If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Friday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Friday's quote:
Ep #1125 (1840) - Desmond - 'This man, before he died, he told me something but I don't know what it means. It concerns something I MUST find-- something very important to me.'
From "#1125/1126: Robservations 09/29/03: A Headless Body; a Jeweled Mask"
He didn't die of no heart attack! she rails, he died of fear, he did--fear of that awful thing!--why did you ever bring it here, it can kill you, too, you know that, don't you? Nothing is going to happen to me, he assures her, but he seems miles away from the fun-loving guy we met. You're wrong! she says--it's already begun to happen--you're afraid of it just like Green was--there's something it wants you to do, and you're afraid not to do it. You just stop talking like that! he says, pointing a finger at her. Let me help you, she begs--I don't want no harm to come to you. Maybe you can help me, says Desmond--this man, before he died, told me something, but I don't know what it means--it concerns something very important that I must find. What is it? she asks. I can't tell you, he says, it's a secret. Her voice rises; she points accusingly at the head and says, you can't tell me because that THING wants you to find it! That's not true! he cries, turning away.
The Robservations paraphrase the last part of the quote but still references it well...
And this is the fourth quote from this ep. The first (Gerard - 'The suspense is killing me - I MUST find out what the future may hold for me!') was back on December 26th of 2020, the second (Leticia - 'You MUST get free of it before it does something horrible to you') was back on October 29th of 2021, and the third (Leticia - 'If I ever meant anything to you at all, you MUST help me now. Please, Gerard') was back on February 15th. So that all means that Ep #1125 has joined the club with Eps #2, #3, #42, #44, #50, #52, #66, #106, #133, #195, #208, #211, #212, #296, #300, #308, #365, #377, #384, #426, #449, #450, #466, #479, #481, #543, #544, #550, #609, #629, #639, #643, #646, #655, #678, #709, #727, #734, #742, #883, #886, #915, #977, #993, #1057, #1064, #1111, #1197 and #1199. However, not only recall that Eps #42, #208, #211, #300, #377, #384, #449, #466, #609, #646, #678, #709, #727, #977, #993, #1057 & #1111 have five quotes, but Eps #449, #727 & #993 have six quotes...