Author Topic: Microsoft plots fixes to IE browser  (Read 770 times)

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Microsoft plots fixes to IE browser
« on: February 17, 2005, 03:08:10 AM »
People who are still using IE might be interested to know that Microsoft has apparently been spooked by the fact that other browsers (particularly Firefox) have been gaining popularity. They held a "secret" Webcast recently with some of their "closest partners" to try to "plot strategy." However, the news that's subsequently come out about the Webcast may not be what the average IE user wants to hear. It seems as if any supposed improvements to IE won't be coming until Microsoft releases its followup to XP (dubbed Longhorn) in 2006 and IE7 might only be available to the people who upgrade to that new release. Also, some in the industry feel that the direction Microsoft has embarked on with IE7 is completely the wrong path to take. For example, the CEO of Mainsoft Corp. of San Jose, CA commented, "It is like saying there are too many accidents on the road using cars, so let's go back to riding donkeys."

Encouraging, no?  ::)

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Re: Microsoft plots fixes to IE browser
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2005, 03:11:36 AM »
I switched to Firefox a couple of months ago. Aside from a few library databases that simply will not work with it properly, I don't use IE much anymore. I finally downloaded Firefox at home and I'm a happier user because of it. Love the tabbed browsing in particular.
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Re: Microsoft plots fixes to IE browser
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2005, 04:29:00 AM »
I just read an update on the situation and apparently Microsoft, bowing to pressure, has reconsidered waiting until 2006 to release IE7. Now they're thinking more like this July or August. However, IE7 will only be available to people using XP SP2, leaving many to question whether Microsoft's decision to ignore the rest of its Windows users will cause more of them to flee to Firefox and other competitors like Mozilla, Netscape and Opera.