If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding Wednesday's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...
[spoiler]Wednesday's quote:
Ep #208 (1967) - Jason - 'But I'm afraid I MUST insist.'
From "#0208/0209: Abbreviated Robservations 10/17/01: Collins Family Jewels"
Liz has heard about the fight between Burke and Willie at the Blue Whale, and orders Jason to get him out of not just Collinwood, but Collinsport. Aha, but you can't send the boy away without funds, so Jason puts the screws to Liz once again and, after verbally sparring with him in their usual Blackmail Threat of the Day, gets her to agree to give Willie $500 to get him out of Collinsport.
Once again with this ep, the Robservations references the situation but not the actual quote. But the way the quote comes up has already been explained in Reply #1058
After Liz asks for the pin and receives it, she asks if he heard what she said about the money? Jason indicates he did but insists. "Insist all you like, the answer is no!" Jason questions why she says that because she knows she's going to give him the money but Liz declares she's not and that's final.
though in that explanation I deliberately didn't include that Jason said, "I'm afraid I MUST insist," because I figured that line would come up in the slideshow at some point, as indeed now it has...
And this is the fourth quote from this ep. The first (Jason - 'Willie, if you MUST steal something, steal something that won't be missed') was back on November 22nd, the second (Liz - 'He MUST leave Collinwood as soon as possible!') was back on December 17th, and the third (Liz - 'You seem to forget that man is a threat to my family-- a violent man with no control. It's come to a point when I MUST stop thinking of myself') was back on January 23rd. So that all means that Ep #208 has joined an exclusive club with Eps #2, #212, #296, #365, #449, #550, #646, #678, #727 and #1057. However, recall that Ep #211 has five quotes...