Author Topic: Today In DS History  (Read 2512 times)

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Today In DS History
« on: June 27, 2005, 09:55:04 PM »
In anticipation of DS' 40th, the forum introduces the new Today In DS History feature.

Observant visitors will have noticed the listings in the "history" box in the header of the "Variations on Blue" theme and in the box underneath the date in the "bloodred" theme. From now through June 26, 2006 a significant event will be listed for every DS episode that originally ran on that date. Each listing is also a  link to the Robservations synopsis for that particular episode (for people who may want to reacquaint themselves with everything that happened and, perhaps, discuss some aspect of it).

On the other hand, it's practically impossible to miss the slideshow feature (which now replaces the forum's montages).  :D  Each day it will feature four screen captures from the various episodes listed in each theme's history box. (Look for the slides to change at or about 4pm ET, the time most episodes were first shown originally.)

Members who may not have seen all the DS episodes can avoid seeing the history box altogether if they choose to use the "Variations on Blue" theme. Simply click the up arrow button to the left of the main menu:
The down arrow button will appear:
and the history box will disappear.

Also, from time to time the history box and slideshows will feature some extras like DS actors' appearances on other shows. But more about that in the future (I'm still tweaking some of the programming  ;)).

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Re: Today In DS History
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2005, 04:05:27 PM »
Congratulations, MB!  This is a STUNNINGLY cool idea!  You'll have me really regretting that I am going to be offline for at least four days over the holiday weekend!

Best wishes,
