Back in the seventies, a major Milwaukee newspaper employed one of the first primitive computerized systems for editing stories, making sure that no naughty words slipped by accidentally.
What a, um, crappy program. Primitive is right.
It's the same way now I think. On my board having to do with medical disasters and problems with the medical system, I tried to do a thread on someone's "Spoon Theory". The "Spoon Theory" is a way someone came up with to explain to well people what being sick long-term is like. I got this from I reccommend that everyone in the world spend some time there.
Every time I tried to make this thread, it kept coming out "The Sthingy Theory". It said "sthingy" in the link too, so the link went noplace. It took a while for it to hit me what was happening. At first I thought "sthingy" must just be some term I'm unfamiliar with.
It may take you a moment or two, but I doubt I need to tell you what MY board was doing to me... though the swear word in question isn't one of the
most common ones, and they chose a peculiar euphemism. In the end I had to avoid the word "spoon" altogether. Funny world, isn't it?