That's very interesting that there's little information about Frank Schofield's life and career - I hadn't realized that. The sad thing is that if one was to judge by Art Wallace's Shadows on the Wall bible, Bill Malloy was originally intended to be a major character on the show - if I remember correctly, I think Bill was eventually going to have a romantic relationship with Liz, and there are hints of that in his eps. But, of course, things didn't work out that way, mostly due to a decision involving Roger/Louis Edmonds. When they decided not to kill off Roger, which was the original plan, Bill was sacrificed instead. I can't say I'm upset that they decided to keep Louis on the show because I can't even begin to imagine the original show without him. But it might have been interesting to see what Frank might have gotten to do if he'd lasted long enough to get to play other characters. I wonder if he was ever approached to return as another character? The fact that he didn't return could have been due to several reasons, though chief among them may have been that he was working another job or perhaps that he might not have left the show on the best of terms when he was expecting to be around a lot longer but had his contract option dropped so soon. Though, unlike other DS actors, I can't say I've ever seen where a character was created with him in mind but he ended up not playing it...