If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Sunday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Sunday's quote:
Ep #403 (1796) - Millicent - 'No, no, you MUST NOT come with me.'
From "#0403/0404: Robservations 03/19/02: Barnabas Confronts His Witch-Wife"
Nathan and Millicent giggle together on the terrace. They've apparently been meeting in secret, and he's been quite touchy-feely with the airheaded heiress. She shocks herself in his presence, she says breathlessly. He tells her she's falling in love, but she wisely points out that he always talks about her loving him, but never the other way around. (Millicent is sharper than she appears.) He wants her to invite him to tea, but she insists that's flaunting the rules, and he says he hates rules.
The Robservations doesn't reference the quote at all. However, Millicent delivers it just as she and Nathan finish giggling together and before Nathan replies that that's nonsense because he always sees his ladies home. And to that Millicent says that a lady wouldn't be getting in so late and wonders what she should say if someone sees her? Nathan offers that it was such a lovely night that she decided to go for a walk, but Millicent points out that she never walks and that it's not lovely, it's black and gloomy. Nathan comments that's how she is so suddenly, and when he tries to pull her closer she pulls away and tells him, "No." Then Nathan comments that she's changed too quickly as he follows her through the gate and into the terrace and points out that an hour ago she was more than willing to let him... But she cuts him off by saying, "Lieutenant, please," which makes Nathan question why she addressed him that way and he points out that she hasn't called him that since to first night she stole out to meet him. Millicent insists she's not going to do that ever again. Nathan asks, "Do you really believe that?" Millicent replies that she's going to try not to do it again and adds that she's not at all like the way he makes her-she shocks herself-and that's bad for one's constitution...
And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Angelique - 'I MUST have eyes that follow him everywhere. I MUST have eyes that tell me everyone he sees') was back on March 4th of 2021.