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Willie nervously returns to the Old House, preceding Barnabas, who, when he comes in, wants to know what happened with Burke and Vicki. "You've lost her," insists Willie, who is sure the two will marry. Oh, no, says Barnabas, that's one wedding that will never take place: "There will be no marriage," vows Barnabas, "Devlin won't live to claim Miss Winters as his bride. Burke Devlin must die!"
Vicki asks Liz why she offered her the position--she's never seen her before. Does it matter? asks Liz. I'd like to know, says Vicki. Simple enough, says Liz--my brother knew someone in the foundling home where you worked--he asked for a recommendation. But I asked--they said they'd never heard of you, says Vicki. You must have asked the wrong person, says Liz smoothly.
Adam is very weak, moaning feverishly. Nicholas hears a knock at the door but is loath to leave Adam. He decides to see who it is, and closes the living room doors before admitting Julia. He tells her it isn't a good time, but she says she has come to save Adam, so he'd better let her in. He drops his barring arm and admits her, confessing that he was wishing there was someone he could call--Adam isn't well, although he isn't sure how she knew that. Julia tells him they must be very honest with each other. He says he'll enjoy being honest with her. He leads her to Adam. She looks him over. "Help me," the big guy whispers. She assures him that both she and Nicholas will help him. He tells her he has no healing powers (what about Carolyn?), but she says he has knowledge. Is that better than medicine? he asks. In this case, yes, says Julia--where is the coffin? she asks. He smiles, "The coffin?" She asks where Angelique's coffin is, but he pretends he knows of neither coffin nor Angelique. She gets annoyed--there is one way to save Adam, and that's what Nicholas wants, and she wants to save Barnabas, if possible--you must go to that coffin, says Julia, and I have the instruments that will make both healthy again. She places a stake on the table.
Jamison tells Trask, I don't like you, and I don't want to pray with you, either. Trask, furious, suggests Jamison is doomed to grow up and become a disappointment to his father. I won't, says Jamison. You're disappointing him now, says Trask. I'm sure my father loves me, says Jamison. Does he? asks Trask. Your father is very worried about your soul. And with some reason--you must be saved! Do you want to be saved? YES! Clamors Jamison. Then I can help you, says Trask, pushing Jamison to his knees and assuming a praying posture.
All of Grayson's scenes with Humbert were so good. Even the one from 1897 where she made a big flub but neither of them hesitated or lost their concentration in the scene for a moment. Two superb actors!
And this one had very good dialogue for both. The kind of scene that non-fans often find baffling if they stumble over it. But of course that leaves more for us to love!
Liz assures Carolyn that Willie won't bother her again. When is he leaving? Asks Carolyn. Soon, says Liz. What does that mean? asks Carolyn. In a few days, a week possibly, says Liz. A week? Asks Carolyn, dismayed. That isn't very long, says Liz, and if he stays away from you... I thought you were going to order him out of the house! says Carolyn, today! I can't do that, says Liz--Willie is a friend of Jason's and Jason is a friend of mine. I thought Jason was a friend of my father's, says Carolyn. Of mine, too, says Liz. He must be a very close friend, says Carolyn accusingly. He is, agrees Liz, not looking at her. You seem to be willing to do almost anything for him, says Carolyn. I owe Jason a favor, says Liz. Why? asks Carolyn. He was very good to me at one time, says Liz, when your father deserted me, he was a great comfort to me. And that's why you're letting Willie stay? asks Carolyn. Yes, says Liz, rising from her chair. And that's why Jason's here, says Carolyn. Yes, says Liz. It doesn't make sense, says Carolyn