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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1380 on: November 20, 2022, 03:18:53 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Thursday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Thursday's quote:
Ep #479 (1968) - Dr. Lang - 'No one MUST know what I'm doing. No one. Is that clear?'

From "#0479/0480: Robservations 05/13/02: Forget, Jeff, Forget!"
Lang lurches forward and injects Jeff, who falls to the floor. Barnabas fears he's dead, but Lang says not, yet--but soon, very soon. Lang binds Jeff back to the table, and Barnabas asks the doctor to listen. He nearly died, says Lang, but Barn says killing Jeff isn't necessary--Jeff can be completely harmless. Lang is doing this to protect his experiment, and will allow no interference. Barnabas suggests they call in Julia to save Jeff's life--she can hypnotize him. Lang refuses to listen. Lang implies Barnabas is stupid to believe such a thing. It's been successful, insists Barn, but Lang doesn't want Julia to know about the experiment. She needn't know, insists Barn, but Lang is sure Jeff will tell her right away. Tell Julia Jeff was momentarily deranged, suggests Barnabas, but Lang feels the inquisitive redhead would probe until she learned the truth. Then let her know everything, advises Barn, but Lang considers this a mad idea. She'll keep his secret, insists Barn, but Lang considers him too trusting and stupid. Julia isn't without her guilts, says Barnabas--she had her mishaps when they tried her experiment. No one can know what he's doing, insists Lang. Jeff starts coming to, calling to Vicki to help him.

Re: the title of this Robservations: If only Julia could hypnotize us into forgetting Jeff!!  [hall2_wink] [hall2_grin]

The Robservations references the quote well, though not perfectly...

And Dr. Lang REALLY doesn't want anyone to know about what he's doing because, in addition to the quote from this ep, back on October 16th of 2020 we shared this one:

Friday's quote:
Ep #475 (1968) - Dr. Lang - 'No! No! No one else MUST know!'

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1381 on: November 21, 2022, 01:36:07 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Friday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Friday's quote:
Ep #719 (1897) - Magda - 'MUST you play that again?'

From "Robservations 11/7/02 - #718/719 - Barnabas & Angelique in the Tower"
Magda tells Quentin's fortune with the Tarot. She asks if he has to keep playing the music. "I like it!" he insists. You've heard it before, he says, but it's soothing to me while I listen to you telling me my future tragedies. You HAVE no future, says Magda. Judith bursts in and orders Quentin to turn off the music.

The Robservations references the quote well, though not perfectly...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Magda - 'Anyone who believes in voodoo MUST believe in me') was back on February 23rd of 2021.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1382 on: November 22, 2022, 02:38:40 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Saturday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Saturday's quote:
Ep #897 (1969) - Barnabas - 'Do you understand what MUST be done?'

From "Robservations 4/17/03 - #897-898 - Terror For Megan; David, Book-Keeper"
Barnabas, pleased with himself, opens the secret bookcase, turns off a tape recorder, rewinds the tape and plays it back: "There is no margin for error. Punishment is necessary", it says over and over. He turns to someone and asks, "Do you understand what must be done?"  He's speaking to Philip, telling him to go and see that it is done. Philip, walking like an automaton, leaves the secret room and the Old House. We continue to hear the tape, and Barnabas smiles.

The Robservations references the quote perfectly...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Jenny's Ghost - 'I cannot help you but he can. You MUST find him!') was back on February 17th of 2021.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1383 on: November 23, 2022, 03:20:41 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Sunday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Sunday's quote:
Ep #985 (1970PT) - Alexis - 'I MUST go.'

From "#0984/0985: Robservations 06/17/03: Exit the Bride!"
Quentin, I must leave, insists Alexis, I can't stay here.  That's unthinkable, he says. But I'm having such a devastating effect on Maggie, protests Alexis. She'll be all right, Quentin assures her, and besides, I have, and always will, make the decisions at Collinwood. Of course, she agrees.  It's settled, says Quentin--we have much catching up to do.

The Robservations: why change "go" to "leave"? - [idontknow]

And Alexis would have been much better off had she gone. But then it would have been so much harder for Angelique to return...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Alexis - 'I can understand how much you MUST miss her') was back on May 9th of 2020.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1384 on: November 24, 2022, 03:26:09 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Monday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Monday's quote:
Ep #1117 (1840) - Barnabas - 'I cannot go through eternity alone. I MUST have someone.'

From "#1117/1118: Robservations 09/23/03: Ben Attacked--By What?"

Once again a Robservations doesn't summarize the teaser. It's a restaging of the ending to Ep #1116. So, here's the summary of that scene:

From "#1115/1116: Robservations 09/22/03: Roxanne in Love"
Barnabas appears in Josette's room from the other door.  He stares down at her raptly, and is about to go in for a bite when Julia calls, "Barnabas!"  So, YOU brought her here! he accuses, his eyes vicious.  You must not touch her, insists Julia, please, please try to understand!  "I cannot go through eternity alone, he says, I must have someone."  It's wrong, don't you see? wails Julia, please, leave her alone.  Barnabas advances on Julia and grabs her into his arms.
"You will not interfere again!" he shouts.  He draws back, fangs bared, and is about to bury his face in her throat and attack when he abruptly stops, his face contorted.  Moaning, he covers his face with his hands, drops his cane.  Julia watches, horrified, as Barnabas sinks to the floor, unconscious.

And that Robservations summary references the quote perfectly...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Julia - 'You MUST TELL me!') was back on June 2nd of 2020.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1385 on: November 25, 2022, 02:18:00 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Tuesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Tuesday's quote:
Ep #231 (1967) - Sam - 'No, she MUST'VE gone out through those French windows.'

From "#0231/0232: Robservations 11/2/01: Maggie at Odds; Jason Issues a Warning"
Maggie lies in her bedroom as Joe and Sam await the doctor. What's with those marks on her neck, they wonder? Dogs, howl, cuasing Maggie to move restlessly on her pillows. When Sam comes in to close the French doors, he, too, is spooked by the howling, wolf-like sound.

And once again this is a Robservations with less detail than usual. However, the quote comes up after Sam has already closed the French doors after hearing the howling dogs in the teaser and in Act I he wonders why the doors are always open. And Sam doesn't "come in to close the French doors" because he and Joe are already in Maggie's room from the beginning of the ep...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1386 on: November 26, 2022, 03:22:03 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Wednesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Wednesday's quote:
Ep #380 (1795) - Angelique - 'I MUST find a new way to put Josette under a spell.'

From "#0380/0381: Robservations 03/04/02: Wedding Interruptus"
The Joshua-cat sits on Angelique's bed, and Ben comes after it with an axe. Angelique stops him, but promises he will eventually get his revenge against Joshua for his cruel treatment of him, she'll see to that! She orders him to get a handkerchief from Jeremiah's room for her latest spell.

And yet again this is a Robservations with less detail than usual. However, the circumstances of the quote are that after Angelique returns to her room and settles things with Ben concerning Joshua, she delivers the quote to Ben. She then explains to Ben that Countess du Pres is urging Josette and Barnabas to marry that night. Ben laughs that all her conniving has come to nothing. Angelique insists nothing will go wrong and she needs his help to cast a new spell. And after that is when she orders Ben to get one of Jeremiah's handkerchieves...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1387 on: November 27, 2022, 02:06:03 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Thursday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Thursday's quote:
Ep #481 (1968) - Julia - 'Operator, the police MUST have an emergency number.'

From "#0481/0482: Robservations 05/14/02: Cassandra Thwarts the Good Guys"
The men pound on the door and Lang holds the gun on the closed doors. Julia gets a busy signal from the Collinsport police, and dials the operator, asking frantically for an emergency number for the cops.

The Robservations references the quote well, though certainly not directly...

And this is the third quote from this ep. The first (Julia - 'Another reason you MUST NOT do it') was back on September 5th of 2021, and the second (Cassandra - 'You will do anything I ask. Anything. But you will not remember what I have told you or what you MUST do') was back on February 6th.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1388 on: November 28, 2022, 02:10:35 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Friday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Friday's quote:
Ep #720 (1897) - Dirk - 'Really, Beth, you MUST. After all, you were her, uh, personal maid, weren't you?'

From "Robservations 11/8/02 - #720-721 - A Pissed-Off Wife Takes Revenge"
Dirk tells Beth he's feeling better. I'm sorry this happened to you, she says, Judith should never have involved you, but waited for me to return from the village. Dirk curtly tells her he knows her big, dark secret and will keep it because he's being paid to.
He asks her how long she's known about Jenny. From the beginning, reveals Beth, when she had her breakdown and Edward sent her to the tower room. Removing the compress, he stands and wants to know what caused Jenny's breakdown. Beth says she doesn't know. Dirk he is sure she does, being Jenny's personal maid. She repeats, I didn't know.

The Robservations references the quote well, though not directly once again...

And who knows why RD reaches out to Terry Crawford when he delivers the quote?

But then, RD can rarely keep from touching his contemporary female costars, now can he?!  [hall2_rolleyes]  They and his hair are the biggest things that are impossible for him not to touch!!  [hall2_wink] [hall2_grin]

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Jenny - 'You MUSTN'T be frightened of me') was back on August 11th of 2020.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1389 on: November 29, 2022, 02:54:00 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Saturday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Saturday's quote:
Ep #988 (1970PT) - Gladstone - 'I MUST admit, I find this a trifle embarrassing.'

From "#0988/0989: Robservations 06/19/03: Dr. Longworth and Mr. Yaeger"
Cyrus realizes his desk has been tampered with, and finds both flashlight and crowbar. Come out where I can you, orders Cyrus. Gladstone reveals himself, admitting, I find this a trifle embarrassing. I'm not surprised to see you, says Cyrus, my instincts told m you couldn't be trusted. Were my instincts as good, laments Gladstone--your young lady told me you wouldn't be back until late, and I believed her. How long have you been here? demands Cyrus. Long enough to realize I have contributed to a most intriguing experiment, says Gladstone. You have contributed nothing, says Cyrus, you were paid for that ingredient you contributed. Forgive me, says Gladstone, but I just couldn't contain my curiosity.

The Robservations references the quote nearly perfectly...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1390 on: November 30, 2022, 03:38:33 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Sunday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Sunday's quote:
Ep #232 (1967) - Jason - 'I see, but you MUST cross the country in a raging storm to be at the bedside. Vicki, your goodness is obviously without limits.'

From "#0231/0232: Robservations 11/2/01: Maggie at Odds; Jason Issues a Warning"
As Vicki is leaving Collinwood, Jason quizzes her about Maggie's illness

This Robservations is another with very little detail. However, after Jason overhears Vicki on the phone and realizes she's going out, he advises her against it because of a storm coming up. Vicki points out that a friend is sick, though Jason says his advice against the storm still stands. As she goes to get her coat, Vicki says she'll be all right and informs him it's Maggie Evans and that she can't be left alone. Jason says he didn't realize she's that ill. Vicki explains that it's not that she's that sick. And it's then that Jason delivers the quote. And it's after that that Vicki explains about Maggie's sleepwalking and how she was found in Eagle Hill cemetery. That gets Jason's attention and he questions Vicki about it...

And this is the second quote from this ep. The first (Maggie - 'I MUST be getting better if I slept so well') was back on October 20th.

(And speaking of Maggie's sleeping habits, apparently PT Maggie also has hers brought up, as I noticed in November 20th's slideshow:

Ep #1024 (1970PT) - Maggie - 'I was asleep last night
when you came home, I guess. You MUST have gotten up
very early.'


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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1391 on: November 30, 2022, 09:36:41 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Monday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Monday's quote:
Ep #481 (1968) - Cassandra - 'No, no, you MUSTN'T do that. You MUST leave that privilege to me.'

From "#0481/0482: Robservations 05/14/02: Cassandra Thwarts the Good Guys"
She explains that Lang is definitely not home, and in his study is a desk with a medallion in it, small, round and old, a talisman against witches. "To protect him against you!" says Tony, sounding much like Trask. "No," she coos, again caressing his forehead. "That's a very unkind thing to say. I told you to be kind. . .you will not be able to sleep until you bring this to me." He nods. If it isn't there, she says, you'll have to wait until Lang returns, but he mustn't know you've taken it. "I won't kill him!" explodes Tony. "No," she says, you must leave that privilege to me--overpower him, take his watch and wallet, but be certain to bring me the medallion. Tony understands.

The Robservations references the quote nearly perfectly...

And this is the fourth quote from this ep. The first (Julia - 'Another reason you MUST NOT do it') was back on September 5th of 2021, the second (Cassandra - 'You will do anything I ask. Anything. But you will not remember what I have told you or what you MUST do') was back on February 6th, and the third (Julia - 'Operator, the police MUST have an emergency number') was back on November 24th. So that all means that Ep #481 has joined the club with Eps #2, #3, #195, #208, #211, #212, #296, #300, #308, #365, #377, #384, #449, #450, #466, #543, #544, #550, #609, #629, #646, #678, #709, #727, #742, #915, #977, #993, #1057, #1064 and #1111. However, recall that Eps #208, #211, #300, #377, #449, #466, #646, #678, #709, #1057 & #1111 have five quotes...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1392 on: December 01, 2022, 03:22:03 PM »
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Tuesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Tuesday's quote:
Ep #721 (1897) - Barnabas - 'Angelique, I know you can hear me. Why don't you respond to me? Don't you understand?-- you MUST come to me. I need you. I need you.'

From "Robservations 11/8/02 - #720-721 - A Pissed-Off Wife Takes Revenge"
Barnabas grows impatient, ordering Angelique to come to him. "I need you!" he begs. "Why thank you," she says, appearing at last, "you have no idea how gratifying it is after all these years to hear you finally admit that YOU need ME!" She grins at him. Barnabas looks as if he's wondering if this was such a great idea after all.

The Robservations references part of the quote, though not perfectly...

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1393 on: December 01, 2022, 05:05:20 PM »
One of my all-time favorite scenes, the first and only time I saw it. I was wondering if I guessed correctly.

I was watching the series for the first time from beginning to end. I don't know how'd I'd feel about it now. I should give it a watch and figure this out, lol.

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Re: Everyone In Collinsport's Favorite Word Slideshow
« Reply #1394 on: December 02, 2022, 01:12:25 PM »
One of my all-time favorite scenes

It's definitely a great scene.  [santa_thumb]