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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1470 on: February 15, 2023, 03:50:11 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Monday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Monday's quote:
Ep #111 (1966) - Vicki - 'They'll know I MUST be somewhere here on the grounds.'

From "#(0110_)0111/0112: Robservations 08/07/01: Where is Matthew?"
Think about it, Vicki tells Matthew--think what'll happen if you kill me--the sheriff will find out, come after you, and he'll capture you and you'll have to stand trial for murder. No, he says, it won't happen that way. But it will, she says--the sheriff isn't stupid, he'll know how it happened. He didn't connect me with Malloy, says Matthew. That was an accidental death, completely different, says Vicki, this is premeditated murder--so he'll be questioning, and sooner or later, they'll question you. Why me? he asks. Because they'll find out I didn't leave Collinwood--Mrs. Stoddard will tell them--they'll know I must be somewhere here on the grounds--there are only four people here--Mrs. Stodddard, Mrs. Johnson, David, and you--she points at him--(not wise, Vicki; your concept is cunning, but this man has blinders on)--and sooner or later, they're going to come up with the right answer.

This Robservations references the quote perfectly...

And, oh, the early days, when Vicki had a mind...

Not to mention her logic is sound because this is the second quote from this this ep and the first, which was back on June 6th, was: Frank - 'That means she MUST be here on the grounds. She MUST be someplace close by, but where?'

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1471 on: February 16, 2023, 03:34:00 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Tuesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Tuesday's quote:
Ep #1218 (1841PT) - Josette - 'We MUST talk, Catherine--alone.'

From "#1218/1219: Robservations 12/22/03: Unfortunate Timing"
Catherine opens the door to Josette.  We must talk--alone, says the older woman.  Yes of course, says Catherine, come into the drawing room.  If you've come here to plead Bramwell's case, it will do no good, says Catherine.  On the contrary, says Josette, I'm here to tell you I couldn't agree with you more.

This Robservations references the quote almost perfectly...

And this is the third quote from this ep. The first (Josette - 'You MUST answer that as honestly as you know how') was back on December 13th of 2020, and the second (Carrie - 'Well I'll try. But you MUST understand, whatever I see in the future I have no control over') was back on March 12th of 2021.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1472 on: February 17, 2023, 03:30:22 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Wednesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Wednesday's quote:
Ep #1125 (1840) - Leticia - 'If I ever meant anything to you at all, you MUST help me now. Please, Gerard.'

From "#1125/1126: Robservations 09/29/03: A Headless Body; a Jeweled Mask"
Collinwood drawing room - Leticia enters.  Only Gerard is there.  All alone, are you? she asks coldly.  So you finally decided to talk to me again, he says.  But not to forgive you, she says, not likely--sarcastically, she adds, where's your sweetheart?  She went to Boston to be with her son, he says--what are you doing here, anyway?  I'm here to see you, she says.  So, you want something from me, he says--I never knew you to turn off your temper so easily--what's the matter?  I don't want to stay at Rose Cottage anymore, she says, it frightens me--I want you to take me somewhere else.  Frightens you? asks Gerard, what are you talking about?  There's been a definite change she says, there's an evil spirit there, I can feel it.  He starts to laugh.  Don't laugh at me! she orders--I feel it, you have to believe me--I want to go someplace else--if I ever meant anything to you at all, you must help me now--she goes into his arms--please, she begs, as he caresses her hair.  Gabriel enters and says my, my, your sympathetic shoulder is always available, isn't it, Mr. Stiles?  (I love this guy!)

This Robservations references the quote almost perfectly...

And this is the third quote from this ep. The first (Gerard - 'The suspense is killing me - I MUST find out what the future may hold for me!') was back on December 26th of 2020, and the second (Leticia - 'You MUST get free of it before it does something horrible to you') was back on October 29th of 2021.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1473 on: February 18, 2023, 03:26:09 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Thursday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Thursday's quote:
Ep #1077 (1970) - Quentin - 'You MUST have led me here for a reason-- if you need help, there's nothing I won't do, but you MUST appear to me.'

From "#1076/1077: Robservations - 08/22/03: Quentin Besotted"
Quentin follows Daphne to a door. She opens it and goes in, closing it behind her. Quentin opens it, too, and enters. He calls to Daphne. The room is obviously unused; the bed is unmade and cobwebs abound. He lights a candle. picks it up, and finds a note on the desk. He reads, "I tried not to tremble, but I couldn't help myself-nothing in my life has terrified me more than the thought that you love me-nothing in my life has..." that's all it says, it was never finished-someone loved her, and it frightened her. He calls to Daphne--I have so many questions to ask, and only you can give me the answers-why do you come to me, then go away?--you must have led me here for a reason-if you need help, there's nothing I won't do, but you must appear to me. The note disappears. Quentin calls to Daphne, but she doesn't respond. He blows out the candle and leaves the room.

This Robservations references the quote perfectly...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1474 on: February 19, 2023, 04:18:07 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Friday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Friday's quote:
Ep #977 (1970PT) - Liz - 'There MUST be something very special in the east wing, because suddenly everyone is so interested in it--and I would like to know what that something is.'

From "Robservations 6/11/03 - #976-977 - Tragic Attack"
Liz interrupts them-- what are you doing here--I looked out the window and couldn't believe what I saw--lights in the empty east wing--what are you doing here? Looking around, says Roger evasively. There's nothing to see, says Liz--or is there?--there must be something very special in the east wing, because everyone is suddenly very interested in it--and she wants to know what that something is. Very well, says Roger, I'll tell you, but you will be stunned, as I was.

This Robservations references the quote almost perfectly, just rearranging two words and changing one other...

And this is the fifth quote from this ep. The first (Chris - 'Roger, whatever you may have felt about Angelique, you MUST remember that Quentin is bringing Mrs. Collins back,' from 1970PT) was back on December 25th ([ChristmaS15]) of 2020, the second (Chris - 'Or even what happened. I-- I presume Bruno MUST have drugged me in some way,' from Leviathans) was back on March 9th of 2021, the third (Sabrina - 'He MUST have gone upstairs,' also from Leviathans) was back on June 21st, and the fourth (Liz - 'You manage the estate for Quentin. There MUST be some way of stopping Bruno from moving into the cottage,' also from 1970PT) was back on July 8th.

And this ep now shares the [milestone] of a fifth quote with Eps #42, #208, #211, #300, #377, #449, #466, #646, #678, #709, #727, #993, #1057 & #1111.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1475 on: February 20, 2023, 06:32:02 PM »
 [pointing-up]  Yesterday I forgot to mention how much I love the expressions on Julia's and Roger's faces as Liz asks about the "something" going on in the east wing -

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1476 on: February 20, 2023, 09:08:24 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Saturday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Saturday's quote:
Ep #936 (1970) - Jeb - 'You MUST forget about your father.'

From "Robservations 5/13/03 - #936-937 - Barnabas Promises to Come Clean"
Antique shop - Carolyn writes Megan a note--I've been to Mrs. Davenport's, and stopped by to thank you for coming today--sorry to have missed you. Jeb comes downstairs quietly, sneaking up on her, and puts his hands over her eyes. She cries out, prying his hands away. "I frightened you," says Jeb, looking delighted. He introduces himself--I live upstairs--and you're Carolyn Stoddard. How do you know? she asks.  He chuckles, not answering. Where are the Todds? she asks.  Out, he answers.  She turns away from him.  Don't be frightened of me, he says. I have to be going, says Carolyn. No, he says, Megan and Philip told me so much about you. He brushes her shoulder with his fingers. You must forget about your father, he says. She gazes at him, astonished. "I will help you," he promises. I'm afraid no one can, she says. But you don't know me, he says, I know so many ways to help you, make you forget. She closes her eyes, then apologizes and says, I have to go.
He stops her, a hand on her shoulder. You don't look at me when you talk to me, says Jeb. She turns to face him. That's better, he remarks. "You're shy, I like that--I like that very much." She stares into his eyes, but then, when he tries a more intimate touch, says, "Goodbye."

This Robservations references the quote perfectly...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1477 on: February 21, 2023, 02:56:22 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Sunday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Sunday's quote:
Ep #834 (1897) - Edward - 'What MUST be done, I will do alone, as difficult as it will be.'

From "Robservations 3/3/03 - Edward's Prisoner - #834/835"
Anxiously, Edward asks, what do you know about Barnabas?  As much as I need to, says Petofi--that he is a vampire--I know you wish to keep that secret (Tate is listening to all this from the other room), and I respect that and came to you instead of the police.  How did you find out? asks Edward.  That isn't important, says Petofi.  Edward agrees--you could have gone to the police--I've been wrong about you, I think.  (he still put curses on you and Jamison!)  Magda can tell us where Barnabas is, says Petofi.  She knows? asks Edward--I know how to deal with her!  We can use her to lead us to Barnabas, says Petofi.  No, says Edward--what must be done, I must do alone, it is my responsibility, difficult as it may be--there was always someone in the family who was supposed to know of his existence, one person who was supposed to keep him chained to his coffin--had my grandmother lived, I'd have been the one she would have told

For some reason the Robservations combines the quote with dialogue that comes after it...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1478 on: February 22, 2023, 03:38:06 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Monday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Monday's quote:
Ep #658 (1969) - Joe - 'She MUSTN'T ever see it! Do you understand?!'

From "Robservations 9/23/2 - #658/659 - Joe's Terrible Nightmare; Quentin Gets His Way"
Joe sits in the cell, staring straight ahead. Patterson leads Julia into Joe's cell. I can't stay here, Joe tells Julia--I have to go, tell everyone. What? asks Julia. Chris, says Joe, left him in his room, don't know where he is--gotta find him. Julia assures him she did find Chris. Joe says he must get Amy out of Collinwood, she must never see it--ever! cries Joe wildly. Julia asks for clarification, and Joe says Amy isn't the only one in danger--everyone is--no, babbles Joe, no one should ever see it.

The Robservations references the circumstances of the quote...

And as this is Joe's last ep, the quote may be his last use of some form of "MUST" (I haven't checked beyond that scene). But one thing is certain: Joe doesn't say he "MUST" get Amy out of Collinwood because what he actually says is "I gotta go to Collinwood, get Amy out of there"...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1479 on: February 23, 2023, 05:02:21 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Tuesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Tuesday's quote:
Ep #556 (1968) - Vicki - 'This MUST be a dream.'

From "Robservations 7/11/02 - #556/557 - Adam's Ultimatum"
Vicki lies on the bed, sobbing. The door opens and Angelique, dressed in 18th century garb, enters the room. "So we meet again," says Ang. You aren't real, assets Vicki. Ang assures her she is quite real. It isn't possible, you're dead, protests Vicki. Ang giggles--she isn't a ghost, and asks Vicki to touch her and prove she's made of flesh and blood. She takes Vicki's hand, proving her ghost is flesh and blood. You are real, says Vicki, but you died in 1795--is it possible?--have I gone back in time again and am living in 1795. It's possible, says Ang, and might be true. Ang can't tell Vicki why she's there or who is keeping her. It must be a dream protests Vicki, but I can't wake up. Ang says it's no dream, she really exists in this place--perhaps you're lost in a void in time suggests Ang, caught between present and past but belonging to neither.
Vicki refuses to believe this. Ang says she's come to help her escape.

The Robservations references the quote well...

When in doubt, they love to have this version of Vicki think the unexplainable must be a dream.  [snow_rolleyes]

And this is not only the second quote from this ep but also the second quote from this scene. The first (Vicki - 'Why am I here? You MUST tell me') was back on April 6th.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1480 on: February 24, 2023, 06:08:09 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Wednesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Wednesday's quote:
Ep #367 (1795) - Jeremiah - 'The point is, Joshua, you MUST decide whether she stays or goes. That is, unless of course Abigail has taken over as head of the household.'

From "#0367/0368_0369: Robservations 02/22/02: Introducing Angelique"
Naomi points out to her husband that Sarah needs a governess, and Jeremiah enters and quickly agrees. She's got the references, he says, and continues, explaining that the carriage overturned, she was wandering around the woods, and the name Victoria Winters popped into her head--which is why she gave that as her name. Abigail suggests he's bewitched by her beauty, and Jeremiah insists she's jealous of it (get her)! He goes on to wonder just who is the head of the household, Abigail or Joshua, and the latter insists that he wants to see Miss Winters. Angry, Abigail suggests her little brother has turned against her, too.

The Robservations doesn't reference the actual quote but it does reference the circumstances under which it appears...

Some of the attacks against Abigail are an absolute hoot in this scene!  [snow_cheesy]  Ron Sproat must have had a lot of fun writing it.

And this is the third quote from this ep. The first (Abigail - 'It MUST be crushed, destroyed!') was back on August 7th of 2020, and the second (Joshua - 'But you MUST understand, I am engaging you only on a trial basis. If at any time and for any reason I decide to discharge you, you MUST go immediately') was back on May 15th.

And once again for those who may not know, when this ep was shown in '80s syndication it was a kinescope. The color Master Tape wasn't issued until Volume 28 of the MPI VHS tapes came out in June of 1991. The Sci-Fi Channel also ran the color version.

And as I mentioned previously, the day Ep #367 aired I was getting terrible over-the-air reception (which happened rarely, but it did happen.  [snow_rolleyes])  And it didn't help that some kinescopes weren't the clearest to begin with. But again, the point here is to show that it was a kinescope:

It's also interesting how much more the Master Tape shows of the frame compared to the kinescope. But then kinescopes were recorded off of TV monitors, which always cut off parts of the frame...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1481 on: February 25, 2023, 03:54:08 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Thursday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Thursday's quote:
Ep #363 (1967) - Tony - 'Well, I MUST confess your story does have a certain appeal.'

From '#0363/0364: Robservations 02/20/02: ". . .So You Must Be Good"'
Carolyn tries to run, but Tony grabs her arm and swings her around, demanding answers. She says she would lie to the cops, but not to Tony, and comes up with a fascinating little tale about a man with whom Liz had an affair and who, apparently, fathered Carolyn! One has to wonder if this might not be the truth as far as Vicki is concerned. Carolyn explains, with all sincerity and a catch in her voice, that this mysterious man, Liz' former lover, was planning to blackmail Mrs. Stoddard, but died before putting his plan into action. Julia got hold of the notebook, which was this man's diary, and was going to blackmail Elizabeth with it's contents. It would be a huge scandal for the Collins family, explains Carolyn, and she has to stop Julia no matter what! Tony likes the idea that the Collinses are as human and mistake-prone as anyone else--why don't they just pay Hoffman off?
Perhaps alluding to the problems with McGuire, Carolyn reminds Tony that most blackmailers are never satisfied. She tells him to take her to the cops if he doesn't believe her, and home if he does. He chooses the latter option

The Robservations doesn't reference the quote at all, however, it comes up after Carolyn tells Tony to take her to the cops if he doesn't believe her, or home if he does...

And I was quite surprised once I realized that in 1481 quotes so far this is the first time Tony has his own. He appears in one other screen cap and in a different scene that's being quoted from, but he isn't the one being quoted in either of those instances. Though when it comes to Jerry Lacy, he appears many times, particularly when Gregory Trask is being quoted (11 times so far...).

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1482 on: February 26, 2023, 04:40:11 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Friday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Friday's quote:
Ep #133 (1966) - Maggie - 'This may be hard to believe, but he MUST have been a little shy.'

From "#(0131_)0132/0133: Robservations 08/21/01: Burke and Laura"
Laura sits at a table. Maggie brings her coffee. So you're Sam's daughter, says Laura. In person, says Maggie. At the risk of sounding ancient, says Laura, I think I remember you when you were this high--I wish I'd known sooner. As a matter of fact, says Maggie, laughing, we were all wondering who you were. All? asks Laura. I'm a little ashamed, says Maggie--confession time--I've been trying to find out who you were for the last couple of days. Were you? asks Laura. Do you remember the other day when you came in, says Maggie, bringing over her own coffee cup and sitting with Laura--you sat with your back to the rest of the room--and my father came in and saw you from behind--he said you looked familiar but couldn't quite figure out who you were. He should have introduced himself, says Laura. Maggie makes a face. This may be hard to believe, but he must have been a little shy, says Maggie--he asked me to find out--now you must have been aware of all my questions. I was, says Laura, but I understand. Your arrival in this town has caused a lot of interest

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

And this is the fourth quote from this ep. The first (Laura - 'I MUST solve my own problems first. Then and only then will I be able to, to uh, deal with the other practical realities') was back on December 3rd of 2020, the second (Burke - 'A woman. She's living here at the Inn, so she MUST have come in here') was back on November 2nd, and the third one (Maggie - 'When a man says that about woman, she MUST have meant an awful lot') was back on December 25th ([ChristmaS15]). So that all means that Ep #133 has joined the club with Eps #2, #3, #42, #195, #208, #211, #212, #296, #300, #308, #365, #377, #384, #426, #449, #450, #466, #479, #481, #543, #544, #550, #609, #629, #646, #655, #678, #709, #727, #742, #883, #915, #977, #993, #1057, #1064, #1111 and #1197. However, recall that Eps #42, #208, #211, #300, #377, #449, #466, #646, #678, #709, #727, #977, #993, #1057 & #1111 have five quotes...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1483 on: February 27, 2023, 04:26:53 PM »
Yesterday I forgot to comment about just how ridiculous Maggie looks with that cap on her head:

Who in their right mind ever thought that was a good look for a waitress? And how come waiters didn't have to wear things on their heads? Oh, could it be because a man came up with the look for the woman but no man in his right mind would have worn anything like it?  [snow_wink] [snow_rolleyes]

Watch for Maggie's ridiculous look to make another appearance in the March 2nd slideshow as the 2nd capture...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1484 on: February 27, 2023, 07:46:06 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Saturday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Saturday's quote:
Ep #62 (1966) - Roger - 'Miss Winters, I've been thinking about you and the pressures that you MUST be living under.'

From "#0061/0062: Robservations 06/29/01:An Unwelcome Guest"
I don't want to be involved, insists Vicki. I don't blame you, he says, but I don't see how you can avoid it as long as you go on living in this house--I've been thinking about you and the pressures that you must be living other. You've added your share, she tells him. (You go, girl!) I'm sorry for that, he says, and I hope maybe I can make it up to you--I have friends in Florida--they have a delightful house and two charming children--they're desperate for someone to come down there and live with them and help take care of the children. What about David? asks Vicki. We managed before you arrived, says Roger, I'm sure we can work something out--Florida has wonderful weather, you know, and this house is right on the water--there would be no Widows' Hill, no ghosts, no dark corners, no pressure
--you'd be free of us and away from probings and questions and all the rest of it. Vicki grins and says it sounds very lovely--but I'm afraid I have to say no.

The Robservations references the quote well - well, other than the typo...