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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1680 on: August 23, 2023, 01:37:57 PM »
RE: Reply 1677

Wow, so I imagine this was the first mention of Magda and none of us knew who the hell she was. I guess they had gotten at least that far in the writing of 1897. Fascinating. I'll have to locate these eps on TUBI to get a better understanding or as one might say, take a refresher course, lol. All of a sudden I've got an itch for 1897. Thanks, MB for answering the question.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1681 on: August 24, 2023, 01:42:12 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Sunday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Sunday's quote:
Ep #1100 (1970) - Carlie - 'MUST we sit here all night?'

From "#1099/1100: Robservations 09/10/03: Daphne Brought to Life"
Willie, trying to figure out what to do, paces back and forth in front of Tad and Carrie, who sit on the sofa in the drawing room. Why don't you go look for your friend, Barnabas? asks Tad. Shut up, orders Willie, just sit there and be quiet. Are we going to wait here until he arrives? asks Tad. Must we sit here all night? asks Carrie plaintively. Willie rubs his hands together, thinking. Can't we go to bed at all? asks Carrie. Hearing dogs howling, Willie listens carefully. I don't want to stay down here anymore, bleats Carrie.  I'm not taking you back upstairs until I find out what's going on--and why, insists Willie.

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

And Carlie = Carrie possessing Hallie.

And this is the third quote from this ep. The first (Daphne - 'Can there be hope for this love of ours--or MUST we be forever apart?') was back on May 10th of 2020, and the second (Daphne - 'Now you MUST do whatever they tell you to do') was back on August 6th of 2022.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1682 on: August 25, 2023, 02:50:20 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Monday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Monday's quote:
Ep #1042 (1970PT) - Maggie - 'The music that Bruno played for Angelique. You MUST have heard it. You MUST! There was somebody in there and they wouldn't let me in and they were playing it.'

From "#1042/1043: Robservations 07/30/03: Julia Stands Up to Barnabas"
Maggie finds the door to Angelique's room locked and rattles the knobs.  Quentin is that you? she asks, please! The music stops. Julia comes to her--what's wrong? she asks. There was music was playing in that room, says Maggie, and the doors were locked!  She's verging on hysteria when she sees the doors are opening now. What music? Julia asks. The music Bruno used to play for Angelique, says must have heard it, someone was playing the music--the doors were locked, and they wouldn't let me in. She turns and sees the doors ARE open. They were locked! She screams, they were! They find no one at the piano. It can't be! wails Maggie, there was somebody sitting there playing the piano and those doors were locked, I'm not going mad, I'm not!

The Robservations paraphrases the quote a bit, and leaves out a bit, but what it does reference, it does so well...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1683 on: August 26, 2023, 02:20:14 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Tuesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Tuesday's quote:
Ep #889 (1969) - Julia - 'That box. Why did he bring it back from the past? What does it mean to him? He didn't want me to touch it-- there MUST be something inside it, something that will explain why Barnabas isn't himself anymore.'

From "Robservations 4/11/03 - #888-889 - The Todds, the Box, the Mysterious Stranger"
something has happened to him--he's undergone a frightening change--"There was no reason for him to lie to ME!" says Julia--he told me he returned to the future the same way he got to the past--via I-Ching--that would mean through the cellar, but that's not possible, since I locked the cellar door from the outside.
Chris doesn't understand, and neither does Julia--but I'm getting to the bottom of it--go back to your cottage, I've got something to do here. Chris leaves.  That box, muses Julia, why did he bring it back from the past, what does it mean to him? He didn't want me to touch it--there must be something inside that will explain why Barnabas isn't himself anymore.  Determinedly, she enters the house

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

And this is the fourth quote from this ep. The first (Sabrina - 'Alone. I MUST speak to you alone') was back on October 20th of 2020, the second (Chris - 'I no longer even have the luxury of waiting for the full moon, but that cell, solitary confinement, just isn't the answer. Julia, there MUST be some other way.') was back on June 23rd of 2021, and the third (Prof. Stokes - 'Good. You remember him finding you. You MUST remember him asking you what happened. What did happen?') was back on July 18th of 2022. So that all means that Ep #889 has joined the club with Eps #2, #3, #42, #44, #50, #52, #66, #106, #133, #195, #208, #211, #212, #296, #300, #308, #365, #367, #377, #384, #426, #449, #450, #466, #479, #481, #543, #544, #550, #608, #609, #629, #639, #643, #646, #655, #678, #709, #727, #734, #742, #743, #883, #886, #915, #976, #977, #993, #1057, #1064, #1111, #1125, #1126, #1197 and #1199. However, not only recall that Eps #42, #208, #211, #300, #377, #384. #449, #466, #609, #646, #678, #709, #727, #977, #993, #1057 & #1111 have five quotes, but Eps #449, #727 & #993 have six quotes.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1684 on: August 27, 2023, 12:52:12 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Wednesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Wednesday's quote:
Ep #880 (1897) - Gregory - 'How many candles? I MUST think of that. I will get no more.'

From "Robservations 4/7/03 - #880-881 - Plenty 'o' Deaths; Petofi Tries--Again"
He looks around the room, noting how dark it is. He takes a two-candle candelabra and lights it with his one candle. How many candles?--I must think of that--I will get no more. What will I do. He hears the door squeak.

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...
Candles are the last thing Gregory should have been worrying about.  [easter_wink] [Candle]

And this is the third quote from this ep. The first (Beth's Ghost - 'Quentin. Where is Quentin? Quentin. I MUST find him') was back on October 15th of 2020, and the second (Garth Blackwood - 'And by the power invested in me, I give you the same sentence that he MUST endure!') was back on April 14th of 2021.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1685 on: August 28, 2023, 01:56:22 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Thursday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Thursday's quote:
Ep #121 (1966) - Sheriff Patterson - 'Now, you MUSTN'T feel that way. No one could have predicted this.'

From "#0121/0122: Robservations 08/14/01: Matthew on the Brink"
And Matthew? asks Liz. He could be anywhere or everywhere, says Patterson, I'm pretty sure he's not out of the state, though. I wish he were, says Liz, then I'd know he didn't have Vicki. We've gone over this area very carefully, says Patterson, and I'm convinced he's not around here. But you're not sure? says Liz. I'm reasonably certain, just not positive, says Patterson--I am going to leave my men here to go over places we've already looked. What about Vicki? asks Liz. Not a trace, he says, I've called the Bangor and state police--they're checking into all the hotels, hospitals, taxis, buses, railroad stations, everything--I've even got men back on the beaches and up on the cliffs. Liz rises and asks what the odds are that Matthew has her. I can't give you odds, he says. Then it's possible, she says. It is, he agrees. Do you think he'd harm her? asks Liz. To be realistic about it, says Patterson, yes, he might--but on the other hand, he might not, he's very unpredictable--you know the strain he's been under, and you know what he was like to begin with. I'm to blame if anything's happened to her, laments Liz. You mustn't feel that way, says Patterson, no one could have predicted this. So much has gone on here, says Liz, so much that's wrong--if only I could turn time back and make everything right. I think I know what you mean, he says. You only know part of what I mean, says Liz. (A clue to Vicki's parentage?)

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

And it has nothing to do with a "MUST" quote, but I love this earlier portion of that same scene, both Mrs. Johnson and Liz' remark about her antics -

Someone knocks. Sarah answers. It's Patterson, asking for Liz. Sarah invites him in and asks if she's found her yet. I'd like to see Mrs. Stoddard, insists George. You can tell me if you've found her, after all, I know the poor girl...says Sarah. If you don't mind, says Patterson. Oh, I see, you haven't found her, says Sarah--what a police department!--you could have a hundred clues and 50 eye witnesses and you still wouldn't solve the case. (LOL!) Have you finished? He patiently asks her. Oh, a murderer around here someplace, what kind of protection do we get? asks Sarah grumpily. It's Mrs. Stoddard I'd like to see, says Patterson. Liz appears in the drawing room doorway and calls to the sheriff, inviting him inside. They haven't found her yet, as you might expect, says Sarah disapprovingly. Come inside, says Liz, and orders Mts. Johnson to please shut the doors. She does so. I see you know her well enough not to pay any attention to her, says Liz humorously. I ought to deputize her, says Patterson--she gives a pretty mean interrogation. He sits beside Liz on the sofa--unfortunately, he says, she's right--I haven't a clue, not a trace.

- but Mrs. Johnson's assessment of the Collinsport police really is right, and even Sheriff Patterson admits it.  [easter_cheesy]

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Matthew - 'If you wanta help me, ya MUST never do anything that might hurt me.') was back on October 4h of 2021.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1686 on: August 29, 2023, 02:03:12 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Friday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Friday's quote:
Ep #356 (1967) - Julia - 'I can't leave the book in my room-- it isn't safe there. I MUST find a place to hide it until tomorrow, then I'll take it into town and put it in a bank vault.'

From "#0355/0356: Robservations 02/13/02: Carolyn & Julia Square Off"
Julia stands on the landing in Collinwood's foyer, clutching her notebook. She heads downstairs to gaze at Barnabas' portrait, ruminating that she knows he plans to kill her. There's no way she can keep it in her room; she must find someplace to hide it overnight until she can stow it away in the bank tomorrow. Julia stands in the drawing room, pondering where she can hide the notebook where Carolyn can't find it. She searches everywhere for a suitable hiding place, finding nothing to her liking.
As she's heading toward the kitchen, the grandfather clock in the foyer strikes, and Julia decides to hide her notebook inside the trusty clock.

The Robservations paraphrases but references the quote quite well...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1687 on: August 30, 2023, 01:50:28 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Saturday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Saturday's quote:
Ep #518 (1968) - Prof. Stokes - 'You don't say much but you seem to understand very well what's said to you. That's most unusual. We MUST find out why.'

From "Robservations 6/12/02 - #517/518 - Stokes, Dream Police"
Adam spots the light shining in the window and gazes in. He opens the door and enters. Stokes, waiting for him, greets him, "Adam?" Adam is all set to run, but Stokes assures him he's a friend and wants to help him. Adam is mistrustful, afraid, despite Stokes' assurance. The professor observes the scars, calling him an extraordinary creature. When Adam tries to push Stokes away, the latter drops a stick pin on the carpet. Stokes says "Friend," says Stokes--I AM your friend, possibly the only one you have left--I can help you, give you food, which you can't survive without. The word food makes Adam point to the kitchen, which surprises Stokes. "My name is Adam," says the big man, and Stokes asks him to say more. "Paintbrush" says Adam, showing him the object. Stokes is pleased.
They must find out why Adam says little but understands what is said to him. He offers Adam a home with him, give him lots of food, teach him to speak and communicate with people. Adam tries to say "Communicate," and Stokes says he'll help him learn quickly--they'll be good friends. He leads him out, and Adam repeats the word "Friend" with good cheer, happy to have found someone who cares-and is alive.

The Robservations paraphrases but references the circumstances of the quote well...

And this is the third quote from this ep. The first (Ep #518 (1968) - Sam - 'Listen to what I have to TELL you. I MUST TELL you the dream before I die. I MUST') was back on June 30th of 2020, and the second (Prof. Stokes - 'Please, I realize how difficult this is for your father, but I MUST impress on both of you how dangerous it would be if the dream went one step further') was back on March 27th of 2021.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1688 on: August 31, 2023, 01:48:12 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Sunday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Sunday's quote:
Ep #731 (1897) - Quentin - 'Angelique! Angelique, you made me a promise. Now, you owe it to me to keep it. I helped you, now you MUST help me, do you hear?!'

From 'Robservations 11/18/02 - #730/731 - Quentin and His "Dead" Mistress'
Quentin drunkenly sits by the fireplace and tells Angelique she made him a promise, and she owes it to him to keep it.  He helped her, now she must help him!  He sways around, pissed off.   Laura comes in, asking if he's taken to talking to himself--a very bad habit.  What are you doing Here? he demands.  I'm going to be staying in the cottage, didn't Edward tell you? she asks.

The Robservations references the circumstances of the quote well...

And this is the third quote from this ep. The first (Laura - 'You've been drinking again. Oh I really MUST have you very worried') was back on May 27th of 2020, and the second (Rachel - 'You MUST not linger here too long. You MUST be a good teacher. You MUST not do anything that might anger your headmaster') was back on March 31st.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1689 on: September 02, 2023, 02:00:52 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Monday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Monday's quote:
Ep #1245 (1841PT[-1967]) - Catherine - 'I'll remember now that I MUST follow my heart, not my head. I'll never make that mistake again.'

From "#1244/1245: Robservations 01/21/04: The End!"
Catherine and Bramwell share a passionate kiss, too, but Catherine's feelings are a lot more mixed.  "See, my darling," he says, "everything's going to be all right."  I feel responsible for Morgan's death and all the unhappiness I caused when I married him, admits Catherine--do you know how I feel when I look at Flora, and at Julia?  Darling, he says.  She draws away from his embrace--I feel guilty when you call me that, she says.  But you are my darling, he reminds her, drawing her close again.  Yes, she says, kissing his hand, holding it pressed to her face.  You always will be, he says--we will leave within the week--we will forget everything that happened here.  I can never forget, she vows--I'll remember now that I must follow my heart, not my head--I'll never make that mistake again.  "Never forget, you will always have my love," he says tenderly.  That I will remember, she promises, kissing his hands.  I will make you happy, Catherine, I promise, he says.  They kiss, holding each other tightly.

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Stokes - 'She MUST have been attacked by something-- some kind of wild animal') was back on September 11th of 2020.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1690 on: September 03, 2023, 03:54:16 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Tuesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Tuesday's quote:
Ep #625 (1968) - Roger - 'Liz, whatever happens, you MUSTN'T allow it to affect you.'

From "Robservations 8/28/02 - #624/625 - Wedding Day?"
Liz asks Roger what happened. He doesn't know. Liz fears this will hurt Vicki; they love each other, what can change that? Roger tells her not to get worked up, but she can't be calm. He assures her he isn't calm or unemotional, and she says she didn't mean to attack him. She prayed that for once, everything would be well. Perhaps it will be, says Roger, not convincingly. Liz can tell he isn't sincere. Whatever happens, says Roger, you must not allow it to affect you--the expression on Jeff's face spoke of bad news--Vicki might need you more now than ever before

The Robservations references the quote well...

And this is the third quote from this ep. The first (Vicki - 'No. If he wants to see me, I MUST go to him') was back on September 28th of 2021, and the second (Roger - 'Liz, now you MUSTN'T allow yourself to get all worked up') was back on October 23rd of 2021.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1691 on: September 03, 2023, 06:44:44 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Wednesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Wednesday's quote:
Ep #745 (1897) - Magda - 'We MUST find her. We MUST-- she has a devil in her!'

From "Robservations 12/18/02 - #744-745 - Barnabas & Jenny"
Magda tells Sandor to check upstairs for Jenny--I will go downstairs and look outside
--we must find her--she has a devil in her!

The Robservations references the quote almost perfectly...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Jenny - 'I MUST wait. He said that. I MUST be quiet and wait. I don't want to wait. He told me to. I MUST') was back on January 17th of 2022.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1692 on: September 04, 2023, 12:38:14 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Thursday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Thursday's quote:
Ep #629 (1968) - Diabolos - 'There is something more important that MUST be done before she can be accepted here-- she MUST be sacrificed on the Black Altar.'

From "Robservations 9/3/02 - Angelique Sends Nicholas to Hell - #628/629"
I don't want to return here, says Nicholas. No one ever does, intones the Master. If I give you what you want, I deserve more, insists Nicholas--to remain on earth, without my powers. How will you survive? wonders Diabolos. Perhaps I wouldn't, says Nicholas quietly--it's because I want Maggie with me, admits Nicholas--I love her very much. The Master pronounces Nicholas hopelessly lost--no wonder he made such a mess of things--when the experiment is over, you must return to hell. I won't be allowed to be with her? Asks Nicholas. I didn't say that, says the Master--your story has touched me--I mean that you can be with her. Nicholas is excited. Then the Master drops the other shoe, "But only here." "But that would mean she would have to die," protests Nicholas. Yes, says the Master--arrange it--there is something else that must be done before she can be accepted here--she must be sacrificed on the black altar. No, protests Nicholas.

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

And this is the fifth quote from this ep. The first (Diabolos - 'That is the only way you and Maggie Evans can be together, Nicholas. The Black Mass MUST be performed') was back on September 29th of 2020, the second (Nicholas - 'I implore you-- if I MUST account for something, let me account for it, but do not harm this woman. She is not responsible for anything that I may have done') was back on October 2nd of 2021, the third (Maggie - 'I don't understand it. I MUST of fainted') was back on February 21st of 2022, and the fourth (Nicholas - 'There's something vitally important that I MUST speak to you about') was back on June 6th of 2022.

And this ep now shares the [milestone] of a fifth quote with Eps #42, #133, #208, #211, #300, #377, #384, #449, #466, #609, #646, #678, #709, #727, #977, #993, #1057 & #1111. However, recall that there's an even bigger because Eps #449, #727 & #993 have six quotes...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1693 on: September 04, 2023, 11:52:04 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Friday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Friday's quote:
Ep #62 (1966) - Vicki - 'Well, let's see-- I was in the upstairs hallway and I heard the front door slam. It MUST have been about 10:35.'

From "#0061/0062: Robservations 06/29/01:An Unwelcome Guest"
when I came downstairs at 10:30, Mr. Malloy was gone and you were talking on the phone. 10:30? Asks Roger--I was on the phone at 10:30? Yes, we talked about Sam Evans' dinner invitation, do you remember? I remember our conversation, says Roger, but I don't remember any phone conversation--who was I talking to, do you remember? I wasn't paying attention, says Vicki. Do you remember what the conversation was about? asks Roger. Something about a meeting, I think, says Vicki--what difference does it make? None, says Roger, I was just curious. Bill Malloy was gone, says Vicki, and you and I talked about Sam Evans, and then I went upstairs and you left. That's nonsense, says Roger, I didn't leave this house until 10 of 11. Oh no, it was much earlier than that, says Vicki. What time do you think I left? asks Roger. Let's see, says Vicki, I was in the upstairs hallway and I heard the front door slam--it must have been about 10:35, not much later--why? (Time discrepancy!) I simply feel that if you're going to report my movements to Burke Devlin, says Roger, that you should at least be accurate. I wasn't reporting your movements, says Vicki. As you wish, he says, be that as it may, I did not leave this house until 10 of 11. If you say so, says Vicki doubtfully. Good, then we're agreed, says Roger--it's not important, of course, it's just that I have rather a personal fetish for accurateness.

The Robservations references the quote practically perfectly...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Roger - 'Miss Winters, I've been thinking about you and the pressures that you MUST be living under') was back on February 25th.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1694 on: September 05, 2023, 02:50:02 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Saturday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Saturday's quote:
Ep #147 (1967) - Roger - 'For giving this painting to David. You MUST have known it would upset him with that imagination he's got.'

From "#0146/0147: Robservations 08/30/01: Burn, Artist, Burn!"
Roger gazes at the painting. I should be angry with you, he tells her, for giving this painting to David--you must have known it would upset him, with that imagination he's got. I knew it would disturb him, agrees Vicki, I don't know why I gave it to him.

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...