 01:36:00 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #714 (1897) - Quentin - 'Judith, I MUST congratulate you. I haven't seen him get this worked up in a long time.'

From  "Robservations 11/5/02 - #714/715 - Judith Rubs it In; Rachel & the Tower"
Judith asks if any of them have anything to say. Edward stands and says whatever will be said by him will be said in court. This surprises Judith, who calls it melodramatic. I'm going to contest it, insists Edward--it's inconceivable to me that Edith would leave Carl and me nothing! Contest it to your heart's content, advises Judith, you'll get no where. I thought you above treachery, Edward spits. Judith asks, who am I betraying? "ME"! he shouts--you know I was in line to receive the bulk of the estate, but while I was away, you worked on her, didn't you? Judith denies it. Edward says, you poisoned Edith's mind, suggesting she leave everything to you. Not true, says Judith, I merely spent all my time caring for the old woman--I'm the only one who did it. And out of the goodness of your heart, prods Quentin? hand over his heart. Because I loved her, says Judith. I think I'm going to cry, Quentin tells Edward. Shut up, barks Edward. I DID love her, rants Judith, more than any of you can claim! You didn't love her, says Edward--you catered to her, what do you know about love anyway--"You're a narrow-minded, selfish old maid!" (Oooh, nasty diss, Edward!) Now that the power has shifted to me, warns Judith, you'd better be careful what you say to me. Carl and Quentin, one morose, the other amused, listen as Edward promises Judith, I'm going to fight you! You'll lose, she assures him, and go on losing--I'm mistress of the house, I inherited the Collins fortune and you are ALL dependent on me. She's trying to tell us something Quentin says teasingly to Edward. "Can't you ever be serious about anything?" shouts Edward. No, says Quentin, sipping a drink--I congratulate you, Judith--I haven't seen you get this worked up in a long time! If he's going to do nothing but make snide remarks, get out of the house at once, says Edward. You have a short memory, Quentin reminds his brother, and asks Judith to re-read the paragraph that says he has a permanent home at Collinwood--even if she did give him the back of her hand financially. That's true, says Judith, Quentin can live here as long as he wishes, even I can't put him out. That must sadden you, opines Quentin. She retorts, I inherited the money and the estate--I'll find a way of tolerating you. I'm sure you will, he says. Judith begins to head off to have a word with the staff, a move which pisses off Edward. Quentin drinks some more. Judith reminds Edward he isn't dictating anything to anyone anymore--I am, and there will be many changes you should be prepared to accept. Quentin suggests that when she's done with the staff, perhaps they can all go upstairs and watch her write a check (LOL!) She walks up to him. "Keep it up, Quentin," she says coldly, "and in the end you'll end up with less than nothing." She sails off.

A longer than usual excerpt, but I couldn't sacrifice even one bit of it. Though the Robservations would have gotten the quote perfectly if it didn't say "I haven't seen you get this worked up" rather than the correct "I haven't seen him get this worked up" Who knows?!  [easter_huh] [easter_rolleyes]

And Ep #714 is one of the best eps ever on DS and the scene the quote is taken from is one of the best scenes ever - how it took us this long to quote from the ep is beyond me, especially considering there are other "must" choices in it - and there's also a non-"must" scene that I love later in the ep:

Judith takes a drink in the drawing room, surveying all that is hers. Edward, in night clothes, comes downstairs. He asks if this is to be a feature of the new regime--being roused by a servant in the middle of the night. I've made a decision and wants to inform you of it, she says. What was so earth shattering it couldn't wait until morning? Asks Edward. I've decided to move into Grandmother's room, it's only fitting and proper, says Judith. And you woke me to tell me about it? demands Edward. I thought you'd want to know about it, she says. How very considerate, he says sarcastically. Do you approve? She asks, a twinkle in her eye. It's such a weighty matter, he says sarcastically, I'd like to go up and sleep on it--"May I?" By all means, she says--don't be too upset with me--this is all so new to me, I want to make the most of it." "You're doing splendidly, sister, just splendidly!" he says sourly, and goes back upstairs.


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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1946 on: May 01, 2024, 02:28:16 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #75 (1966) - Roger - 'For goodness sake, Kitten, it MUST be here in the house somewhere. It's bound to turn up sooner or later.'

From  "#0075/0076: Robservations 07/13/01: No More Pretense"
I saw Burke today--he looks at her--I did see him, I had to talk to him about something. I wish you would stay away from that man, says Roger. I mentioned the pen to him and he said you hadn't given it back to him, says Carolyn. So much happened that night, I suppose it's entirely possible, says Roger. He said when you came to the office, says Carolyn, you were going to give it back to him, but when you reached into your pocket, you said you didn't have it with you. I believe he's telling you the truth, says Roger, I remember something like that. Oh, I hope you haven't lost it, she says, it was so valuable. I'll be happy to buy you another, he says. It was from South America, she says. I'll fly to Rio first thing in the morning and pick one up for you, how's that? he asks. I wish you wouldn't joke about it, she says, it really is my responsibility. For goodness sake, Kitten, it must be here in the house somewhere, he says, it's bound to turn up sooner or later. Hands on hips, Carolyn insists she wants it to turn up NOW! Shall I call the sheriff and tell him to mount a full investigation? asks Roger mockingly. Please! she says, exasperated. Yes, Kitten? he asks mockingly. She giggles, and he chuckles.

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

Thankfully THE PEN makes its glorious reappearance near the end of the ep:

Vicki is still picking up items from the beach, and she finds something really interesting--a filigreed silver pen exactly like the one Burke gave Carolyn! She takes it into her hand, then looks around at the water and the rocks.
Roger searches the couch cushions for the pen.

And Ep #75 just happens to be one that we hadn't quoted from before. But unlike how for April I specifically quoted from eps we hadn't before, Midnite didn't set out to do that for this month - it just happened serendipitously. But then if we look back I'm guessing there are a least a few times every month that we quote from an ep for the first time. I mean, no one was trying to do it back in March yet it happened 16 times with Eps #153, #253, #1078, #1210, #73, #254, #402, #513, #1211, #74, #514, #759, #1212, #515, #760 and #516...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1947 on: May 02, 2024, 12:52:12 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #153 (1967) - Vicki - 'I just know that I MUST be looking for something. It MUST be that house! Look, there, beyond the trees.'

From  "#0152/0153: Robservations 09/06/01:"
Keep going straight now, Vicki tells Frank. I wish you'd tell me what's going on, he says. We're almost there, she says. Almost WHERE? he asks. Where we're supposed to be going, she says. We're in the middle of no where, he points out. Stop, right here, she orders, please, now! He does so, making a face. OK, we're here, now what? he asks. I don't know, she says, I've never been here before. You've never been here before? he asks, perplexed. I just know that I must be looking for something, she says--it must be that house--look there, beyond the trees.
That's a strange looking house, he says, can't you see those things in back of that house--they're gravestones--we're on the edge of a graveyard. She looks at him.

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Liz - 'I have no intention of arguing, but I don't like the effect Laura is having on this house, and after tonight, I'm more determined than ever that she MUST leave') was back on March 2nd.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1948 on: May 03, 2024, 01:50:04 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #255 (1967) - Barnabas - 'You MUST make sure that she doesn't. You know what will happen if you fail.'

From  "#0255/0256: Robservations 11/21/01: Sarah and Maggie"
Maggie seems eager to be what he wants, but once he kisses her hand, she draws it away from his icy lips. This angers him. When will she forsake that common creature, Maggie Evans? Hearing her true self thus insulted, Maggie slams the music box closed and says, through gritted teeth, "NEVER!" She's Maggie Evans, that's all there is to it, so he might as well just kill her. Barnabas is just about to give her what she wants when Willie bursts in--her father is heading for the Old House and will soon be at the door! Maggie becomes instantly agitated and Willie grabs her and puts a hand over her mouth. Barnabas gives him a handkerchief to gag her with, and orders him to take her to the top of the stairs so she can listen to what he has to say. If she cries out or does anything, not only will she die, but so will her father! (Barnabas has rarely been meaner, but worse is yet to come).

The Robservations is another with less detail, so it doesn't even reference the quote. However, after Willie grabs Maggie and covers her mouth with his hand, he suggest they should take Maggie back downstairs. But Barnabas prefers to leave her there. And after Willie protests that it isn't safe because she might make a sound and her father might hear her, that's when Barnabas delivers the quote. Willie protests again, but Barnabas orders him not to argue with him and then gives Willie the handkerchief...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Barnabas - 'And you MUST be Josette in every detail') was back on November 22nd of 2020.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1949 on: May 04, 2024, 01:58:02 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
Ep #400 (1796) - Angelique - 'She MUST be somewhere in the house.'

From  "#0399/0400: Robservations 03/15/02: Is My Wife A Witch?"
Exterior, Old House - Barnabas holds the blackened stick Trask used in his ceremony.  I don't understand what happened, he tells Angelique.  She pretends not to know and asks what happened.  He describes the odd circumstances--he heard Vicki calling fire and went to her room, but she wasn't there.  She implies that Vicki's a witch, reminding him of all the weird things that have occurred.  She is unaware of the barrier that has come between them--he answers her words, but in the manner of one speaking to himself.  I don't believe in witchcraft, says Barnabas, but it would sure explain a lot.

Another Robservations with less detail, and another that doesn't even reference the quote. But the way things play out as they lead up to the quote is that after Barnabas explains how he heard Vicki calling fire and then discovered that she wasn't in her room, Angelique asks about the fire. Barnabas replies there was no evidence of any fire and now he can't find Vicki. And after that is when Angelique delivers the quote, to which Barnabas insists she isn't. And after Angelique feigns hesitation as she says that even though it's impossible because they both know there's no such thing as a witch, they know so little about Vicki other than she's strange, though that's no indication that she's a which. Barnabas says it's all so confusing, and Angelique agrees and is quick to mention that so much has happened that can't be explained. They go into the instances of his sudden choking, Sarah's sudden illness and Joshua's disappearance. And after each says they both don't believe in witches, Barnabas points out that it would explain everything so easily. And after he wonders if Vicki could be a witch and says he wishes he knew what happened, Angelique jumps on that with, "Well, it seems as though Reverend Trask's little ritual had some effect on her after all." ...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Trask - 'I MUST repeat: Surrender her to me before I am forced to capture and expose her') was back on March 4th.