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Archive Q
« on: February 27, 2005, 02:19:07 AM »
The other day I noticed that I had 50 posts *cheers for self*. Anyways, I noticed in one of the forums that once I get 50 posts, I should be able to see the "Members' Archive," but I don't.  :'( Any clue why? Thanks for any feedback!

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Re: Archive Q
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2005, 03:01:34 AM »
The Members' Archive isn't online at the moment. I keep promising that it will return soon, but SMF has been updating their software so often lately that I'm having trouble keeping up. For example, we'll soon be going from SMF 1.0 preview right to SMF 1.0.2 (completely bypassing 1.0 official and 1.0.1) - well, unless ANOTHER upgrade gets released beforehand. (Please pray that one isn't!) Then I'll have a few cosmetic changes to make to the system to get it back to the state it was in when we were still using SMF RC2. And hopefully soon thereafter I'll be able to start work on restoring the Members' Archive. But don't hold me to that.  ;)

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Re: Archive Q
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2005, 04:52:38 AM »
I'll try to contain my anxiety. :)

OT, but I was wondering if you or anyone has looked at other sorts of forums (just since from your response, you seem to have SLIGHT, albeit, SLIGHT troubles with this SMF). If you are ever looking for something new, I'll just throw my shameless plug in the mix. allows free forums, which seem to be pretty tough to come by nowadays. They seem to allow just about everything that these do. I myself am an Admin on some RP forums, and I'm a high-ranking member on another set of them. I'm probably just more used to them, as you are to these. Ah well. Thought I'd add in my unnecessary two cents.  ;D

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Re: Archive Q
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2005, 05:18:38 AM »
I'll try to contain my anxiety.  :)

Believe me, no one wants the Members' Archive to return more than I do. But I also want it to return in the right way and not to simply bring it back just for the sake of bringing it back. We have too many plans for it to allow that.

you seem to have SLIGHT, albeit, SLIGHT troubles with this SMF.

Some of our earlier troubles with SMF were due to the fact that it was still in its beta testing stage. Those have been ironed out by the developers already. Any remaining problems that might exist have nothing to do with the actual software but with the changes I want to make to it so that it has more of a look/feel to what we were using previously, to incorporate some features that are not yet a part of SMF, and to have everything work within the security features that I've created for the forum. More than likely I'd have the same sort of issues with any software that I might try - possibly even more so because I'm already very familiar with the inner workings of SMF and I'd have to begin learning any new system completely from scratch. That's not exactly an inviting prospect. Then there's also the fact that I'm a Charter Member of SMF.  ;)