If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Thursday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Thursday's quote:
Ep #1010 (1970PT) - Yaeger - 'Well, well, what deep dark secret is Will Loomis keeping from the rest of the world? I MUST find out. Perhaps it's something that might come in handy some day.'
From "#1010/1011: Robservations 07/08/03: Interview With a Vampire--Finis!"
Yaeger enters a room--this has to be another building on the Collins estate, he muses, the only one that could have a cellar this size is Loomis house.He spots Barnabas' chained coffin and runs his hands over it. Well, well, he wonders, what dark secret is Will Loomis keeping from the rest of the world? I must find out, decides Yaeger--it just might come in handy someday. Using nothing more than his hands, he begins to remove the chains from the coffin!
The Robservations paraphrase the last part of the quote but does so well...
And the scene in which the quote appears not only closes Ep #1010 but is the Teaser for Ep #1011. The second version is a restaging by Henry Kaplan of his own previous version. And as can be seen in a comparison of the two, he didn't have the camera go in as close on Yaeger the second time around -
- though I'm actually shocked that Kaplan didn't end each version with a camera shot that practically went up Yaeger's nostrils because, if you pay attention to so many of his eps, it's an understatement to say Kaplan just loved extreme closeups!!
Also, interestingly enough, there weren't any candles lit in the basement in the first version, which in and of itself is shocking because DS is a show in which there have been candles lit in the secret room of the mausoleum even though no one has been in there for days or even weeks...