Author Topic: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow  (Read 166204 times)

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1560 on: May 03, 2023, 02:44:09 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Monday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Monday's quote:
Ep #50 (1966) - Roger - 'Well, you MUST know that Bill and I have had differences about a number of things at the cannery.'

From "#0049/0050: Robservations 06/21/01: Where's Bill?"
You told me you hadn't seen Bill since late yesterday afternoon, Liz reminds him--but he was here last night, arguing with you, shortly before he disappeared. Roger puts his milk and sandwich on the table and stands. He asks his sister if she's suggesting that... who told you I was arguing with Bill--Miss Winters? He pours a drink. Yes, says Liz. Did she tell you what we were arguing about? asks Roger. No, there was some mention of a meeting, says Liz. And that's all she heard? Asks Roger, draining his glass. I want to know why Bill was here and exactly what you were arguing about, says Liz. Roger turns to her and says it was a business matter. Something to do with Burke Devlin? asks Liz. Of course not! says Roger--you must know Bill and I have had differences about a number of things at the cannery. Skeptical, Liz says, "Go on." Well, says Roger, there are matters relating to some of our accounts that he felt I hadn't handled properly--we had words about it and he insisted I meet him in the office and we go over the billing--and that's about it. What accounts are they? asks Liz. What difference does it make? asks Roger, annoyed, when he comes back we'll all sit down and discuss it--right now I'm tired, it was a long trip and I want to replace. He finishes off his drink.

The Robservations references the quote nearly perfectly...

But one thing it definitely doesn't reference anywhere near perfectly is this: "right now I'm tired, it was a long trip and I want to replace." Replace? What Roger actually says is, "right now I'm tired, it was a long trip and I want to relax," which make far more sense. Who knows why the Robsevations says "replace"? But then, when it comes to instances like this, it's best not to try to figure them out...

And this is the fourth quote from this ep. The first (David - 'I went down to TELL Aunt Elizabeth and they MUST have come in here') was back on June 28th of 2020, the second (David - 'It was the Widows. It MUST have been the Widows!') was back on December 1st of 2021, and the third (Carolyn - 'The stupid strap MUST have broken') was back on February 9th. So that all means that Ep #50 has joined the club with Eps #2, #3, #42, #44, #106, #133, #195, #208, #211, #212, #296, #300, #308, #365, #377, #384, #426, #449, #450, #466, #479, #481, #543, #544, #550, #609, #629, #639, #646, #655, #678, #709, #727, #742, #883, #915, #977, #993, #1057, #1064, #1111 and #1197. However, not only recall that Eps #42, #208, #211, #300, #377, #384, #449, #466, #609, #646, #678, #709, #727, #977, #993, #1057 & #1111 have five quotes, but Eps #449, #727 & #993 have six quotes...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1561 on: May 04, 2023, 07:12:02 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Tuesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Tuesday's quote:
Ep #146 (1967) - Liz - 'It's my fault for coming up in back of you so quietly. You MUST have been very deep in thought.'

From "#0146/0147: Robservations 08/30/01: Burn, Artist, Burn!"
Liz asks Laura what's the matter--is something wrong? Recovering, Laura rises from the fireplace seat. I was startled, she tells Liz. My fault, says the latter, for coming up in back of you so quietly--you must have been very deep in thought. My mind was somewhere else, admits Laura, that often happens to me when I'm staring into a fire, I shouldn't have become so deeply involved. That expression on your face, says Liz--I've never seen anything like it before. I apologize, says Laura, I don't think I knew what was happening, or where I was--was it very ugly? Yes, says Liz--not really, maybe it was just surprise--I don't know how to describe it to you. If it wasn't complimentary, don't bother to try, says Laura with a touch of humor. It was far from complimentary, says Liz, disturbed, as Laura walks back to the fire, it was frightening. The women look at each other.

The Robservations doesn't reference the quote in its entirety but does reference its circumstances well...

And even if I do say so myself, I love the screen capture I was able to get for the quote - I love the way Lela Swift composed the shot and the use of shadow -

- but once again if it wasn't for Midnite having picked the quote, I wouldn't have been able to get it in the first place.

And when it comes to the expression on Laura's face that's discussed in the Robservations excerpt, it's one of the screen captures featured for the ep -

- it's just too hysterically funny not to have featured it!  [easter_grin]

The shot of her expression is also one that we once immortalized as a floaty, a Valentine floaty:

Now I ask you, who couldn't love an expression like that?!  [easter_wink] [easter_cheesy]

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1562 on: May 05, 2023, 01:42:12 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Wednesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Wednesday's quote:
Ep #246 (1967) - Carolyn - 'That madman, whoever he is, MUST have gotten to her and taken her away with him from the hospital.'

From "#0245/0246: Robservations 11/14/01:"
In the study, Vicki and Carolyn discuss Maggie's disappearance again, and agree they're both frightened.

The Robservations doesn't reference the quote at all and obviously that's because this is another Robservations during the period where there's little detail to them. But also obviously, the quote comes up while Carolyn and Vicki are discussing Maggie's disappearance from the hospital...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Carolyn - 'He MUST have some hold over her. But what?') was back on February 12th of 2021.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1563 on: May 06, 2023, 01:58:02 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Thursday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Thursday's quote:
Ep #386 (1795) - Countess du Pres - 'Barnabas, Barnabas, you MUST go out and look for the girl. I am very worried about her.'

From '#0386/0387: Robservations 03/07/02: Vicki is "Treed"'
Barnabas and Nathan come in and ask Natalie to describe Trask's interrogation of Miss Winters. Natalie explains exactly what happened, and how Vicki refused to cooperate with Trask. Nathan and Barnabas agree that, for her safely, Vicki must leave the house, but Natalie informs them it's too late--Trask forcibly took her away! She regrets allowing it, she confesses, and tells them how Trask hopes to prove by morning that Vicki is a witch. Natalie accepts blame for what happened and asks them to look for Vicki--she fears Trask is torturing the girl. Nathan and Barn resolve to search for Vicki, but Barnabas first tells Natalie that she and Abigail should be ashamed of themselves.

The Robservations doesn't directly reference the quote but it does reference the circumstances under which it's delivered...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1564 on: May 07, 2023, 01:44:10 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Friday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Friday's quote:
Ep #491 (1968) - Barnabas - 'There MUST be other books. We MUST act quickly.'

From "#0491/0492: Robservations 05/21/02: Son of Barnabas and Julia"
Adam gazes back and forth at them as Barn explains that Adam can't talk, or move properly--what if he's some kind of monster?
Julia reminds him they took that chance. Adam stands and tries to walk. Julia thinks he understands them, and showed them he could walk. Barnabas asks Adam if he can understand them--do you know what we're saying? Adam smiles a bit, staring at Barn's mouth, and Julia advises him to move away from Adam--it will show if he trusts them. Barnabas walks away and Adam gazes at him, but doesn't move. Then, balancing himself like a toddler taking his few steps, Adam walks to Daddy, knocking over a stool. That's exactly the way a child learns to walk, says Julia, shaking her shiny bracelet in front of him. He takes it, smiling, and listens happily to it jingle. Barn tells Julia to check Lang's books, but Julia insists she didn't miss THIS possibility--he's alive, Julia says, and we are responsible for him. We can't stay here constantly, Barnabas objects, but Julia reminds him harshly that he knew this experiment could have any result, and what has happened is something they didn't consider.

Once again the Robservations doesn't directly reference the quote but once again it does reference the circumstances under which it's delivered...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Barnabas - 'It MUST be working') was back on November 24th of 2021.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1565 on: May 08, 2023, 04:20:03 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Saturday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Saturday's quote:
Ep #643 (1968) - David - 'Somebody pushed that over. It MUST have been her.'

From "Robservations 9/12/02 - #643/644 - David, Amy and Quentin"
David and Amy walk up a flight of stairs into the West Wing. David leads the way, commenting that he thought he heard something. A large old grandfather clock suddenly falls in front of them, scaring them spitless. She must have done that, says David--whoever she is, she wants us to go back! Maybe we should, suggests a frightened Amy. David insists they go on, and she asks him to take her hand. He does.

Once again the Robservations doesn't directly reference the quote but once again it does reference most of the quote well...

And this is the fourth quote from this ep. The first (Roger(reading) - 'You MUST intercede with Oscar. Only you can save me') was back on September 6th of 2020, the second (Roger - 'He MUST have been a boy when this was sent to him') was back on June 1st of 2021, and the third (Carolyn - 'She MUST have been speaking through me. It MUST have been some kind of warning') was back on March 6th. So that all means that Ep #643 has joined the club with Eps #2, #3, #42, #44, #50, #106, #133, #195, #208, #211, #212, #296, #300, #308, #365, #377, #384, #426, #449, #450, #466, #479, #481, #543, #544, #550, #609, #629, #639, #646, #655, #678, #709, #727, #742, #883, #915, #977, #993, #1057, #1064, #1111 and #1197. However, not only recall that Eps #42, #208, #211, #300, #377, #384, #449, #466, #609, #646, #678, #709, #727, #977, #993, #1057 & #1111 have five quotes, but Eps #449, #727 & #993 have six quotes...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1566 on: May 09, 2023, 02:22:03 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Sunday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Sunday's quote:
Ep #732 (1897) - Rachel - 'No, they were sent to Reverend Trask's school less than an hour ago. You MUST get them out of there.'

From "Robservations 11/19/02 - #732-733 - Ang & Barn's Bargain; Three For Worthington Hall"
Laura, in Collinwood's drawing room, walks, thinking.  Rachel enters and introduces herself--I've been looking forward to meeting you, she says, but sorry about the circumstances.  Laura is under the impression the children are upstairs.  Rachel informs her they aren't--they were sent to Trask's school an hour ago, and you must get them out of there.  "EDWARD!" calls Laura--if he thinks he can take my children away from me. . .

And again the Robservations doesn't directly reference the quote but it does reference nearly the entire quote quite well...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Laura - 'Oh Quentin, the pressures MUST be very great on your brain') was back on December 21st of 2021.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1567 on: May 10, 2023, 02:20:32 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Monday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Monday's quote:
Ep #902 (1969) - Paul - 'Elizabeth, you MUST take Carolyn on a cruise around the world.'

From "Robservations 4/21/03 - #901-902 -Carolyn Hears THE Breathing; Liz Follows David"
I won't do anything without being told why, insists Liz. You must take Carolyn on a cruise around the world, without saying anything to anyone, says Paul--lawyers, Roger--no one must know! Liz bursts into laughter--I almost took you seriously, she says, but as usual, you went too far--go around the world secretly?--you've lost your mind. She starts to leave; he begs, don't go.  Then tell me what this is all about, she says.

And again the Robservations doesn't reference the entire quote, but what it does, it does so perfectly...

And this is the third quote from this ep. The first (Paul - 'Famed Collins impatience. Everything MUST run according to your timetable') was back on September 8th of 2021, and the second (Paul - 'You MUST get her out of Collinsport as soon as possible!') was back on October 9th. Apparently we love to quote Paul from this ep!  [easter_wink]

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1568 on: May 11, 2023, 02:54:08 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Tuesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Tuesday's quote:
Ep #998 (1970PT) - Yaeger - 'You're a persistent man, Mr. Collins, and obviously a very dedicated friend to Cyrus Longworth. He MUST appreciate it a great deal.'

From "#0998/0999: Robservations 06/26/03: Mystery of Dameon; Angelique's Coffin"
Barely controlling his anger, Yaeger tells Quentin, you're a persistent man, and obviously a dedicated friend of Cyrus'--he must appreciate it a great deal. What's your connection to Cyrus? Asks Quentin.  We've only known each other a short time, reveals Yaeger. Where and how? demands Quentin. Ask HIM that, says Yaeger. I'll have to see him first, won't I? challenges Quentin. You will, when he gets back to town, says Yaeger. He hasn't left town and you know it, accuses Quentin. Yaeger chuckles and says I don't like a man who raises his voice to me--MR. Collins.

The Robservations doesn't reference the entire quote, dropping a few words here and there. But it still references the quote quite well...

And whoa, even though it looks better than it did in its debut in Ep #996, in which it looked so bad that we made a floaty of it -

- the nose still looks pretty bad in this ep:

Though at least they will make improvements to it down the line...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1569 on: May 12, 2023, 04:38:04 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Wednesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Wednesday's quote:
Ep #1071 (1970) - Barnabas - 'Elizabeth, you MUST listen. We don't have very much time to prevent what's going to happen.'

From "#1070/1071: Robservations - 08/19/03: Betrayal"
Unless something is done very soon, warns Barnabas, there will be a catastrophe right here at Collinwood. What are you talking about? asks Liz. After we left the West Wing room, says Barn, we came down to the foyer and found the house in ruins-the beams had collapsed, the floors were covered with leaves, no power at all-the house was in a complete shambles. Julia adds, we couldn't imagine what had happened, the entire place was deserted--we went to the cemetery and saw Mrs. Johnson, who was putting flowers on David's grave. This horrifies Liz. Yes, says Barnabas, according to the tombstone, David had died in 1970. You must have imagined it! insists a stricken Liz. You must listen, says Barn, as don't have much time to prevent what's going to happen. Time for what? asks Quentin. The disaster is due to happen very shortly, says Barnabas. Exactly what do you think is going to happen? asks Quentin. I wish I knew, says Barn-Julia and I found everyone completely changed in the future, everyone either unable or unwilling to tell what caused the catastrophe.

The Robservations doesn't reference the quote perfectly but it does reference it well...

And this is the third quote from this ep (and the second from this scene). The first (Barnabas - 'You MUSTN'T be afraid of us') was back on August 19th of 2021, and the second (Liz - 'You both MUST have imagined this!') was back on October 23rd.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1570 on: May 13, 2023, 12:56:05 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Thursday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Thursday's quote:
Ep #1122 (1840) - Daphne - 'I thought the driver stopped because he had to work on it. MUST have misunderstood him.'

From "#1121/1122: Robservations 09/25/03: A Sticky Domestic Situation"
At a tavern, over tea, Desmond is telling Daphne it makes  no difference that her carriage started working.  I thought the driver stopped because he said he had to work on it, she says, I must have misunderstood him.  I'm glad you did, says Desmond, I wish you'd let me persuade you not to leave Collinsport.  She says he might regret it if she stays.  Never, he says.  You sound positive, she says.  I am, he assures her, I have a good feeling about you.

The Robservations adds words to the quote, but at the same time it does reference it well...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Barnabas - 'And now the drama will begin to unfold. We MUST change it, Julia, you and I. Or else Collinwood in 1970 will be destroyed') was back on November 11th of 2021.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1571 on: May 14, 2023, 04:30:20 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Friday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Friday's quote:
Ep #1199 (1841PT) - Flora - 'It MUST be one of the Trasks that owns the bakery. You MUST destroy this, Julia.'

From "#1199/1200: Robservations 12/09/03: The Woman in White"
that man's name is Trask--she opens a wallet she found on the body.  It must be one of the Trasks that owns the bakery, says Flora (a real cream puff Trask, eh?), taking the wallet--we must destroy this--she looks through it, sees Lamar Trask, and says I know no Lamar Trask.  I don't understand it, says Julia--look at his business card (did they have those back then?)--it says he's an undertaker with a chapel on Front Street.  There is no funeral chapel there, says Flora.  Perhaps he had just come to town, suggests Julia, perhaps he was planning on starting one.

The Robservations reference most of the quote correctly...

And this is the fourth quote from this ep. The first (Morgan - 'Do you know the first thing I remember?-- I MUST'VE been about 5 or 6. I remember hearing mother and father talking. They were talking about that room and what would happen when we grew up. And one day that Quentin and I would have to go into that room and spend the night') was back on January 11th of 2021, the second (Julia - 'I think not! You MUST NOT tamper with tradition!') was back on October 6th, and the third (Julia - 'Morgan, until the lottery is over, you MUST have nothing to do with Catherine. Do you understand?') was back on March 21st. So that all means that Ep #1199 has joined the club with Eps #2, #3, #42, #44, #50, #106, #133, #195, #208, #211, #212, #296, #300, #308, #365, #377, #384, #426, #449, #450, #466, #479, #481, #543, #544, #550, #609, #629, #639, #643, #646, #655, #678, #709, #727, #742, #883, #915, #977, #993, #1057, #1064, #1111 and #1197. However, not only recall that Eps #42, #208, #211, #300, #377, #384, #449, #466, #609, #646, #678, #709, #727, #977, #993, #1057 & #1111 have five quotes, but Eps #449, #727 & #993 have six quotes...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1572 on: May 15, 2023, 04:22:29 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Saturday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Saturday's quote:
Ep #52 (1966) - Sam - 'Something MUST have happened to him to keep him from meeting me.'

From "#0051/0052: Robservations 06/22/01: Dead Man Body Surfing"
I've never seen you so gloomy, she says. I've never had as much to be gloomy about before, he says. Is it money? she asks. No, he says. What then? she asks. I told you--Bill Malloy--this man made an appointment with me and never showed up, says Sam--I went to the meeting, even though I didn't want to--went to meet him--he just never appeared--he pours a drink. Where was this? asks Maggie. At his office, says Sam, almost saying Roger's office--something must have happened to keep him from meeting me. He drinks. Are you afraid for yourself? she asks. No, he says, nothing could hurt me worse than what I've done to myself

Once again a Robservations rearranges something about a quote, but it does reference the quote well...

And this is the fourth quote from this ep. The first, and from this same scene (Maggie - 'Oh Pop, this MUST be the purest atmosphere in the country. Why do you think all those summer people come up here every year?'), was back on July 22nd of 2020, the second (Vicki - 'It MUST have been one of the shutters. The wind's up') was back on January 13th of 2022, and the third (Vicki - 'Well, it MUST have fallen off the table') was back on October 17th. So that all means that Ep #52 has joined the club with Eps #2, #3, #42, #44, #50, #106, #133, #195, #208, #211, #212, #296, #300, #308, #365, #377, #384, #426, #449, #450, #466, #479, #481, #543, #544, #550, #609, #629, #639, #643, #646, #655, #678, #709, #727, #742, #883, #915, #977, #993, #1057, #1064, #1111, #1197 and #1199. However, not only recall that Eps #42, #208, #211, #300, #377, #384, #449, #466, #609, #646, #678, #709, #727, #977, #993, #1057 & #1111 have five quotes, but Eps #449, #727 & #993 have six quotes...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1573 on: May 16, 2023, 01:52:17 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Sunday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Sunday's quote:
Ep #246 (1967) - Roger - 'Oh there MUST be some reason for her behaving this way. He snaps his finger and your mother jumps as though she doesn't have a will of her own anymore.'

From "#0245/0246: Robservations 11/14/01:"
Roger comes in and tells the disbelieving pair that it looks like Liz is getting a divorce--so she can marry Jason! Carolyn is certain Jason is holding something over her mother, probably having to do with that mysterious basement room, so she determines to get the key or break in, if she must, and get to the truth. If she exposes what's in that room, she's sure it will loosen Jason's hold over her mother. Roger tells her the key is on a chain around Liz' neck

The Robservations doesn't reference the quote at all and again that's because this is another Robservations during the period where they have little detail. But the quote comes up while Roger, Carolyn and Vicki discuss the hold Jason seems to have over Liz...

And this is the third quote from this ep. The first (Carolyn - 'He MUST have some hold over her. But what?') was back on February 12th of 2021, anf the second (Carolyn - 'That madman, whoever he is, MUST have gotten to her and taken her away with him from the hospital') was back on May 3rd.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1574 on: May 17, 2023, 11:30:53 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Monday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Monday's quote:
Ep #387 (1795) - Nathan - 'Well you MUST stop doing that because the things you say make no sense whatsoever.'

From '#0386/0387: Robservations 03/07/02: Vicki is "Treed"'
Collinwood drawing room - A hungry Vicki devours the food Nathan brought her. He tells her Angelique saw him with the food, but Vicki is sure she won't say anything. She thanks him and expresses a hope he isn't endangering himself by helping her. Then, foolishly, she begins to talk about getting back to her own world, her own time. Nathan warns her that talk like that will begin to make even her friends doubt her. She apologizes--does Nathan think her a witch? No, but he does think her strange. He likes her and wants to help her, he assures Vicki.

The Robservations doesn't reference the quote at all because this is another one with little detail. But the quote comes up as part of Nathan warning Vicki that she should watch the things she says...