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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1740 on: October 17, 2023, 07:48:12 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Sunday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Sunday's quote:
Ep #917 (1969) - Mrs. Johnson - 'Well no, we MUSTN'T have that.'

From "Robservations 4/30/03 - #916-917 - Is Grant a Werewolf?: Paul Into the Fire"
Paul grows sleepy. The empty glass of milk is on the tray. Liz and Mrs. Johnson enter the room.  It didn't take long, says Liz. No wonder, says Mrs. J., with all that medicine in his milk. It had to be this dosage, says Liz, we needed for him to take that much before moving him. Are we doing the right thing by him? asks Mrs. Johnson.  My doubts were erased by Mr. Barnabas, says Liz. It still seems a little drastic, says Mrs. J.  I can't take a chance on Paul getting away, upsetting Carolyn again, says Liz. No, we must not have that, agrees Ms. Johnson. Go up to the tower room and be sure everything is ready, orders Liz--I will wait for Barnabas--when he gets here, we'll move him. One more thing, adds Liz--don't say anything to anyone about this--I'll handle it, with Barnabas' help. Of course, says Mrs. J, and leaves.

The Robservations references the quote well, though not perfectly...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1741 on: October 18, 2023, 01:48:12 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Monday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Monday's quote:
Ep #534 (1968) - Carolyn - 'You MUST believe that and let me go now.'

From "Robservations 6/24/02 - #534/535 - The Point of Return?"
Carolyn decides to get Stokes, bring him here, assures Adam he isn't angry--stay-and don't leave before I get back, she says. "Stay with Adam," he begs, grabbing her in his arms. I only want to get you help, she says. He gazes into her face, sure she won't come back, but she promises she will, and he must believe it and let her go. He trustingly opens the door to allow her to leave, a touching moment indeed.

The Robservations paraphrases but references the quote well...

And this is the third quote from this ep. The first (Barnabas - 'It's in her nature to love and not destroy. Well there MUST be something in my nature that's like that too-- that... that is worthy of what she's doing for me. And that's why I cannot let it go on, Julia') was back on July 16th of 2021, and the second (Carolyn - 'If Prof. Stokes was willing to take you in and try to teach you, then he MUST understand you. He MUST realize that when you ran from his house, it was out of fear, and that means he isn't angry') was back on August 2nd of 2022.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1742 on: October 18, 2023, 11:40:16 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Tuesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Tuesday's quote:
Ep #372 (1795) - Angelique - 'Oh really, she MUST have because I don't know how else they could have come here.'

From "#0372/0373: Robservations 02/26/02: Josette Loves Jeremiah?"
Vicki enters Angelique's room and is puzzled to find the toy soldier and Barnabas' handkerchief. When Angelique comes in after her leaf-gathering expedition, Vicki asks the blonde what she's doing with these items. Angelique has no idea--Sarah must have brought them in here. She visits periodically, and Angelique likes the child. Vicki is all set to either scold or talk to Sarah about leaving the items in Angelique's room, but the latter talks her out of it
--if she gets into trouble for leaving those things in Angelique's room, she might not visit her anymore--would Vicki just quietly replace the items and keep silent? Vicki agrees, accepting Angelique's gratitude, then leaves. Angelique ponders what a close call she had

The Robservations is again during a period with not as much detail so the quote isn't referenced. However, it comes up as Angelique is trying to blame Sarah for the soldier and the handkerchief being in her room but before Vicki says she'll deal with Sarah...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Joshua - 'You MUST have done something to frighten her') was back on July 4th of 2022.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1743 on: October 20, 2023, 11:54:02 AM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Wednesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Wednesday's quote:
Ep #1053 (1970PT) - Hoffulia - 'Yes...yes, I can understand how you MUST have felt.'

From "#1052/1053: Robservations 08/06/03: Murderer Revealed; Julia Imprisoned"
Julia, startled, says, I don't know what you mean.  Don't you? asks Ang--you've been carrying on this deception for quite some time now. Deception? queries Julia, and one can only imagine how hard her heart is beating right now. What have you done with Hoffman? demands Angelique. You've made a terrible mistake, insists Julia, I AM Hoffman. No, says Angelique, I knew that you were acting strangely for quite some time, but I didn't get suspicious until I went into my own room tonight--and there I saw two people from the other time, the time Barnabas Collins came from--I saw Quentin and Maggie and they were saying that Dr. Julia Hoffman had come to this time--then very suddenly, everything you had been doing began to make very good sense. If I've changed, says Julia, it's only because I've become so frightened about how all this will end, and what will happen. You've changed because you've begun to help Barnabas Collins! accuses Ang. I'm not helping Barnabas, Julia assures her--I swear it. "What have you done with our Hoffman?" repeats Angelique. I swear I am Hoffman, insists Julia, the one that was loyal enough to believe you were coming back
--"I alone believed that," she points out. Ang walks away. If I were this "Dr. Hoffman," would I be here pleading with you? asks Julia--how can I prove to you that I AM your servant? You don't have to, says Ang, because I do believe what you're saying is true--I'm sorry I had to put you through that ordeal, but you have to understand that after I saw those two people in the room, I had to find out if anything had happened to the one person I knew I could trust. Yes, says Julia, obviously (to us) relieved, I can understand how you must have felt.  I didn't want anything to have happened to you, adds Ang--"You're so very valuable to me."  Thank you, says Julia.

The Robservations references most of the quote well...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1744 on: October 21, 2023, 01:38:04 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Thursday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Thursday's quote:
Ep #1203 (1841PT[-1967]) - Quentin - 'If Catherine marries in the family, then she becomes part of the family, and she MUST abide by all decisions made by the family.'

From "#1203/1204: Robservations 12/11/03: Naive Fiancee"
Quentin sits in the parlor, thinking.  Daphne comes in--I must talk to you, she insists.  Anytime, he says, but I don't like the look on your face.  You aren't going to like what I have to say either, I'm afraid, she says severely.  Speak right up, he urges.  I know all about the lottery and the locked room, she reveals.  Just what in God's name did your sister tell you? asks Quentin, immediately furious.  It won't do you any good to get angry, says Daphne--I know about it and that's all there is to it.  No, my dear, that's not all there is to it, says Quentin.  Catherine has pledged me to secrecy, says Daphne, and I wouldn't do anything to upset her--your family secret is safe--but I've come to you because I don't know who else to go to.  Just what are you talking about? asks Quentin.  My sister can be very stubborn about certain things, says Daphne--I have urged her not to come live in this house, but she's refused to listen to me, so I want you to promise me something--Catherine says the lottery will take place after she and Morgan are married--I want you to promise me you won't allow her to become involved in it.  Quentin shakes his head--no, I can't make that kind of promise--if Catherine marries in the family, she becomes part of it, and must abide by all decisions made by the family--if it is decided everyone will take their chance in the lottery, Catherine will be one of those.

The Robservations paraphrases a bit but references the quote well...

And Daphne doesn't actually say she must talk to Quentin - what she really says is, "Quentin, I've got to talk to you."

And just a reminder that what "(1841PT[-1967])" means is that what really should have been featured is a quote from 1967's Blackmailing Liz-Introducing Barnabas-Kidnapping Maggie-Introducing Julia storyline but a quote from 1841PT was substituted to help to stretch out the 1967 quotes...

And this is the third quote from this ep. The first (Quentin - 'Well, violence MUST manifest itself, I mean, through, through someone. Now, when we brought Father out of the room, he was the one who had violent streaks-- now he's dead-- but violence MUST manifest itself through someone') was back on June 4th of 2021, and the second (Julia - 'I hope you haven't seen him. But if you do, you MUST not talk to him') was back on September 12th.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1745 on: October 22, 2023, 03:44:44 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Friday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Friday's quote:
Ep #1165 (1840) - Charles - 'Now then, Mrs. Collins, I know you MUST have searched your conscience long and hard before deciding to come here to take the stand against your husband.'

From "#1165/1166: Robservations 11/13/03: Gaslighting Daphne"
The judge orders Dawson to call his first witness.  If it please the court, says Dawson, the prosecution had intended to call as its first witness Mr. Lamar Trask, whose testimony is considers vital to this case--however, I should like to postpone Mr. Trask's appearance in favor of another witness, one who came forth this morning with information I feel may expedite a decision in this case--Samantha Collins.  Objection! Shouts Desmond--under the law, she cannot take the witness stand!  May I ask why not? queries Dawson.  You know very well why not, says Desmond, she is the defendant's wife--and he would have to waive his constitutional rights--and he will NOT waive them!  The estate would point out to the counselor that the law which applies here pre-dates the constitution by almost a hundred years.  The judge tells Desmond there is nothing in the law that states a wife may not testify against her husband--there is, indeed, ample evidence that in trials of this nature, wives were allowed to take the witness stand.  Your honor, may I have a ruling? Demands Desmond.  Your objection is overruled, says Judge Vail--the tribunal calls Samantha Collins.  She enters the courtroom and Quentin stares at her with hatred.  She is sworn in on a bible and swears to tell the whole truth.  Dawson asks her how long she's been married to the defendant.  Almost 16 years, she says.  How long have you known for an absolute fact that Quentin Collins indulged in occult practices.
For as long as I have been married to him, says Sam.  Desmond has his fist pressed against his forehead, and objects, insisting he wants the term occult practices defined. The judge tells Desmond the court would interpret this phrase to mean any act of witchcraft or sorcery perpetrated against another human being.  Desmond says the defense is very happy with that definition, and thus asks the prosecution to re-phrase the question.  The judge tells him to do so.  I withdraw the question, says Dawson--Mrs. Collins, I know you must have searched your conscience long and hard before deciding to take the stand against your husband--will you tell the court specifically what brought you to this decision?  My husband has always dabbled in the occult, she says, even though he's been repeatedly warned not to do so by his own father.  Objection, says Desmond, the witness is not giving a direct answer to the question.  Sustained, says the judge--Mrs. Collins, the counsel for the prosecution has asked you to testify to a specific incident--please do so.

The Robservations references the quote almost perfectly...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1746 on: October 23, 2023, 02:20:14 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Saturday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Saturday's quote:
Ep #146 (1967) - Liz - 'And it's pointed up something-- something we MUST all consider carefully.'

From "#0146/0147: Robservations 08/30/01: Burn, Artist, Burn!"
Laura and I were talking abut David, says Liz, and I think you ought to hear what I have to say. I'd like to, says Roger. I think Laura's presence here is disturbing to David, says Liz. Now really, Liz, objects Roger. His behavior and nightmares...begins Liz. That child has always misbehaved, says Roger, and had the worst possible dreams imaginable, for David, it's running true to form. I insist there's something different about him this time, says Liz. I'm sure I know what's at the bottom of this, says Laura--that painting. What painting? asks roger. That horrible thing Sam Evans did of me, says Laura. You mean the one of the fire? asks Roger. Yes, David has it up in his room, says Laura. What's it doing here? asks Roger, annoyed. It was given to him, says Laura. And it's affecting him, says Liz. I called Evans every name in the book when I saw that painting, says Roger. And it's pointed up something, says Liz--something we must all consider carefully--the relationship between David and Laura isn't progressing--in fact, it's worsened. That is not altogether true, says Laura. It seems to be they're getting along very well, says Roger. That's because you haven't paid close enough attention, points out Liz. It's because of that painting, says Laura, it's frightened David, caused him to have nightmares--it's got to be taken away from him. I'll take care of it, Roger assures his wife. The curious thing is, David wants it, says Liz. Not curious at all, knowing David, says Roger. Another thing, says Laura--Sam has started another one, almost exactly like the one in David's room. Evans has gone absolutely mad, says Roger. I consider it a deliberate attack against me, says Laura--I want you to do something about it. I will, says Roger, rising--I won't have him doing these insulting paintings.

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Liz - 'It's my fault for coming up in back of you so quietly. You MUST have been very deep in thought') was back on May 2nd.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1747 on: October 24, 2023, 02:26:18 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Sunday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Sunday's quote:
Ep #1197 (1841PT) - Catherine - 'No, we're too much alike. We'd destroy one another-- and we could never find the kind of stability I MUST have if I'm to be happy.'

From "#1197/1198: Robservations 12/08/03: The End of 1840/41RT"
He opens the doors to the PT room and sees Catherine standing there, looking solemn.  It's obvious that Barnabas is thinking how much she resembles Angelique.  A door opens.  Bramwell Collins, son of Barnabas and Josette, enters.  I have come back, as I promised I would give years ago, he says.  Overcome with joy, she says his name.  Catherine, he says, my Catherine--they rush together to share a long kiss.  No, she says, pulling away, this is insane!  What is it?--you're happy to see me? he asks.  She hesitates, not replying.  For the love of heaven, he begs, tell me what's wrong.  You've been gone five years, she says, did you expect me to stay the same?  In the doorway, Barnabas listens closely.  I expected your love to stay the same, says Bramwell, as mine did--you know what we mean to each other--so I came back to marry you!  No! she says, you can't--I'm going to marry Morgan Collins.  What? asks Bramwell, totally blown away.  Morgan has asked me to marry him and I've agreed, says Catherine.  Look at me, commands Bramwell--LOOK AT ME!  She does.  You love me, tell me that you love me! he demands passionately.  No, she says, her face showing how torn she is.  You don't love Morgan, you love me, insists Bramwell, as I love you!--that's the way it should be--he pulls her into his arms--that's the way it always has been--you and I--Catherine and Bramwell--there's no other way.  I'm sorry, she says, withdrawing from of his embrace.  I won't listen to you say you're sorry, he growls, I will not let you destroy both our lives.  There's no point in putting yourself into one of your vicious tempers! she retorts.  I will show my temper when I see Morgan, he vows.  There's no reason for you to see Morgan, she says.  I have every reason to see Morgan, he says--I would like to kill him.  Oh, you haven't changed, she says with a bitter smile--no one could ever talk to you when you were angry.  How did you expect me to react to what you just said? he demands.  I expected you to listen to me while I try to explain, she says.  I'll listen, he agrees.  When I made the decision to marry Morgan, it was a very difficult one, she says--you know how I've always felt about you--how I still do feel--but I also know the kind of life I want--and I know the two of us could never find it together.  But you and Morgan will? he asks. Yes! she says. You are telling yourself lies! he says, we belong to each other!  No, we're too much alike, she protests, we'd destroy one another--and we could never find the kind of stability I must have if I'm to be happy.

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

And this is the fifth quote from this ep, though they come from two different storylines. The first two are from the 1840/1841 storyline. The first (Judge Vail - 'You MUST refrain from any further demonstrations') was back on August 14th of 2020, and the second (Quentin(reading) - 'For Tad's sake, you MUST know the truth') was back on August 5th of 2022. And from the 1841PT storyline are the third (Bramwell - 'In other words, a poor Collins won't do-- you MUST have a rich one'), which was back on December 1st of 2022, and the fourth (Bramwell - 'From that day on, his two sons saw to it that I stayed the poor relation. Yes, Bramwell Collins MUST stay in his place'), which was back on January 21st.

And this ep now shares the [milestone] of a fifth quote with Eps #42, #44, #66, #133, #208, #211, #300, #377, #384, #449, #466, #609, #629, #646, #678, #709, #727, #734, #977, #993, #1057 & #1111. However, recall that there's an even bigger  because Eps #66, #384, #449, #727 & #993 have six quotes...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1748 on: October 25, 2023, 06:24:00 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Monday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Monday's quote:
Ep #55 (1966) - Roger - 'Malloy a suicide? Well, I MUST say, that never occurred to me.'

From "#0055/0056: Robservations 06/26/01:"
"Malloy a suicide?" Roger asks, crossing his arms and looking almost jolly. "Well, I must say, that never occurred to me." Liz says she doesn't think so, and Patterson agrees he doesn't think Bill the type to take his own life--but as he said, they can't overlook the possibility. Roger says the more he thinks about it, the more possible it seems. What reason? Liz asks, and Roger points out that Bill knew she was trying to get Ned Calder back into the company. Liz insists Bill was delighted at the prospect. "But that isn't necessarily what he thought," Roger theorizes. "He had given his whole life to the Collins enterprise, he might very well have been depressed at the thought of being demoted after all the years of faithful service. He may have brooded over it until, well, his mind snapped." Liz says Bill was much more interested in the fishing fleet than he was in the business end of the company," Liz insists.

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Roger - 'Liz, why MUST you jump on every little thing so vehemently?') was back on July 1st.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1749 on: October 25, 2023, 11:40:16 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Tuesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Tuesday's quote:
Ep #748 (1897) - Edward - 'She MUST have seen them here.'

From "Robservations 12/20/02 - #748-749 - That Crazy Kiss of Death"
Why did Jenny come to your room in the first place? Queries Edward.  I don't know, answers Beth.  What are the clothes doing on her dresser? He asks.  I was taking them into the village, to the children, says Beth.  Yes, says Edward, Jenny's children.  And Quentin's, too, Beth reminds him.  "God help them," says Edward, "she must have seen them here."  Yes, agrees Beth, sobbing--Quentin doesn't know, I'm sure.  He orders her to get rid of them--and when you're finished doing that, get rid of the knife and fix the cut on your face--you did it by accident.  Beth touches the scratch and tries to talk to him, but he commands her to just get busy--much to be done, little time to do it.  Beth puts down the knife, touches the baby clothes, and cries her heart out..

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1750 on: October 26, 2023, 11:48:14 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Wednesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Wednesday's quote:
Ep #622 (1968) - Angelique - 'You MUST find what you need in six hours or you won't come back at all.'

From "Robservations 8/27/02 - #622/623 - Back to the Past"
She finds Angelique waiting in the drawing room. Nicholas will be angry when he learns I lied to him says Eve. Don't tell him, suggests Ang--you were just merely mistaken. Ang searches for a special medallion used for this purpose, and finds it, a gold disk, in the desk. Ang turns out the lights, which she explains is necessary for the ceremony. She closes the doors, has Eve sit in a chair, takes the medallion in her hands, and tells Eve, you won't even know it's happening--you only have a limited time, six hours, then you must return--you must find what you need in that time or you won't come back at all. Eve understands. Angelique tells her to relax and look at her. Their eyes meet, widen; Ang holds the medallion before her, addressing the powers of time and space "for one who wishes to return to another time and place."
Her mind is suspended now, free of all things present, chants Ang--"waiting to be guided back and given temporary refuge in the past. She is waiting, she is waiting! Take her back to the year 1795!" Eve disappears. Angelique looks impressed with her handiwork.

The Robservations paraphrases but references the quote well...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1751 on: October 29, 2023, 12:20:08 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Thursday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Thursday's quote:
Ep #245 (1967) - Barnabas - 'Well, I MUST say that, uh, I hope that Willie has nothing to do with what's happened to that young girl.'

From "#0245/0246: Robservations 11/14/01:"
Dave puts away the equipment and takes back the slide, explaining that he hopes to find similarities in Willie's blood and Maggie's, and would then more closely investigate Willie. Barnabas warns Woodard to be careful--the man who broke into his office had great strength, after all.

Once again because this Robservations is in the period where there's little detail, the quote isn't even referenced. However, it comes up after Dr. Woodard says that if there are similarities between Maggie and Willie's blood, Willie will have to be more closely investigated...

And this is not only the second quote from this ep but also from this scene. The first (Barnabas - 'Yes, I know what you mean. Whoever he is, he MUST certainly be, at one and the same time, more than a man and less than a man') was back on March 27th.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1752 on: October 30, 2023, 03:12:12 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Friday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Friday's quote:
Ep #102 (1966) - Carolyn - 'And the funny thing about it was, she was right there in the house-- they MUST have just missed each other.'

From "#0101/0102: Robservations 08/01/01: Roger's Evil Intentions"
I don't think we have to worry about Uncle Roger, says Carolyn, moving he drink in circles--he's much more concerned about other things right now--I think he's interested in Vicki, seriously. Burke pops a cigarette into his mouth, but takes it out to ask, "What makes you say that? He wanted to know where she'd gone this afternoon, just because she had some errand in town--he couldn't even wait for her to come home, he went driving off right after her." Burke lights his cigarette. Roger and Vicki, that's an unusual combination, opines Burke. Not so unusual, really, says Carolyn, I guess they're both pretty lonely. So Roger went looking for her, says Burke. Yes, and the gunny thing about it was, she was right there in the house, says Carolyn, they must have just missed each other. Why was he so anxious to see her? asks Burke. You ought to know better than to ask me a question like that, teases Carolyn.

With the exception of the typo, the Robservations references the quote perfectly...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Roger - 'I MUST talk to you, and I didn't want you to call out and bring that little counter girl back') was back on June 20th.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1753 on: October 30, 2023, 10:26:28 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Saturday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Saturday's quote:
Ep #884 (1897) - Lady Kitty - 'I understand somehow that it's what I MUST do, whoever I am.'

From "Robservations 4/9/03 - #884-885 - Farewell, 1897; 1796 Redux"
"Will you marry me?" he asks.  Kitty's eyes grow huge.  Does the idea terrify you, too? he asks.  She considers a moment and says no, it doesn't, I understand somehow that it's what I must do, whoever I am. Then you will marry me? he asks. Yes, she says, as soon as possible. I'll arrange for the wedding this evening, he says, overjoyed. Yes, Kitty agrees eagerly. Wait until I return, he says. I'm afraid, says Kitty.  No harm will come to you, he assures her. I hope not, says Kitty. He squeezes her hands, then leaves his bride to be. Kitty looks very uncertain.

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

And this is the fourth quote from this ep. The first (Lady Kitty - 'Why did I change my dress? I MUSTN'T! I know I MUSTN'T!') was back on October 31st ([BOO]) of 2020, the second (Barnabas - 'You MUST paint another portrait of Quentin. ... You MUST!') was back on June 4th of 2022, and the third (Josette's Voice - 'Kitty is Kitty Soames you MUST forget...') was back on April 12th. So that all means that Ep #884 has joined the club with Eps #2, #3, #42, #44, #50, #52, #66, #106, #133, #195, #208, #211, #212, #296, #300, #308, #315, #365, #367, #377, #384, #426, #449, #450, #466, #479, #481, #503, #543, #544, #550, #608, #609, #629, #639, #643, #646, #655, #678, #709, #727, #734, #742, #743, #883, #886, #889, #915, #976, #977, #993, #1057, #1064, #1111, #1125, #1126, #1197 and #1199. However, not only recall that Eps #42, #44, #66, #133, #208, #211, #300, #377, #384, #449, #466, #609, #629, #646, #678, #709, #727, #734, #977, #993, #1057, #1111 & #1197 have five quotes, but Eps #66, #384, #449, #727 & #993 have six quotes.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1754 on: November 01, 2023, 01:28:50 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Sunday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Sunday's quote:
Ep #462 (1968) - Vicki - 'I MUST save Peter!'

From "#0461/0462: Robservations 04/29/02: 1968 - Julia Sports a New 'Do"
Julia continues to swirl the medallion; Vicki calls to Barnabas, to Jeremiah, for help.

The Robservations is yet another with little detail and the quote isn't referenced. However, the quote comes up before Vicki calls out to Barnabas and Jeremiah...

And this is the fourth quote from this ep. The first (Vicki - 'I MUST go to him and you can't stop me!') was back on December 15th of 2020, the second (Julia - 'In the meantime you MUST have some rest. Here, take this and you'll rest') was back on February 25th of 2021, and the third (Barnabas - 'I cannot count on you. I MUST do what I can myself') was back on May 5th of 2022. So that all means that Ep #462 has joined the club with Eps #2, #3, #42, #44, #50, #52, #66, #106, #133, #195, #208, #211, #212, #296, #300, #308, #315, #365, #367, #377, #384, #426, #449, #450, #466, #479, #481, #503, #543, #544, #550, #608, #609, #629, #639, #643, #646, #655, #678, #709, #727, #734, #742, #743, #883, #884, #886, #889, #915, #976, #977, #993, #1057, #1064, #1111, #1125, #1126, #1197 and #1199. However, not only recall that Eps #42, #44, #66, #133, #208, #211, #300, #377, #384, #449, #466, #609, #629, #646, #678, #709, #727, #734, #977, #993, #1057, #1111 & #1197 have five quotes, but Eps #66, #384, #449, #727 & #993 have six quotes.